
Winter's Rainbow

Kristen Mawroh, an 18 year old girl was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer before her 14th birthday and had less than three years to live. Yet even after knowing that, she decided that life was still in her control and it was still beautiful so she brushed off the sadness and despair and started living her life to the fullest, fulfilling every goal she could before her time came. Now three years pass and she lays on her deathbed with everyone she cared about by her side. Knowing death is calling her, she closes her eyes and smiles one last time awaiting her end, awaiting her eternal rest. But little did she knew, her real adventures began when she opened her eyes again.

Hooligan90 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Light Of Hope

"Hey Thane" I waved back at him and gave a small smile. Even this time, he was still in his usual clothing. His jet black hair was hanging over his head and his posture was up straight like always. He was using one of his leg to support himself, while tip toeing the other behind the first leg. His golden eyes were still emotionless too.

"Well then, this muscle head here told me you wanted to go explore the town?". He said as he pointed at Sophia

"Oi oi! Why are you making it sound like that's all i am and who are you calling a muscle head?" Sophia said defending herself.

"Because its all you really are, nothing but dumb muscles walking around". Right then after he said that i felt a cold chill run down my spine. I slowly turned around and saw Sophy with a really scary smile on her face and the corners of her lips were twitching, her eyes never leaving Thane's sight. She turned around and took one of the logs she was carrying around earlier. Then grabbed it with one hand while gripping on it tightly she turned towards Thane.

"H-hey, cmon Sophy put that down its just a joke!"

Sophia didn't say anything but instead she took the huge log and pointed it towards Thane.

"YOU LITTLE PUNK!!!" She shouted as she threw it towards Thane. The log was flying at an incredible speed, one of its end facing Thane. It looked like a spear that was about to end its prey's life based on its master's will who threw it. I saw something similar in a wildlife TV program once where a hunter threw a spear at a deer. What happened later still made me shiver in fear which only made my worry greater fearing for Thane's well being.

Thane eyes went wide open and he took a stance with both his hands out, he dug his heels firmly on the ground. Just as the log was about to reach him, his head and back bended backwards. His back almost touched the ground but he used one of his hands to support himself. After the log went pass him, it went off straight into the forest, creating a huge explosion upon impact. He stood up and his eyes still full of fear and panic. That was magnificent I thought. Though I didn't know if I should be amazed or cower in fear because of how terrifying Sophy was. However I could not ignore the fact that Thane's reflexes was extraordinary.

"S-Sophy! That was close!" He shouted.

Relieved that nothing bad happened to him, I turned around only to find Sophy holding two more logs on both her hands.

I was right, this woman is an absolute monster!

"Kris this way!" I turned towards Thane as he shouted that. He was going to run to the direction we came from. Knowing fully well that behind me there was a raging monster, I didn't hesitate moving my legs to quickly dash towards him.

As we ran I could hear Sophy throwing tantrums in the shed behind us.

"COME BACK HERE THANE!" She's one scary woman.

After running for more than a minute, we found ourselves in the town square. I looked around as i tried to catch my breath, after all, I haven't run like that in a while. As i observed my surroundings I saw people going about their daily lifes.

What caught my attention was their choice of clothing. Most of the men had strange brown garments on that looked like fur from animals. Some of the girls were wearing long sleeve dresses of different colors that went down below their ankles. It mostly reminded me of midieval England.

"That's the kind of clothing Sophy chose for the souls around here to wear" Thane said perhaps he noticed me staring at them.

"It all looks so different, since I'm not use to seeing this" I looked around the town and even the houses were different from the ones I was used to. They were made of carved bricks and wood with tiled roofs which were unlike the ones I had seen I my town. Even the road was layered with bricks, something I've only seen in the rpg games i use the play. Behind me there was a water fountain where people sat and conversed as they rested. It was around 20 metres in diameters and had two layers of water sprouting out the top of the structure which distributed evenly at a 360° angle creating a beautiful mini waterfall that reflected the sunlight as it sparkled. This definitely look like medieval Europe.

"So shall we go?" Thanked ask, i nodded at him and smiled.

"Let's go"

While we walk many people came and greeted us, especially at Thane. It seemed like the people here were well aquainted with him. There were others too, who came to see for themselves what the new girl without the chain of regularity looked like. It made me anxious but Thane kept reminding me that's it'll be fine so I decided to take his word for it.

