
14 : Visiting

The last class for that day was over. Ashley got up and was immediately empowered by a huge yawn.

"Hey Miss, close your mouth lest the mosquitoes enter," Ana said, giggling, as she joined her. "Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I'll come to the library sometime later. Have to go somewhere now."

"Where?" Ashley asked, raising her eyebrows.

"To catch up with Jason. We've not been talking much lately. I feel like we're drifting apart..." she said, her voice trembling. Ashley stopped her eyes from rolling. Ana and Jason, another senior, had been involved in an on-again, off-again relationship for the last two years. Sometimes, they were absolutely love-sick about each other and at other times, they barely talked.

"Okay. See you later."

Ana ran off, while Ashley walked with her two friends Liz and Jack to go to the library. They had been given an assignment for English on the topic - "Myths and Realities". It was due the next day, as Miss. Grayson kindly reminded the whole class, half of whose students had forgotten.

The distraught group took a corner table and were soon joined by their other friends - Dave and Rita. Dave had his brown curly hair in a huge mess, his bulky blue bag burdening him down such that his shoulders were almost parallel with his chest. Ashley didn't know whether she should laugh or feel pity for him. Rita, with her spiked, spunky blond hair looked was more erratic and messed up than usual. There were huge bags under her eyes and her 'good afternoon' was barely audible. Apparently, Ashley's dear friends were even more tormented by school than she was.

"So which book are we supposed to refer to?" Dave asked, yawning.

"I'll have the 'Mythological Facts'," Rita declared. And similarly, came four more names including Ashley's - 'Truth versus Lies - The Debate'.

"So Ashley, what are you waiting for? Go and bring them!" Liz scolded, looking up at her.

Her audacity! "No, you go. I'm too tired." In reality though, Ashley wasn't tired much. More like, too lazy.

"No chance. Jack, you go then."

"No kidding. I just managed to rest my butt now. Not picking it up anytime soon."

"Me neither," Dave yawned.

"That leaves you. You can't say no now, Rita." But Rita was already snoring loudly with her head resting on the table.

"Woah, you guys haven't even started yet?" Ana asked from behind them, her tone bemused. She'd finally arrived with Jason and his friend, Bill. Liz immediately took advantage of the situation. "Awesome, Ana! Can you go and bring these books?" She recited the whole list.

"Fine," good old Ana said. She had always been the mature one among them fools.

"Oh you don't have too. I'll bring them," Jason said. He was tall and bulky, with a rather childish and cute appearance. He ran off towards the Literature section of the library.

"What a good boy he's become," Bill, the pudgy little genius who would rather study for a scholarship program than have a little fun, said, snorting. Ana became as red as a tomato.

'They're back to being love-sick again, I guess,' Ashley thought drily. After the books had all been brought, everybody began writing their essays. Rita was shaken awake and she started it in a particularly crabby mood. Ana was the consultant when any doubts rose, as she had already completed her homework and was studying for the finals. She was always so punctual regarding study matters.

Myths and Realities. What a debatable topic it was. Especially considering that in Harkenland, they were both intermingled to the point of no distinction of one from the other; in the Harkenland Mystery, regarding the Dark Prince. Ashley's mind drifted back to the crabby, insolent, and insufferably arrogant prince, Drakon. Was he really the person or was he not?

She shook her head. She had again started day-dreaming. Ashley stared down at the blank sheet of paper before her and began writing, trying her best to keep her hands steady.

"Ash, when will you come to my house today?" Ana asked suddenly. Ashley stopped, thinking.

"Directly after keeping my bag at home?" she asked.

"Sorry, but the doctor will be coming at that time to check on grandpa, so it'll be a bit noisy. Can you come after about an hour or so, when he is asleep?"

"Sure," Ashley said, shrugging. She personally didn't want to come across the crazy old grandpa again.

After school, Ashley went to her house and sat down on the couch, warming her cold feet.

"How was school today?" her mother asked. Ashley shrugged. "Usual. I'll be going to Ana's house today for homework, though. I'll come back by 7 pm. Okay?"

"Sure. Don't be too late," she warned her, then sent her off to her little room while she busied herself with a "beauty magazine". Ashley hated those things! She went to her room, looking for a good book to read, but...none proved worthy of her time. Most of the books were study-materials.

A muffled voice sounded in the distant background. It must be one of those announcements about stupid discounts, Ashley thought vaguely, hoping her mother wouldn't go tizzy at the thought of buying a winter gown on sale, in case they were. Ashley laid back in bed, soon drifting off into sleep.


Ashley opened the gate to Ana's house and slowly entered. The short path leading to their front door was surrounded by potted winter plants, each with their own looks and beauty. Some were dull orange while some were vibrant red flowered. Ashley noticed a certain plant at the very end of the row. It was a curious little thing. She approached it and knelt down for a closer look at the plant.

It had a velvet-like stem, green-coloured with a tinge of purple running through its veins, and the leaves had a similar texture. From a distance, it had looked as though it were stripped with purple. The flowers were absolutely jet-black. Ashley touched a single petal, feeling it's rubbery texture. It was quite similar to a rose, barring the colour. And the sweet fragrance of the flower was totally intoxicating.

At that moment, she felt so light, as though she could float away like the clouds. Thankfully, the door opened. Ashley jumped up. "Oh, Ash, what're you doing outside? Come on in." The friendly voice of Ana's mother penetrated deep into her mind. The lightness which she had been feeling, disappeared.

"Oh, Mrs. Cunicutt, I was just...you know, admiring the lovely flowers. That's a strange one you've got over there," Ashley mumbled. A bald man came out from behind her. He must have been their grandpa's doctor.

"Yes, this is a rare flora indeed. It's called Hibisdona Placathis. We had much trouble acquiring it, but it is the only thing keeping father alive," she didn't elaborate any further. "Up you go then. Ana's in her room."

Ashley smiled at her, but noticed, as she went, the doctor giving her a strange look. He was unnaturally pale, as if his body was emitting fragments of white light. Ashley shook her head. It must've been her imagination. After all, Mrs. Cunicutt was comfortable enough with him, and it was unlikely she would've been so if there had been any such abnormality in him. Ashley looked back, but the door had already been closed.

She reached Ana's room and knocked. Ashley wouldn't have bothered to do so, but she didn't want to walk in on her when she was changing clothes or something, now, did she? "Come in," Ana shouted from within. Ashley went in and saw her scribbling on a notebook.

"Studying?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's a mock test for the Business and Management entrance exams."

Ashley blinked. She was taking mock tests when she didn't even graduate from school?! Ana really was a character...the epitome of studiousness! She passes her chemistry copy to Ashley, who opened it and blankly started copying.

"Have you decided what you'll be wearing to the ball?" Ana asked excitedly, out of the blue. She had finished her test and was now checking the answers.

"Ball? When is it?" Ashley asked, confused. She'd not heard of any such announcement about when the ball would be held!

Ana raised her eyebrows. "Haven't you heard the announcement that was made just two hours ago? It'll be on 1st December. Do you even live in this world?!"

"You gotta be kidding me. Why so soon?"

Ana shrugged. "Do I look like I know? And it's not soon. Heck, it's December, the last month of the year! And I'm very excited."

"I'm not," Ashley drily muttered, then went back to copying. She didn't really want to encounter the arrogant Your-Highness-And-Nothing-Else again! Actually, she kind of did, not that she liked acknowledging that wish. After all, his strangeness was rather intriguing and he was a big part of the mystery, too."