
Winter's Spring Flower

" Grandma, I'll be going out now." I wore my jacket, strapped my dagger, and equipped my quiver of arrows. It is my first time to be with the hunting team yet I am so lucky to wake up late!

"Are you sure don't need to eat first before you go, Keil?" Grandma asked.

Ever since my family died, it was grandma who took care of me. She might be quite old already but she can still move alright. But lately, she seemed to be getting a bit sluggish. It might be because she is getting older or the cold is already getting to her. Old or not, life is hard already since we live in an endless winter.

"I'm alright! I have to run or they might decide not to let me go with them next time if I'm late!" I wore my boots and grabbed my bow then sprinted my way out while waving goodbye to my grandma.

I just turned 18 last month which is required if you want to join hunting. Our main source of food is only by hunting down animals in the forest and collecting anything edible that still grows despite this thick snow.

I have been practicing my skill with the bow these past several years so I am quite confident that I can help kill a deer or two; that is if ever we will find one. They became a really rare to spot after all.

"Keil! I honestly thought you backed out at the last moment!" A guy who has a bunch of throwing spears hanging on his back greeted me provokingly.

His name is Teku and he is my best friend. Apparently, he joined two months earlier than me since he is a bit older that is why he is so full of himself. But in terms of skill, I believe that I am on a higher level if not the same.

"I have been waiting for this... Of course I would not back out on the last minute!" I told him while catching my breath between words; I had to run quite a distance after all. "It is just that I kinda overslept..."

"That is evident indeed! You are still wearing your bed hair!" Teku laughingly teased me. I did touch my hair and yes, it is a damn mess. I tried to fix it yet the cold already made it dry, making it stiff. "You won't get a girl at the rate you are going."

"As if you even have one." I am still attempting to have my hair submit to my will but after getting it the way I want it, it returns to the way it was before. "Dammit! I don't care anymore."

Teku kept on laughing at me then he suddenly stopped which seems to be because of something he saw behind me. I also looked behind to see that the captain was already here. He is a well built man and is holding a long spear.

"It seems that everyone is here. We will now begin our hunt. Before we do, what is our goal again?" The Captain spoke in a loud and bold voice which really showed everyone who is in charge.

"Take everything that seems useful while staying alive!" The rest of the men responded, except me. I did not know they say things like that but I think it is good way to unify the team.

"And why is that?" The Captain asked.

"You cannot bring back what you got if you don���t comeback yourself!" The men responded, including Teku. I have to keep these phrases in mind so I won't stick out like a sore thumb the next time.

"Let's go!" The captain shouted. We made our way to the forests in the snowy mountains which is the usual hunting grounds. Although it is the nearest abundant forest, it is still quite far and has a travel time of about an hour and a half. There were only twelve of us who were composed of every able man, wearing baskets on our backs to carry any loot we can come across.

After a long while, we finally reached the forest. It is chilly in all this snow even after having all this thick layers of coat. I already felt quite tired by just walking through the thick pile of ice but all the walking helped me feel warmer inside.

We split into groups of three. Since Teku and I were still newbies, Captain went with us as a supervisor.

"Keep an eye not just for animals and herbs but also-" The Captain was giving us a lecture when I saw a bird flying near us, within range.

Without hesitation, I quickly aimed and shot at it. It is good that I was able to hit the small guy or else it would be really uncool.

"Whoa!" Teku was surprised by my sudden movement.

The Captain then stopped talking and was staring at me for a while. Although what I did was what we came to do, doing so while the Captain is busy talking might not be a good idea.

"Sorry Captain, I do not mean to disrespect." I apologized to the Captain with a slight bow.

"There is nothing to forgive. What you did is your mission. I am just amazed with your skill with the bow." The Captain complimented me while he moved closer to the bird that I just killed.

"That is my best friend for you! He did what I just taught him!" Teku boasted even when he does not even know how to use a bow.

"Oh really? How many animals have you hunted already?" The Captain asked Teku with a smile.

"Um... How many is it? I kinda forgot to count them down." Teku then laugh awkwardly.

"If my memory serves well, your best friend who you taught how to hunt has one more kill when compared to yours" Captain replied as he handed me the bird which I grabbed and placed in the basket on my back.

"Tha-that's!" Teku was so embarrassed that he started stuttering.

"Well?" Captain seems to enjoy toying with Teku. I just kept silent since he might get back on me if I also joined on picking on him.

"I am just reserving my energy to hunt for a big prey! That's right! I don't want to waste my spears on small birds like that!" He was able to make an excuse but he should know that the Captain and I already know that it was just a lie.

I saw another bird of a relatively smaller size flying across us from the sky. While the two were bickering, I drew my bow and fired a shot. It was a perfect shot on the body and it fell to the ground.

"And now he has two more kills than you!" The Captain laughingly teased Teku again.

"Dammit!" Teku uttered in frustration which made the Captain laugh even more.

I grabbed the bird and added him to my basket. After the two were done talking, we continued exploring the forest where we Teka and the Captain were able to get lots of herbs and some fruits while I was able to hunt down another bird.

After a while of travelling deeper into the forest, I was able to hear a different sound. It seemed like the distant noise is of a coarse sound of breathing of a beast.

"Can you hear that?" I asked the other two.