"Is this crepé?" I asked, pointing at what looked like a familiar looking desert that i enjoyed eating back in my hometown.

We were at the market which was filled with all the town folks who were conversing with different vendor owners while buying things from them. The crowd was bustling while the vendor owners were trying to attract costumers. Thane told me it was a good idea to come here first since this is where most social gatherings happen.

The owner of the vendor we were at was a bald man who looked like he was 40. He had a vest on and a towel hanging from his shoulder. He had a square jaw that held huge white teeths that almost seem blinding when he smiled at us. He wasn't just any old man though. His huge muscles was bulging out of the shirt under his vest and he had scars all over his hands. It was quite peculiar however I knew this man was more than meet the eyes.

"Yes" he said with a laugh "these are the best in town! Wanna have a try young lady? It only cost one silver"

"Silver?" I asked with a confuse expression.

"Oh yes you're the new girl right? We even have a monetary system in this world too. Most of which is done by the exchanging of copper, silver, gold and platinum coins. Platinum being the one holding the highest value. You can even buy yourself a whole mansion with it ahahaha I would like to have one in my hands one day!" He said as he explained.

I made a weird frown and then sighed to myself realising how broke I was, given how I've only been here for two days. Thane came in front of me and handed the man a silver coin. The man nodded and gave him the crepe. Thane then turned to me and handed the crepe.


"No Thane! You didn't have to!"

His lips curved into a soft smile as he stared at me. A smile that always had the strange ability to calm my nerves. "Its ok, it's the least I can do"

Admitting defeat i nodded and took the yummy looking crepe from his hand. After taking a bite, an explosion of godly sweetness and cream came to my mouth, a familiar feeling which made me eyes gleam in happiness. I wanted to sing the most happiest of songs as I relish the sweetness in my mouth but it was probably a bad idea so I decided not to.

After being lost in my own happy world I realised a pair of eyes was staring at me. After noticing Thane I turned away with a red face and started stamerring in embarrassment.

"I-its quite d-delicious!!"

Thane gave a chuckle and the vendor owner burst out laughing. "Thank you young lady! Now go spread the word that Muzak's desert will never be beaten hahaha!"

I gave out a giggle of my own using my hand to cover my mouth. So his name is Muzak? What an interesting name.

"I sure will"

"Cmon let's keep moving" Thane said as he walk in front of me taking the lead. I took another bite and followed him. We visited many different vendors which were all unique and different like a shop where they sold barbequed meat which looked too good but I refrained myself because of the crepe I ate earlier, then there was a shop where they sold accessories like bearings and necklaces which all had their own unique designs. I also saw a man playing music with a pair of home made drums while people gathered around him and cheered and sang along. Besides him was a shop where they sold many kinds of musical instruments like flutes and harps.

"This is a fun and peaceful town" I told myself.

There was also people who sold ornaments of different animals. Sculptures of griffin made from wood was displayed too.

"I saw something similar at the towns gate" I said pointing at the griffin.

"Oh that yes. But its not exactly a griffin. The people here call it a grifoan."

"A grifoan?"I asked amusingly.

"yes, look carefully" he said as he took one and held it in front of me. After closer inspection I saw that it was unusual. It had the head of an owl and around its neck was a lions mane. Its claws was sharp like the talons of an eagle and its body was like that of a full grown lion. It had two tails which were covered in feathers and wings huge enough that it could covered it's whole body. The sculpture was well made.

"Its not like the ones I'm used to seeing in pictures in my old town" I said intriguiged at the sculpture.

"Mhmm, thing is you'll find these around here. They protect the forest of Aria that surrounds us"

"Wait what! They're real" I asked exasperated.

He nodded at me and placed it back on the shelf. "Cmon I'll show you." He said and continued walking. He took us to the outskirts of the town to the east side also after walking around town I learned that it wasn't as big as i thought it would be but it's an interesting town nonetheless.

There was a small meadow with grass and no one was around. At the end of the opening was the forest of Aria.

"Look" he said pointing to the sky. I tilted my head and looked to exactly what he was pointing at. Dark silhouettes of huge flying creatures with wings as big as their bodies. The body of a lion. The head of an owl. Each with two tails. A dozen of them were flying above us in circles.

"Thane, are those what i saw when we fell from the sky yesterday?"

"Mhm, and dont worry they won't harm humans. They protect the forest from any outside invaders. Sophy raised them on her own."

I gave him a look of bewilderment with my eye brows raised and my jaw open.

