
12 : Back to School

"Ashley, do you have any idea that there's only fifteen minutes left until eight?" came a muffled shout from downstairs.

"Brrrr..." came her muffled answer as she yawned. Who was shouting so loudly and what about?! Ashley vaguely wondered, still half-engrossed in deep slumber. Ah! It was so peaceful! She further pulled up the blanket over her head, enjoying the warmth. Her bed was her heaven...

As if within seconds, someone was shaking her. "M'shleepin'," she murmered. "Ashley, wake up or you'll be late...not that you already aren't!"


Suddenly, she was drowning in cold water.

"Ah!" Ashley shouted, jumping out of bed, the sleep-fairy abandoning her in an instant. Her face was cold, hair was dripping with water and her dress was all wet. She was shivering. Her mother was standing beside her with a mug in her hand. Ashley realized with horror that it was she who had poured water over her. How cruel!

"This is extremism! Why?!" Ashley shouted at her, searching her wardrobe for some dry clothes.

"You have school from 8 and it is 7:45 already. You're late! Hurry!" her mother said in a worried tone.

It was then that the enormity of the situation slowly hit her, and it hit her hard. School was reopening that day! She had totally forgotten, even after Liz had reminded her the previous day. "Oh my gawd!" Ashley screamed, rushing to my desk. History, Maths, English, Physics... Where was her English book hiding?! She couldn't find it. She looked at the enormous pile of books on her table in horror. How would she ever manage to find a small book in that mountain?! Oh oh...Why hadn't she packed her bag at night?!

By the time Ashley finished packing her bag and changing her clothes, it was 7.55 AM. She rushed downstairs, having slung her bag over her shoulder. She grabbed a sandwich and ran outside the house. Stuffing it in her mouth, she trudged up the road as fast as possible, given the snow which had again covered up the roads overnight.

By the time she reached her school gate, it was 10 minutes past 8. Uh-oh. Ashley could tell that she was in grave danger from Miss. Holly Haven's wrath, as this particular teacher was very intolerant towards late-comers.

Ashley went to the first floor and knocked on the closed door of their classroom. She was in grade 12, the highest degree offered by the schools of Harkenland. From classes 1 to 12, every student had to go through 12 years of studies, exams and activities, before being free to choose what job they wished to pursue. Her dream was to be an artist.

"Come in!" came the croaked voice of Miss. Haven from inside the classroom. Poor Miss! Ashley thought. She had to shout so much the whole day that her voice was croaked. She took a deep breathed and opened the door.

Inside, there was an active volcano about to erupt. "Miss Turner, you are more than 10 minutes late. What is the reason for this delay, may I ask?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I overslept," Ashley murmured, acting as if she was apologetic, when she certainly wasn't.

"Overslept? That is your excuse? You are a disgrace to our prestigious school. This behaviour is most unexpected, especially from a senior. What example are you setting for your juniors? To sleep the whole day and arrive late at school? This is utterly unacceptable," she continued screaming.

Blah! Blah! Blah!

Ashley wondered when Miss. Holly's tongue would finally stop wagging like a tail. She peeked up and looked towards her friends. They were all silently mimicking Miss. Holly. How nice her friends were! Ashley thought, smirking internally.

"-Do you understand?" Miss Holly finally stopped.

"Oh yes, I'm so sorry, ma'am," Ashley said dramatically, in a croaked voice, even though she hadn't heard the majority of her speech. What a great actress she am!

"Then I hope this is not repeated. Take your seat, and do not dare disrupt my class again."

Ashley shook her head. Ever the same case it was. She just came to school 10 minutes late and Miss Holly was acting as if the world has come to an end. Ashley took a seat in the third row beside Liz. Miss Holly resumed her 'teaching'. Ashley was convinced that she had just mugged up the whole chapter of Refraction from home and was vomiting it all in class, from the way she gave lectures non-stop and without thinking or explaining anything, or even giving any expression. Except when she scolded, of course.

Ashley propped her hand up on the desk and rested her chin on them, trying to pay attention but badly failing to do so. She was bored already.

She felt a poke on her ribs. Ouch! She looked sideways, glaring at Liz, who passed Ashley a small piece of paper. Wow! Her favorite pass-time activity in boring classes - passing chits.

Liz: Why were you late?

Ashley: Overslept. Duh!

Liz: Holly's overreacting too much, right?

Ashley: Yup! As if the world's come to an end!

She tried not to smile as she passed her back that small piece of paper. Liz studied it, frowned, then began writing back, her blue-tinted black hair falling on her forehead. Her hair was a mystery, really. Ashley had never seen anyone with blue-striked hair before. Liz always loved to say that she was 'special' and so she had such unique hair. Liz passes her back the paper. She looked down.