"Hear what?" Teku answered.

"It seems like there is a large animal nearby." I said.

"If it is so, let us quietly trace it to see what kind it is. Do not engage without my orders." The Captain commanded.

"Yes sir!" I replied. I then went into the direction as to which the sound was from and the other two followed me. We walked as quietly as we could so we moved at a sluggish pace. After a while, we reached a place with no many trees yet there is a deep cliff.

Near the cliff is a large black boar. Its height is almost like mine despite being on all fours. It has long white tusks which look like they will be a good material for ornaments. It has been a long time since I was able to taste boar meat so seeing the beast got me kind of excited.

"Let us retreat for now. It is too dangerous to take it on by ourselves. We will regroup first then-" Captain was issuing commands in a low voice when Teku suddenly sprung out and threw one of his spears.

"I can take it on all by myself!" Teku's spear was able to hit the boar's body. It released a grunt but it was not enough to mortally wound the beast.

"You idiot! Why must you?! Darn it!" The Captain was really angry by Teku's insubordination but since the Boar has already noticed us; the Captain was forced to take into arms. "We have no choice! I will take the front, you two will support me from the rear!" The Captain commanded while he pointed his spear against the boar.

"Got it Captain!" I replied.

"I told you that I can do it on my own!" Teku threw another spear at the Boar which hit its right foreleg but the wound seems to not affect the boar's ability to move as it is still standing steadily. "Why don't you go down already!?"

"Here it comes!" The Captain focused his senses on the boar's movements. The boar started charging against us and the Captain was in front of us. When the boar is in front of the Captain, I shot an arrow at it which successfully hit the eye. The boar started swinging its head and squealing in pain.

"Nice one Keil!" The Captain said then he thrust his spear into the boar's flank. The spear pierced the boar's flesh but not too deep due to its thick skin and meat. The Captain pulled out his spear from the boar and stepped back.

Since the Captain was no longer in our firing path, Teku and I started raining down on the boar until we were out of spears and arrows. The boar who has a lot of weapons embedded on its body released a louder squeal and started charging again at the Captain.

The Captain met it head on with his spear and this time the spear was buried more deeply into its flesh. Probably because the momentum the boar has while charging at full speed helped. Blood splurted out from its chest and even the Captain was not safe from being painted in red.

"I told you I can deal with it!" Teku boasted even when his contribution was the least of us three. He then went closer to the boar and started pulling out his spears. "What a catch!"

"Teku! Get away!" I shouted as I noticed a small movement from its limbs. I started running towards Teku.

"Huh? Why would i-" The boar then suddenly got up, using the last of its force. It used its head and swing it against Teku but I was able to get him out of its way by pushing him aside. Unfortunately, I was the one who was not able to avoid it.

"Keil!" Teku shouted while I got flinged into the air and fell into the cliff. Dammit, my chest hurts, my back hurts. The sky is now starting to get dark all of a sudden. It hurts, I can't breathe. I can't move, why can't I move!? I can hear Teku calling me but it's faint, it's getting even fainter, that idiot. It's so cold... I am starting to... Dammit... I don't want to die like this... Grandma...

"Ugh." Am I alive? Where am I? I opened my eyes and the dark sky met me.

I was lying on the ground yet it somehow felt warm. I looked at the direction as to where the heat came from and there, I saw a campfire to my right. I got up from the ground in order to sit. I took quite the effort to do so since my whole body was sore and I am bruised all over.

As I got up, small crushed leaves fall from my body. Are these medicinal herbs? Maybe the Captain and Teku was able to rescue me despite my fall.

"I am glad that you are awake." I heard a gentle, feminine voice from my left. I looked there and saw a beautiful girl. I reckon that she younger than me but not by much.

She has a beautiful pink hair and skin as white as the snow. She is wearing a pink dress which looks quite thin to be worn in a place that is so cold. She is very pretty especially due to her golden eyes that just sucked me into another world. I never saw anything like that before. It glowed like a lantern dropped by the heavens as it reflected the light from the campfire.

"Hello? Are you alright?" The girl asked me as she leaned towards me and her face was right in front of me. When did she get too close!? Did I just get dazed that long? Damn, her face is too close!

"Y-yes, I am quite fine." I avoided my eyes to hers since it felt kind of awkward to stare face to face at this distance, especially with a beautiful girl."Are you the one who saved my life? Thank you very much!"

"You have to eat so you will recover more quickly." The girl got up and produced a bowl of soup. She handed it to me which I accepted.

"Thank you very much." The soup has a bland color and filled with vegetables and herbs. It is hot so my first bite soothed my body but the taste is quite lacking. "Oh wait, may I know if you saw a basket with me when you found me?"

"Yes, wait a minute." The girl went inside a small cave and came back with all my things. The basket filled with the birds I hunted, my bow and a dagger. "These are all you have when I found you, is the basket you are talking about one of these?" Wait, she does not know what a basket is? Now that is weird.

"Yes, it is this one." I grabbed the basket from her and I pulled out the birds that I hunted a while ago. I was able to move already but the bruises throbbed at every movement, painful.

"A bird? And it's dead... Why are keeping them?" The woman curiously asked as she sat in front of me.

"Why not? You haven't eaten one before?"

"You eat them? All I eat are the fruits and vegetables I am able to gather around here."