"Sophy did?! Those things are freaking huge. Where'd she even get them in the first place?"

Thane simply gave out a chuckle to my question. "She said its her secret and if others wanted to know they'll have to fight her" for a second I imagined the thought of facing against the monster which was Sophy and it made me froze.

"N-no thank you!"

"Hey Thane!" I heard someone shout from the forest. I turn my sight towards the edge of the forest and saw people coming out. Leading them was a man who looked young and around Thane's age. He was wearing a vest made of fur and short pants that were made of fur too. His hair was blonde and he look well built too but he had scars all over his arms and legs, he was also carrying something on his shoulder. Behind him there was a girl. She was wearing a black tank top and a pair of shorts. Her hair was black straight and short almost at shoulder length and she had something on her waist.

"Is she carrying a sword?" I ask

"Yes, they're hunters and the towns security detail." Thane answered. That reminded me, back in the market I also saw weapons that look like swords and shields and even armor was sold. I haven't seen stuffs like that back in the old world except for movies and books.

Behind them more people followed and they all had the same attire. They were all carrying swords too. The only one who didn't have any weapons was the blonde guy who was leading them.

When the party got near us, the leader stopped and looked at me with an intense stare. His eyes then shifted to my chest and which made my body react on its own by placing my arms on top my chest

"w-what!" I said

It was fast but i saw a fist coming from his left and it landed on his right cheek.

"Ow ow! What the fu-....." He said in shock as another fist came to his stomach which made him weak in his knees as he held his hand on his stomach his face expressing immense pain trying to maintain his composure. Must've hurt a lot.

"Its rude to stare at a girl's chest you asshole!" The girl who was with him said. Apparently she was the one who granted him devine punishment. Herface was filled with anger as her brows furrowed and her jaws tighten probably because she was grinding her teeth. However, no matter where you look at it, this girl was beautiful. Her light tan skin was smooth while her figure was slender yet her curves were obvious. She had a bit of muscles but not enough to make her seem odd and masculine. Honestly compared to my weak and fragile thin self, it almost made me envious.

"I just wanted to see if what the others who told me about the girl without a chain was true Lany!" She gave out a sighed and turned towards me.

"I apologise on behalf for his rude behaviour" she said.

"I-its okay"

"I see you're the girl Thane brought here yesterday right? Its nice to meet you, my name is Guinevere Laniete Closeu" she then lent out her hand to me for a handshake. I accepted it gladly and introduced myself. She had a peculiar accent and it sounded familiar, like French almost.

"I'm Kristen Mawroh, otherwise known as the new girl"

"A-and I'm Edward King, this hunting party's leader and also captain of the first guard" the blonde guy said as he tried getting his composure back however the blow from Guinevere earlier was making it difficult for him to do so."Sorry for that" he said as he bowed his head. Note, never antagonize Guinevere, she's almost as scary as Sophy but not enough. Sophy was on a whole different level to say the least.

"Like I said its okay Edward. By any chance are you an American?"

"Yes and Lany here is French. You can tell by her weird name and weird accent right? Sheesh like whoever would be able to mutter all that from their mouths so if you like it just call her Lany like I do." Just like that another fist came to his stomach. He should've seen it coming. When the dust landed I swear I could see a second soul coming out of his mouth as he dropped to the ground.

"Don't mind him" Lany told me. I nodded trying my best to smile and hide my fearful state. She definitely was a scary woman. "Still I hope we can be friends". My lips curved into a smile as I shook all the fear away and nodded back at her.

" I hope so too!"

"Guys, carry it all back to the town. The cooks will take care of it" with that the people behind her nodded in agreement when she gave the command and started walking pass us. When I saw it I realise that the thing they were carrying earlier were animals which had wounds on their bodies. There were two deer and three wild boars and all looked dead. This was probably result from their hunting earlier, but its suprising to see someone hunt for food. I've only heard of animal hunting from my grandpa, never actually having the chance to witness it myself.

Edward got up and glared at Lany who glared back at him which made him shrink in fear. He then directed the others towards the town. After giving them the deer he caught and he came back to us.

"That's a lot" I said exasperated.

"Of course it is, we're having a feast after all." Edward said.

"A feast?" I asked. I hadn't heard Sophy telling me there'd be one.

"Yes, didn't the boss tell you? We're having a feast tonight to celebrate the coming and addition of the new girl and the other souls who arrived this month."