Liz: No, you're wrong. She acting worse. As if her daughter's hooked up and got pregnant!

Jeez! Ashley frowned at the paper. She had to make such a dirty joke, didn't she?!

She wrote back : That's disgusting!

Liz: You're too innocent and naive to get the humour.

Ashley: That's an insult! Am not!

Liz: No offence meant, Ash, but it is true. Anyway, you hanged me over the phone yesterday. Why?

Ashley: I wasn't feeling well.

She leaned back on her desk, suddenly feeling sick from the memories of yesterday. It had definitely been a day too confusing and overwhelming for her.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the class. Ashley sighed. Even though she liked Physics, she yearned for that class to end. Holly left the class, and immediately, havoc started. Ashley turned in her seat and smiled at Liz, who immediately asked her, "Do you believe the myth about Drakon?"

Ashley looked at her friend in surprise. Why had she changed the topic all of a sudden? "Uh...I don't know. I guess nobody really does, except him and the king, of course."

"Hm..."Liz looked thoughtful.

She remembered a question that she had asked Drakon after her fainting feat. When he was born. He had told her that it had been on 31 December, but he hadn't told her the exact time. That had been her main purpose in asking him - knowing whether he had been born in the transition hours, that is, either during the morning or evening twilight. After all, those were the only times of the day when the "sun meets the moon". They don't exactly 'meet', Ashley knew, but they came close enough, together in the sky.

But Ashley supposed that it was useless dwelling on that matter anymore. She would find out when the time was right, she knew. When either of them - the king or the prince - would die. Instead, she used the moment's silence as an excuse to change the subject from Liz' crush.

"Ana," Ashley remarked, looking at her other friend, who was sitting behind her, talking to Jack. "Can I visit you today? I need some homework help and you are the best person. You know, Madame Jeannie's taking our Chemistry homework tomorrow."

"Sure," she said. "How was your holiday, by the way?"

"Horrible," she wanted to say, but instead said, "It was okay. Yours?"

"Gah! Gaga Grandpa's going even more gaga. He's still hallucinating about various things, even more than he used to."

"Oh," Ashley didn't know what to say. Ana's granddad was, in colloquial terms, crazy. Last time she'd visited her house, which was a long time ago, he had told her that he used to see her in his dreams. It was a very uncomfortable moment for everybody present there, who had heard him. Ashley literally gagged before saying, "You must've mistaken me for someone else, sir."

"No, no. Ashley Turner, beware! Be careful else you shall be in grave danger, one that you could never have comprehended!"

She had left soon afterwards, but not without having his words ringing in her mind.

"Ashley, down to Earth!" Liz said loudly in her ears, shocking her out of her little flashback.

"What?!" She asked.

"You were day-dreaming. Again," Jack said, amused.

Ashley smiled. "Don't tell me you guys can't live without me for even few seconds," she smugly stated. Ana groaned. "There she goes with her cockiness again."

They all laughed. The bell rang yet again, signalling the beginning of the second period. Madam Isachi entered the class. She was their History teacher. A pudgy little woman, she had orange hair, pale skin and a kind personality. She did try to teach well and devoted a lot of time explaining things. Unfortunately, only a handful of students from their class really found history interesting.

"Children, turn to page 106." She began speaking. Her voice faded away into the background. Ashley turned towards the window, watching the snow fall and hoping that this day would be better.

After all, it had been snowing continuously for the last few days.

Ah this whole chapter is like every school day in my life, lol. Except that my mom doesn't pour water on me, because I catch cold way too easily. Plus, I'm always late to school. Okay maybe not always, but more often than not. Like, when a new session starts, I'm way too early like the ever diligent student that I am. But as we proceed further into the session, I start getting late little by little, until finally a time comes when I enter class much after the final bell rings. And my desk is messy so I can never find my stuff either, so I don't end up bringing half the books to school. It's convenient. I have asthma so it's difficult for me to carry too many books to class anyway. And goodness, don't even get me started on how most of the teachers teach. I'm glad I don't feel the need to pay attention. Not that you should do that too! Don't take after my example, you all, otherwise your parents, my parents and them teachers combined might just dig my grave.

Weekends are seriously the best. No school, no early mornings! I sleep in until 10-11 AM and even then I don't want to wake up. Are you guys early birds or night owls?

Well... Um, I ranted. Sowwy XD

Anyway have a great day ;)

miccosmictwinklecreators' thoughts