"You should try some then! These are pretty tasty!"

"Really? Okay!" The girl grabbed one of the birds and was about to chomp on it.

"Wait! Seriously? We need to cook them first!" I stole the bird from her hands as quickly as I could. That was close, but very cute. "Do you have hot water that you can spare?"

"No but I can go and heat some." The girl got up then she got a pot and filled it with water.

"I'll teach you how to prepare these then." I told the girl after she placed the pot atop the camp fire. I grabbed my dagger and slashed its neck. "You have to drain the blood first." The blood of the bird dripped to the ground filled with snow, painting it in a red color.

"That's pretty." The girl said as she stared at the snow painted in crimson. She looked at something she thought was beautiful, and so did I. "So what's next?"

"Oh, right. Let us wait for the water to boil first." I moved the birds and dagger aside while she was still busy looking at the blood soaked snow. "By the way my name is Keil, what's yours?"

"Silvwi." It is quite a unique name, it is the first time I heard of it but somehow I love it.

"So Silvwi, may I know what are you doing here in this place?"

"I live here." She answered while smiling. You are already damn pretty when you are not smiling so please stop that!

"I-I see, you live here alone?" I avoided eye contact again so I can regain my composure. I breathed in and out deeply to calm myself.

"I'm alone ever since my parents did not come back." She looked at the ground again but her smile was gone and I saw the sorrow in her eyes. So she's all alone, I wonder what happened.

"Have you been living here for a long time?"

"I was born here so I have been living here my entire life." It was actually the first time that I got to hear that someone was able to live in this cold forest. That is strange in itself. "How about you? Why did you get injured? Did you fall from the cliff?"

"Yes I did. A boar sent me flying that is why I fell." She tilted her head, as if thinking what a boar is. "You know, the large four legged animal with thick fur and long tusks."

"Ah, those big ones!"

"Did you already encounter one of those?"

"Yes, there are a lot them here but somehow when they see me they readily run away."The boars here are generally hostile because of hunters like us. It is favourable for her not to be attacked but is it not strange?

"I forgot, the water might be boiling already!" Silvwi got up to get the pot then placed it in front of me.

"So what will we do next?" She was smiling again but this time I got my guard up as I focused on what I am doing instead of her.

"Just pour the hot water into the birds so it is easy to pluck their feathers out." Which I did. I removed all the feathers of every of the birds. "See, that's how easy it is."

"Oh!" Silvwi exclaimed in amazed as she lightly claps her hands. She is so innocent like a child and I think that it is very adorable.

"Then we will chop them into pieces so they will be easier to cook and eat." I used my dagger to slice the meat up until all are nicely diced. "Then you can just boil them for a while, how about you boil it with the soup you made instead?"

"Okay!" She happily grabbed the meat and dropped it into a pot and placed it into the campfire. Now that I think of it, she is too carefree and trusting for someone who lives alone and it is somehow impressive that she is still in one piece. I am just glad that I was the one she found and not someone malicious. That's right, I am really glad that I am the one she found.

She sat beside me again and stared intently at the pot we are cooking. It is probably because all these things are so unfamiliar to her. She was swinging her body front and back while humming a soft tune while waiting.

Her voice is not that amazing but it somehow calms me down. I wanted the time to just stop. The heat from the fire, the coldness of the snow, the smell of the boiling soup, the sweet tune she produced and her gorgeous golden eyes. I never felt this... different in a long time if ever I did before.

"Keil? Why are you smiling?" Silvwi asked me as she tilted her head. Was I smiling? What's wrong with me?

"O-oh, I was just excited to eat what we just made. Even I haven't tasted meat in a while." I replied in a smile why I spout my pitiful excuse.

"I see." She smiled back. Why did you smile back? Do you have something against me to make my heart ache this badly!? Wait, she's making my heart ache? We just met, dammit!

"It smells good!" Silvwi removed the lid of the pot then the smell of the soup enveloped the cold air. "Is it not ready yet?"

"Ah, it should be ready now. Let's dig in!" I enthusiastically replied.

Silvwi got two bowls and poured the soup until the bowls are full. She handed me one which I accepted as she sat beside me near the campfire.

"Wow..." That is the only word that came from her mouth after tasting the soup.

"Delicious, right? You should have a taste of the meat itself!" I told her as I drank some myself and it did actually taste good. The vegetable soup she had really enhanced the flavour of the meat. It might have been even more amazing if it was the boar meat instead. "So how is it?"

"..." She was speechless. She kept on eating the meat and drinking the soup until her bowl is empty before she let out these words as she licked her lips. "Delicous."

We were able to finish all the food together which was the best meal I had in a while.

"It is getting late, we should get some rest now. Let's go inside the cave, we should rest there." Silvwi asked and I nodded in agreement. She was right; I should rest up so I could go back to where the Captain is. They are probably worried now, especially Teku.

"I-I'll be alright out here. You go inside and rest." It is wrong for a boy and a girl to sleep in a single roof, is also looks pretty cramped inside there. It is the duty of a proper man to refuse when under these circumstances.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" She asked and I nodded back as a reply.

Silvwi went inside the cave while I laid down again beside the campfire. Somehow, the pain across my body which I somehow did not feel a while ago while I was with Silvwi came back. Ah, my whole body is sore and this place is really not the most comfortable place to rest up.