I shook my head to convey how clueless and confused I was. I wondered why Sophy didn't tell me about that. Sounds like a huge thing but maybe she just forgot.

"That's Sophy for you" Lany said.

"Haha that muscle head, maybe her brains have been completely replace by muscles too."

"I agree" Thane said replying to Edward's remark. These guys are the same I thought. I turned to look at Lany, but she was staring behind me instead. Her face was pale and full of fear. I felt a presence behind me. A malevolent presence that was overwhelming me.

"You. Little. Brats." Thane's and Edward face froze up in fear when the familiar voice came. We slowly turned around and saw a monster with a smile that was saying "I found my prey". It was huge and it was ready to devour us whole.

A kick came flying towards Edward and a fist towards Thane's which sent him to the other side of the meadow leaving a trail on the ground as his body hurled and without a sign of stopping.

"Idiots" I heard Lany say. I quickly ran towards Thane, worried cause that blow look like it was going to cause him great injury. He finally stopped and layed flat on the ground. When i got to him his golden eyes was simply staring at the sky. They looked emotionless again. He was okay, there was no injury, nor was there even a scratch. Only a bit of dust and dirt on his clothes.

He slowly got up and crossed his legs while putting his elbow on his lap he rested his chin on his hand while closing his eyes. "What a bothersome woman" he mumbled.

I slowly got down and folded my legs on the grass sitting besides him quietly on the grass. I didn't know why I did so but I thought of it only as a natural thing to do. Lately I've been doing a lot of random things.

However It was quite and peaceful so i didn't mind. I hope he didn't too. Thane on the other hand looked like he was deep in thought. His bangs was playing with the wind and dandelion petals flew passed us because of a passing breeze. I followed them as they went passed Thane's face.

Thane suddenly opened his eyes and stood on his feet. "Kris, I have something to do. Go with Sophy and the others back to the town" he said. He opened his hands and created a light tunnel. But it was different this time. It looked more stable and there wasn't any gust of wind around it.

"Will you be back soon?" I asked worryingly. He nodded at me and turn towards the light tunnel. But something came over me. It was a sense of heavy anxiety and my heart was aching terribly. I reached out and tucked on his sleeve My eyes fixated on the ground. Thane stopped and turned to me.


"Can I.." I trailed off and looked at him. "Can I come along?"

Thane gave me a confused expression instead."I promise I won't do anything to bother you I'll just look from the sidelines" I pleaded.

His mouth open to say something but he didn't. He look like he was in conflict. I felt bad, but still I felt like I had to go with him yet I didn't know why. Thane sighed and took my hand in his and started walking.

"You won't like what you'll see, but if you insist Kris.." he said and turned to me. ".. I'll take you"

The light tunnel was starting to envelop us again. As it did I simply bit my lips wondering if whether I did the right thing or not. I shook my head and thought "I have to see"


As Thane walked through the tunnel with Kris, he made a frown. "What am I doing?" He thought. He was still in conflict. Was bringing Kris to the link the bridge the right thing? Why wasn't he thinking straight?

Thane was calculative, he made decisions based on every information he had always making the best possible outcome that would suit his favour. But this time, he took her caused she asked him too and he didn't think it through. Something he's never done before. He was bringing a soul from Pnevmisia back to the link bridge. A soul that had no chain of regularity. Even now he could feel her soul energy dissipating. He thanked Sophy for stabalizing Kris's soul, that's why he left her there.

Sophia, as a personified, was much more intelligent and quick witted that Thane. There was no one better than her he thought, that's why he brought Kris to Sophy. When the chain of regularity didn't come to her he panicked, he hadn't seen such a thing.

He used his powers to stabilise Kris, but he knew he had to find a different solution.

So he brought her to Sophia otherwise known as "Mistress of flames and ash". She was known all through out Pnevmisia not just for her brute strength but also for her wit and intelligence.

But even Sophia told him that all she could do was grant Kris her domain's protection. It was still a temporary solution. As long as she was in Sophia's domain her soul should wouldn't dissipate.

Yet here he was, bringing Kris back to the link bridge. The link bridge was a dangerous place for souls like her yet he accepted her request and took her with him. 'Whats wrong with me!?' He demanded.

Thane felt Kris squeezing his hand he turned back and saw her smile. It was gentle and soft and it made her all the more beautiful.

"I'll be fine Thane" she said. Thane turned forward as the light started to disappear. "Of course you will be, because I Thanatos, shall grant you devine protection." He said and the light disappeared.