"Here, you can use this. Rest well" Silvwi came back and handed me a blanket. How thoughtful is she? Oh man, I should sleep now before I get anymore weird thoughts.

The brightness of the sun greeted me as I opened my eyes, I slept outdoors after all. I got up from the ground and I felt way better than last night. I should be able to manage to get back to the village in my condition. I should hurry since grandma might be quite worried since I was not able to comeback yesterday. I should go and tell Silvwi first that I'll be going now.

"Oh, you're up." Silvwi came out of the cave, what fantastic timing.

"Thank you for everything, Silvwi. I should be getting back now. The others might be worried about me." I told her while I fix my things.

"I see, shouldn't you eat something first before you go? I can go prepare something right now."

"No it's alright, thanks for the offer." It will be some vegetable soup again since I don't have any meat left and I am not too ecstatic to have some. If I can hurry back home, maybe there will still be some of the boar we hunted.

"Okay, be careful."

"By the way, may I know from which direction is the place where you found me?" I almost forgot that I did not where I currently am. If I can at least find the place where I was last then I can find my way from there.

"It's that way, just straight ahead." Silvwi stated as she pointed to the direction to which she found me. "Want me to guide you there?"

"It's alright. I can manage by myself. Thank you for everything!" I then turned my back from her and about to go out when I thought of something. I do believe it is a good idea but somehow I kind of got nervous. I took a deep breath before I spoke. "Hey Silvwi. Why don't you come back with me to the village? I think it would be more fun if you will live with us than alone."

"Um..." Silvwi looked down.

"If you don't want to it's alright. It is just a random thought."



"I want to come with you... but my mother told me to stay here no matter what happens."

"I-I see." That kind of made my nerve wrack. I actually thought she will say something like not wanting to go with a foul smelling jerk like me.

Although I am disappointed that she won't be coming with me, I am still happy to know that she felt that way.

"Then... Is it alright if I come visit you every now and then?" I asked as my heart was about to get out of my chest. I am not confessing or anything but why do I feel like I did?

"Of course! I'd love to see you again!" Silvwi said with a smile. Dammit, I want to do a weird dance right now! I have not left yet but I want to come back already.

"Then, I'll be leaving now. Thank you again for everything!" I told her while I cover the lower part of my face with my arm. She might think I am a weirdo if she sees my grinning from ear to ear. I went to the direction she told me and she saw me off while waving her arms, smiling.

I reached the spot where I fell. I also found one of my arrows so I picked it up. Even if it is only one, I felt more secure. So from here, this direction should bring me back to the village. I cautiously traversed the forest as I do not want any unwanted encounter.

After a while, I was able to get out of the forest. I gave out a sigh of relief that I was able to get out of the forest, unscathed. Well... not really unharmed thanks to the boar but I am still alive and well and that is good enough. After an hour and a half of travel time, I was able to get back to the village. Boy, I am hungry.

"Keil!" I heard a voice from afar. From the sound of it, it should be Teku. I stopped for a second to know if I might just be imagining it. I looked from afar and I saw him running towards me while calling me.

"Keil! It's really you!" Teku uttered until he reached me then tackled me to the ground. He is now atop of me.

"Ow!" It hurts! The tackle itself was not strong but I still had my injuries from yesterday. Did he really think that it is alright for him to take down an injured person to the ground?

"Sorry! But hey! It's really you! We tried to search for you but you were no longer on the place where you fell! I'm worried sick you know!" Teku kept on babbling while smiling. Wait, is he crying? Come on man! I am your best friend, not your wife!

"Heavy... Get of me..."

"Sorry, Sorry! I am just so happy to see you in one piece!" Teku got off me and stood up while wiping the tears of his eyes. I guess he might have felt guilty and seeing me alive took the load off from him.

"Sure, sure! I am hungry now, I want to eat first." I also got up as I wipe the snow off my clothes.

"Of course you are! There are still some boar meat left! We should go to the village center! Honestly the feast last night is not so tasty, the fact that you're missing made the taste so bland!" Come on, would you shut up already? I know that you are happy already so you can drop it. I just want to eat.

We went to the village center where the Captain and the others are. I saw that there is indeed still some meat left, I am so glad.

"Captain! Keil is here!" Teku called out to the Captain who was seemingly polishing his spear. The Captain went to me and looked happy, even the other villagers are.

"I'm glad you are alright! We were just about to set out to come look for you!" The Captain told me as he holds my shoulders firmly.

"Yes, I am hurting all over but there does not seem to be a broken bone." By all over, that includes my shoulders which you are holding very tightly so can you please loosen your grip?

"That's good. You might be hungry! I will have some food ready for you so you should go see your grandmother first. She is worried sick about you."

"I see, thank you." I then headed to our house. I wanted to eat first though but I guess what he said makes sense

"Grandma! I'm home!" I called out after I got inside the house. Grandma came out of the kitchen and smiled after seeing me.

"I was really worried about you! I thought you are going to leave me as well!" Grandma told me as she hugged me tightly.

"Don't say stuff like that. I won't do that." Grandma then released me from her arms.

"The Captain told me that you were no longer where they saw you fell! We actually thought that a beast might have devoured you!"

"Nothing like that happened. In fact, a cute girl saved me and tended to my wounds."

"A girl?" Grandma frowned

"Yes, she is living alone in the forest and was very kind and-"

"Don't tell me..."

"Is there a problem?"

"Did she have golden eyes and pink hair?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Let us sit down first." Grandma seemed very serious. Does she know anything about Silvwi? We sat down on the chairs near the kitchen.

"Did you know that the land here is not originally plagued by the winter?"

"Yes, I heard of it from somewhere before."

"The land here was good and crops grew finely but there is one place that was always snowy, no matter what month of the year it is. A man from the village was curious why so he went to investigate. Upon exploring, he was able to meet a beautiful woman. She has pink hair and golden eyes. The man and woman fell deeply in love. The man always went to the mountains with gifts and trinkets. Some of the villagers suspected that he was meeting a snow fairy."

"A snow fairy?"

" It was said in stories of old that a snow fairy is a creature who creates winter around her, as a curse of eternal seclusion. Yet the curse did not hinder the man from seeing the woman, hence worsening the curse and spreading the winter to the village. One day, the villagers followed the man and they saw the woman who resembled the description in the stories. The villagers told the man that they should slay the woman so the winter will go away."


" The man strongly refused, saying that he loved the woman. The deeper the affection of the man for the woman got, the stronger the curse became. Blizzards hunted the village every night. Crops completely died off from the cold and famine came to the village. Many died due to this sudden calamity so the villagers decided to slay the woman once and for all. After a very long night, they were able to kill the woman as well as the man who tried defending the one he loved.


" The blizzards stopped but the winter did not leave even though the woman was already gone. The villagers no longer know what to do hence the only thing they can do is try to make do with what we have, which brings us to the present."

"Are you saying that the girl who saved me is a snow fairy?"

"It is possible that they were able to have a child. If it is so, ending the life of this girl will also end the winter."

"No..." If that is true then the others might come and hunt her once they found out. I heard a noise from my back. I looked to see that it was Teku with a dropped plate of food near his feet.

"For real? We can end this winter? I should tell everyone!" Teku looked happy upon hearing the news. This is bad, quite bad. Teku started running out and I chased after him outside.

"Teku, wait a minute!" I grabbed him by his coat to stop him from moving.

"Why? We can finally end this!"

"Are you serious!? You are willing to kill an innocent girl?"

"Innocent? She was the cause of so many deaths! Are you planning to keep something this big as a secret?"

"But she did nothing wrong!" I started raising my voice.

"So do you want everyone to endure this madness just because of the girl!?" Teku replied, shouting.

"I also want this winter to end! Of course I do!"

"Then we should kill her!"

"Can you hear yourself!? You are talking out loud about killing a girl!"

"Because that will end our suffering!"

"In exchange for the suffering of another!? This is madness!"

"Madness or not, she is the cause of this cold and eliminating her will eliminate the cold at last!"

"But she did not want this!"

"And we also do not want this cold weather!"


"I lost my sister since she was not able to take the cold. So did your mother! Did you forget that?!"

"Of course I did not! But killing an innocent girl won't bring them back to life!"

"Yet it will stop our suffering and other deaths to come!" Teku tried to walk away but I pulled him by his coat even more firmly. "Let go! Stop being stubborn." Teku slapped my hand and ran away from me.

"I won't let you go!" I chased after Teku outside and tackled him into the snowy ground.

"Are you serious!?" He asked as I grabbed him tightly, not letting go even though my body still hurts. He was able to escape me grasp and about to get up when I grabbed him by the foot.

"It is not like you to act like this! Stop this now!" Teku shouted at me but I refused to let go. He tried to pull his leg out from me but he was unsuccessful until he kicked me on the face.

"Gah!" I grunted. The kick hurt like crazy. Blood dripped from my forehead but I still held on. I cannot let them kill her! She only helped me yet I was only about to bring her misfortune! I can't let her kindness be the reason of her death! For her, I cannot let go!

"Let go! Dammit!" Teku did another kick on my face. My grip loosened and I am starting to lose my strength. Move! Dammit, move! Why am I being so helpless in a time like this! Dammit! Darkness is starting to fill my vision. I can't faint now! Not now...

"Graaaah!" I shouted to gather my strength. I forced myself to get up despite the leaving energy of my body.

I grabbed my bow that was slinged to my back all this time as well as the lone arrow that I was able to pick up. I nocked the arrow and aimed at my bestfriend.

"Take another step and I'll shoot!" Blood was dripping down my face but I believe I won't miss if I aim at him seriously.

"What?" Teku stopped running and looked at me. "Are you joking!?"

"Do you see me laughing? You know that I won't miss at this distance."

"Have you lost your mind? You are willing to shoot me, your best friend for a girl you just met?"

"Yes because unlike you, she is not planning to hurt anyone."

"I did not know that you had that very strong sense of justice within you, this is so not like you at all! Did you fall for her?"

"Shut up!"

"Bingo! Is she that cute? That you fell for her on your first meeting?"

"I said shut up!"

"You fell for her so deeply that you are willing to kill ME for HER!? We've been together for years while YOU JUST MET HER! "

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I was not able to control myself that I shot the arrow but I hesitated before I was able to release it, I am not ready to kill anyone. The arrow grazed Teku's face and hit the tree behind him. Teku wiped the blood off his face with his hands and looked at it while smiling.