The tunnel had transported them inside a house this time. They were in a living room. Sofas were lined up neatly in the center, furnitures with beautiful antique was displayed. Picture frames of the owners familynwas hung on the walls. Light was peeking in from the window and the expensive looking curtain behind them. No a single soul or sound came. The air was ominous filled with tension.

Thane turned towards Kris with a serious expression. His gaze was stern and he spoke "listen Kris, go and hide behind the furniture. Whatever you do, do not make a sound am I clear?"

Kris gave him a look of confusion at first but she complied and went behind the furniture. After she did, Thane heard footsteps approaching towards him.

"I-its you! H-how did you find me?" A mans voice came, Thane turned towards the man in question. His eyes void of all emotions.

"H-HOW DARE YOU!" The man shouted. Thane didn't move nor did he spoke. The man was tall and he was bald. He had a pair of glasses on yet it couldn't hide the fear he had in his eyes. He was in formal clothing indicating that he was an office clerk and judging from the house he was rich. On his white shirt though. There was something.

It was red, nothing but red. It covered his entire waist and below and at the centre was the culprit. A knife was sticking out his stomach.


"And why did he do such a thing?" Thane replied calmly.

"I-i dont know." He said and turned his eyes away from Thane.

"You do"

"It wasn't my fault" the man said clenching his fist. "She chose him instead of me! I COULD NOT ACCEPT THAT! SO I TOOK HER AND I BROUGHT HER HOME"

A thought came to thane, his gaze turned to Kris. She was, shivering she held her hands on her head. Her eyes filled with fear.

'I'll finish this quick' Thane thought 'For her sake'.

"Enough!" Thane spoke out, his voice full of benevolence and authority but the man didn't yield.

'Bothersome' Thane remarked.

"YOU SEE I TOOK HER AND AND-.." A disturbing smile crept on the mans face as he remember what he had done a month ago to the girl who got away from him. A girl Thane met.



Kris closed her eyes and started shaking her head, tears falling out, she was trembling.

"Shut up, your time is up" Thane said.

A chain emerged on the mans chest, and it was pure black. It had a sinister aura emitting from it.

"Wh-whats this?" The man asked as he grab the chain trying to pull it out.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you" Thane warned. "Now lets see, you lost soul, of envy and hatred, I condem you to Verdamnisia for all eternity." Thane lifted his hands and in its direction a dark, malicious fog was gathering. A strong wind came and forced all the gathering fog into one concentrated place. The fog spun around and created a vortex as it sucked in the wind.

"WH-WHATS THIS?" The man shouted. The chain on his chest started shaking and from the fog a black chain emerged and it leapt on the man. It curled around him like a snake that caught his prey and began crushing him. After entrapping him the chains connected and it started pulling the man inside the void. He was unable to move. No matter how much he struggle, the chain only got tighter.

"WHAT IS THIS?! YOU'LL PAY! TRAVELLER YOU'LL PAY" He screamed as his voiced disappeared into the void.

"Devine punishment" Thane whispered. He stared up at the ceiling and sighed. He turned towards Kris who was still crawled up in the corner, refusing to open her eyes.

Thane walked towards her, only the sounds of his footsteps echoing in the room. He knelt in front of her, his mind searching for the right words to say.

But before he could say anything, Kris leapt onto his arms and cried. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Thane didn't move.

"I-i'm sorry"

Thane took his hand and patted her head. "You have nothing to apologise for. Are you afraid of me?"

"No not you" she wrapped her arms tighter around him, her body still trembling shaken by what just happened.

"I see" Thane said listening quitely to the sound of her sobbing and crying.

He turned towards the window which was letting a lot of bright light to come in, all according to Thane's command. The ray of light moved further and further towards the two until it landed on them. For a moment, a very short moment Thane's golden eyes reflected the light of hope.


To the reader,

Bum dum dum tsk. So thats chapter 4. Hope you like it y'all. Its quite long huh? Anyway do you like edward and Lany? Personally i like Muzak the vendor owner, you'll see why. And als-

Edward - That took a dark turn

Sophia - for sure 

Author - bleh, you should've seen it coming and I'm talking here do you mind?

Thane - what a headache of an author.

Author - oi!

Kris - Guys please leave a review and share the story if you like it, until the next one ciao!

Author - that's my line....

Muzak - buy my deserts haha haha!


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