"You really have lost your mind." Teku gave his remark while smiling. He knew that I only have one arrow left so after speaking, he ran away. He was probably headed to the Captain to ready the hunting team, Dammit!

What should I do? If they leave at once and search from where I fell, they will find her with time. But before they go, they will most likely spend a while for preparations especially since it is not a normal hunt.

If they start getting ready now, the time that they will probably set out will be this tonight. If I leave now and warn Silvwi then maybe we can find another hiding place before they begin the search. I guess that is my only option.

I rushed inside the house to get my spare arrows in my room, I cannot leave unarmed. I also have not yet eaten since morning so I needed something to eat. I grabbed the scattered food on the floor and put it in a cloth and took it with me. I guess this should be enough; I have to go light so I can be with her as soon as possible.

"I heard you guys screaming from here. Oh my! What's with all the blood!" My grandma talked to me but I was busy preparing that I did not bother to look at her.

"Its nothing, I'll be going now."

"Are you planning to go to the girl? Did you remember the story that I told you about? It is not only the woman that died. The man who loved her also died protecting her!"

I don't know the expression in my grandma's face as I do not have enough courage to look her in the eye. Is she disappointed? Angry? Worried? I am unsure but her voice seemed sad. I know you don't want me to come but she saved my life so I have to do what I can to save her too.

"That won't happen, I won't die that easily." I uttered before I ran off.

I left the village and traversed the one and a half hour of travel. I did not stop to even take a rest. I just ate half of the food I brought so I can stay strong and continue onward. Although I want to eat all of it, I need to reserve some for emergency purposes.

I reached the forest and was able to get to the place I fell to easily. I was just here a while ago so I still clearly remembered the paths. I went to where Silvwi was staying at and I am glad to see that she was there.

"Silvwi!" I called her out and she looked at my way.

"Keil? I thought you came back to the village?"

"I did and now men will come here to kill you! We should run away!"

"Huh? Why would they ?"

"I'll explain later, for now I want you to trust me."

"But..." I saw the fear and confusion on her eyes but there was no time to explain. I put my hands on her shoulders and looked her eye to eye.

"You saved me yesterday right?"


"You've been kind to me, right?"

"I believe so."

"Then I do not have a reason to hurt you. So please..."

"Okay, I'll trust you." Upon hearing her words, my panic went down a little. I removed my hands from her shoulders.

"Listen, go that way and I will go the opposite way."

"You are not going with me?"

"I will serve as a diversion so you can escape safely."

"But you will be in danger!"

"You said you'd trust me."

"I know but..."

"I'll be alright."

"Okay, you have to come see me alive."

"I will. Just run as far as possible and find a good hiding place. You should also remember to get rid of your foot prints on the snow so they won't be able to track you. You should also take this, it is food. I also have some with me" I then handed her the food that I have left. I just thought that she would need it more than me.

"Be careful!" Silvwi told me before she ran away. I watched her get out of my sight before I took my boots off. The snow is very cold that my bones ached the moment I took them off. Since they know that Silvwi is a snow fairy, I guess they would not expect her to wear some boots.

I then made my way on the opposite direction to which Silvwi was headed. I intentionally left my footprints on the snow as well as the footprints of my boots using my hands to make it seem like the tracks of two people. Since I had to make additional footprints, my pace was sluggish and the longer I stayed on the snow with my bare foot, the more it hurt.

I went on as long as I could. I did not know how much time I have spent but I kept on. My breathing became heavy and I grew hungry once again. Yet I do not have the time to rest. I have to lead them away from Silvwi, as far as possible. This pain is nothing if I can prevent them from hunting her down. She was kind, she did not deserve to live this way and more so be killed like a beast.

Darkness started to enshroud the place. I should find a place to rest first before they come at me. I found a small cave and that was where I rested for a short time. If my calculations are correct they would be here after a while.

Here comes the hard part. I do not have a plan by the time they get here. I don't know how I will be able to escape and it will not be easy getting by this deep in the forest. Although I told grandma and Silvwi that I will be alright, I more or less already accepted my death.

If I were to fight them seriously, I can probably shoot down half of them before they get to me but I only have limited arrows so one mistake can instantly kill me. They are also likely to have some men with bows as well so I am in a huge disadvantage.

Although I am thinking about my chances if I fought back, I have no plan to kill any of them. I refuse to bathe my hands in blood unlike Teku. I refuse to be a murderer.

After a long while, I was able to see some light from afar resembling torches. It was them, they took the bait. Based on my observation from afar, there should be a minimum of eight of them including Captain and Teku. When they were close enough, I shot my first arrow.

"Come closer and the next one will land between your eyes!" I shouted as loud as I could so they would hear it. Even though I really have no intention of hitting them, Captain's cautious nature should somehow slow them down.

Captain also witnessed my skill with a bow so he should know that I could do it if I want to. My heart was beating so fast, would my little act be able to stall them even for a bit?

Somehow, they stopped moving. I heard noises of people speaking but I cannot understand clearly what they were saying. What will be their next action? Will this be just a waiting game? If it is so then that is the best possible outcome. The worst outcome is if that jerk acts.

"I'll show you that I am right!" I heard someone say out loud from afar. Judging from the voice, it seems to be that wretched idiot.

He ran towards me. He must have known that I am not serious about killing them. Damn him, having him close came back to haunt me. He knows me too well. I shot another arrow that landed between his feet.

"There won't be a second chance if you kept on disregarding my warning!" I shouted once again.

"Blah blah blah! We both know that you can't actually kill anyone! If you could then you should have killed me a while ago!" He responded.

He was right, if I planned to dirty my hands I should have done it earlier and I would not have been in this situation.

"If you offer us her head right now then the village will ignore your past traitorous actions!" He added as he continued making his way towards me. He was so stubborn so I had no choice.

"Argh!" The jerk screamed in pain as my arrow landed on his leg. I don't need to kill him. If I can just show my hostility then they should be more wary. "Damn you!" He shouted.

The other men heard the scream of that idiot so they opened fire. Arrows and spears rained down while others with shields advanced. Damn it, this is the end but I should be able to stall them a bit more.

"Keil!" I heard a voice of a girl call out my name. " Please don't hurt him!"

Is that Silvwi? Dammit! Why is she here!? I told her to run away! I searched as to where the voice came from and it is indeed her.

"Silvwi, run!" I told her as I ran to get to her.

The villagers noticed so they advanced at her instead. Shit! Why!? I tried so hard to have them off you so why did you come to me!? I ran as fast as I could, I even dropped all my arrows and my bow so I can be at least even a bit faster. All I have left is the dagger hanging on my belt.

"Aaah!" Silvwi shouted as she was startled the moment the villagers started raining arrows and spears at her. It seemed she was not hurt. I ran as fast as I could and she was still not moving from where she was at despite the arrows pouring down.

"Come on Silvwi, let's run!" I grabbed her hand as soon as I reached her. We ran away from the villagers while I am pulling her cold hand. I am almost out of breath but there is no time to rest. They are unto us.

"Gah!" I sceamed in pain as an arrow pierced through the back of my thigh which made me fall to the ground.

"Keil! Are you alright!" Silvwi knelt beside me.

"I'm fine! Go without me! I'll catch up, I promise!" I told her but she did not move an inch.

"You told me before that you were going to be alright yet when I saw you it is as if you are already planning to die!" Silwi's tears began to flow. "Why!? Why are you trying to kill us? What did we do wrong!?" Silvwi began shouting at the villagers.

"If we kill you then we can live normally again!" One of the villagers screamed.

"That's right! The winter should go away after you're gone!" Another villager added.

Another arrow came flying towards us. I thought it was going to hit my face but then a huge blizzard came, completely messing with the arrow's trajectory.

"Try and hurt Keil once again and I will be sure to freeze you to death." Silvwi's aura has changed. She seemed like a totally different person. Due to the strong blizzard, their projectiles no longer flew near us. Upon witnessing what Silvwi can do, the villagers fled. It is probably on the Captain's orders to retreat and make a plan.

"Silvwi..." She looked really different, as if she is not human at all. She was still beautiful but in a different way. After the villagers escaped, the blizzards calmed down, the wall of ice disappeared and Silvwi returned to her old self. Now I know why the beasts were afraid of her.

"Huh? What just happened? Where are the bad guys?" Silvwi looked around, confused.

"You apparently summoned a blizzard."

"I did?"

"Yup, you saved me." I then tried to stand up but the arrow pierced through my leg prevented me to. "Hng!" I grunted in pain and fell to the ground again.

"Keil! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, for now let us find a place where we can hide. I'm sure they will be back for us."



"I will stay here, I won't come with you."

"Huh? Why?"

"Tell me, why are they after you?"

"Um..." I didn't know what to say, even though I already know that she knows.

"It is me right? They are after you because you are helping me!"


"So why? Why are you helping me?"

"Because you saved me yesterday, I want to repay you!"

"You repaid me enough! You may go now"

"But they will come back to hunt you!"

"I can handle myself just fine!"

"No, I'll stay with you!"

"Why won't you listen to me!? Why don't you just leave me alone?" Silvwi's tears began to flow down her cheeks, glistening as if small crystals. "They said that everyone was suffering because of me!"

"You did nothing wrong!"

"But if I were really the cause of their suffering then it is best if I just die!"

"Don't talk about dying too lightly!"

"Hey Keil, why don't you take the honor of killing me?" She looked at me with a sad smile and with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, don't be like that."


"No... I can't..."

"You know, the only reason I was alive all these years was because I was holding on to the smallest chance that my parents will still come back. I already knew at the back of my head that they won't be returning but I still wanted to believe."


"I endured the loneliness of living alone for a lot of years. I did not go out to search for them because I won't be able to look them straight in the face if I disobeyed them. I do not have anyone to talk to and the only food I ate were the same fruits and herbs. Sometimes, I thought that killing myself was the easiest way to see them again."


"But then you came! You showed me that there is still so much to the world that I do not know. I can now look forward to someone to talk to once in a while! I no longer wanted to die."


"I want to feel more of the world, to see more of it, to talk to you more. I want you to teach me a lot more things! I never knew there was something else in my dark cold world that can make me feel so... alive!"

"Then why do you want me to kill you?! If you wanted to live then we can just run away together!"

"Do you really think that is the best answer?"

"I do!"

"To live in constant fear of being hunted!? I heard they would forgive you if you get rid of me. You should do so, at least in that way you can return to your normal life."

"I can't actually do that!"

"Please... I do not know why you are being so kind to me but at least save yourself."

"I don't want to..."


"No! It was all my fault... If it wasn't for me then you will not be in this situation now!"

"If it is also wasn't for you, I wouldn't know that this world can be a very wonderful place. I guess it will be even more wonderful once I'm gone."

"Don't say that."

"I guess the place will be warmer, animals will be happier, pretty flowers will bloom. I wanted to see it too."


"But I also don't want to be the reason why others can't enjoy it."


"So please, end it right now..."

"No! I'll walk through hell and conquer the heavens if I have to! I won't do what you wish me to do!"

"Then please forgive me on what I'm going to do next..."

Silvwi grabbed the dagger that was in my belt then quickly slit her neck, the same way we did to the birds to bleed them out.


Silvwi fell to ground as her blood streams down to the snow forming a color that she thought was beautiful. It is not beautiful at all.

No.... NO... PLEASE NO!" I dragged myself to get closer to her. "Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!"

I pulled her to my arms. She was barely alive. She looked at me dazingly then smiled.

"Thank you... for everything..."


The flower that she had on her hair fell to the ground. It was then stained by her own blood. I haven't seen one before but the red stains made it look like a spring flower in the middle of the winter.

Strength slowly left her until her pulse was all gone. Then like magic, all the snow around us started to melt. The sun then rose and filled the sky with light. The place was filled with warmth except her body. The winter was finally over but this is not how I wanted it to be. Not by the expense of someone else!

This is all my fault! It was all because of me that she was dead! I was not able to protect her... If only I came up with a better plan then maybe she... If I did not talk about her despite my suspicions then... Why did this have to happen? Why did she even have this curse in the first place? What did she do wrong? Why? I at least want to know why?

Why am I so helpless when it matters?

"Keil! I know you would do it in the end! I know you did some bad stuff to me but I am willing to forgive you!" That bastard Teku appeared alone.


"Now it is all warm again! Life will be a lot better now!"


"I'm glad I decided not to retreat too far with the rest. Let me help you back to the village!" He said as he extended his hand to me with a smile.

Forgive me!? Acting as if all of this is not your damn fault! Life will be better at the expense of someone else's!? Not even a word of apology and you can still smile in front of a girl's dead body!?

If you did not tell the villagers about Silvwi then she would still be alive! If you did not eavesdrop on our conversation with grandma then she would still be alive! If I had killed you at the village then she would still be alive! If I did not save you from the boar then the she would still be alive! If you are not the stupid jerk you are then she would still be alive! If you at least tried to understand where I am coming from then she would still be alive! If you did not exist in the first place then she would still be alive!


I grabbed Teku's hand then used all the force I can muster to bring this bastard to the ground. As his back was laid flat to the ground. I grabbed my dagger and sat on top of his chest.

"Wow! SO you decided to kill me now? What happened with all your justice?" Teku asked me with a grin.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I brandished my dagger with and pointed it his neck. "She was too kind... Just too kind!"

My eyes became blurry and I felt tears well up. What are even tears are for!? Even if I cry my whole life, she won't be coming back to life!

"She did not deserve this... She did nothing wrong! She was too innocent to be born in the world of cruelty! TO A WORLD WHERE SCUM LIKE YOU WHO ONLY CARED ABOUT THEMSELVES EXIST!"

I was about to end him, but I can't. I wasn't able to. Killing him now won't bring Silvwi back. I will just be no different from them if killed him. I... I was so useless.

"See? You are just a spineless coward!" Teku pushed me off him then stood up. "You know, I am glad you showed me how you hate me!"


"I hate you too! For as long as I can remember!" Teku then kicked me on my flank.


"I hated how you are always better at me at everything! You made me look stupid! You made me look weak!"

"Ugh!" I groaned as Teku kicked me again and again.

"I was only there to make you look better! Everybody likes you while everybody thinks I am trash! I even heard a lot of the guys talking, wishing that it was me who fell at the cliffs instead!" He stomped on my head, twisting his feet as he planted me to the ground.


" When you fell to the cliffs and we were not able to find you, I was so damn happy! Now I won't be stuck on second place, but then you returned! You always had the opportunity to get the role of the hero!"

Teku then removed his feet from my head.

"When I saw you coming back to the village, I was not able to hold back my tears due to anger! That how come that there is such a great distance between us!? That how come you are still alive!? But you know what? This is a very big opportunity for me!"

"Graaah!" Teku gave me a powerful kick that sent me rolling. I am now lying flat to the ground, staring at the bright blue sky.

"Since no one else is here, I can be the hero of the story! I will tell the villagers that I fought you and the girl to end the winter! Aren't I amazing!?"

I can hear his voice, full of joy. I did not know he hated me so much. I did not know that he was that kind of person. I was living next to him, all along and I did not even notice.

As I was looking at the sky, he then appeared on my vision, looking down on me while holding a spear. His eyes, his smile... it was incredible. I am sure that I did not saw him that happy even once before.


I should have killed him...

I have images prepared for the novel, is there away to insert it here? Thanks!

Korum_Plescreators' thoughts