
Winter's Rainbow

Kristen Mawroh, an 18 year old girl was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer before her 14th birthday and had less than three years to live. Yet even after knowing that, she decided that life was still in her control and it was still beautiful so she brushed off the sadness and despair and started living her life to the fullest, fulfilling every goal she could before her time came. Now three years pass and she lays on her deathbed with everyone she cared about by her side. Knowing death is calling her, she closes her eyes and smiles one last time awaiting her end, awaiting her eternal rest. But little did she knew, her real adventures began when she opened her eyes again.

Hooligan90 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 - Ash and Flames

"Huh? Is this really possible?" I gasped at the sight in front of me. That familiar straight brown hair, those bangs and those eyes that look like they were full of life. Those cheeks that weren't sunken or pale. Lips that aren't dry of cracked either.

I used my fingers to touch them trying confirm my doubts, of whether I was still dreaming or something, but i could feel them. I looked at my hands and saw that no bones were showing either. There was more flesh now. It was so different than before when I was sick. I turned back towards the mirror and still couldn't believe myself. I had the same shoulder strap white dress that I love so much from when I was alive.

I only had the chance to wear it once but because of my sickness worsening and constant hospital appointments I didn't get the chance to wear it again.

"But how?" I asked myself as I looked down clutching my dress. A feeling of small relief came over me, but it was still colliding with the doubts I had about all this. But to say that I wasn't grateful would be a lie nonetheless, even though i knew i wasn't exactly beautiful I was grateful.

Yet my mind was still asking me how was all this possible? was the person in the mirror really me?

I could feel my eyes welling up. I knew if I close them tears of joy would come out but i trued my best to hold them back.

"I have no idea" I whispered.

A loud thud came from behind me, i looked at the mirror and from behind me I saw someone, along with her the color of red. I turned around and stood up from where I as sitting.

"Oh, hey Sophia!" The girl in front of me crossed her arms and stared at me with a grin. Her red curly hair ran from her head to the front of her right eyes till it touched her shoulders. Even though this was the second time seeing her, I still can't grasped at how beautiful she was. The white shirt she was wearing on which i saw her wearing earlier was tucked neatly under her black trouser but it still couldn't deny the smooth and round curves she hid inside it. She was tall, even taller than Thane himself who was taller than me. I could tell from her face and hands that she had a light tan complexion and it complimented her other features.

But these didn't caught My attention.

No. It was something else.

Her eyes were similar to Thane's but the only difference was that her iris were of pure red. It looked like her eyes were lit in flames, fierce undying flames and anyone could tell that it would only take one gaze from her to make any odinary man kneel in submission.

"Finally awake? How are you feeling?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. Her eyes loomed over me, her eyebrows squinted a bit displaying more of the worried she had.

"I feel much better now" I replied giving her a reassuring smile. I then gave her small bow and thanked her for taking care of me while i was unconscious.

"Still eh, you blacked out so suddenly it made everyone panic" she said with a hearty laugh. "But I'm glad to see you're doing well"

"My mind is still fuzzy but I'm starting to remember what happened before i fainted" I made a wry smile as I used my fingers to tuck my hair behind my ears, a sensation that i still wasn't used to feeling again. I thought at what happen when I got here and it started making my heart feel a bit anxious.

After Sophia came out of the crowd, she gave me a cold gaze, a gaze that made a million signals run from my mind to every part of my body which made me froze up. I could feel my body telling me that this person is extremely dangerous.

Her eyes landed on my chest and then her expression changed again. This time, she turned paled and confuse.

"No chain? How is this possible?" She asked as she started walking towards me. Her gaze didn't leave my eyes and her hands curled in a fist. Run Kris run!

"That's why I brought her to you" Thane came and stood besides me, his eyes never leaving Sophia's. A feeling of relief rushed into me.

"Is that so?" Without noticing it Sophia was standing in front of Thane, their eyes never leaving the other's. I looked at this woman Thane called Sophia and saw her strange eyes. They were like Thane's but were red in color. Like red glowing little orbs that seem to emit flames. Seeing this only made more questions popped out in my head.

Sophia then turned her attention towards me and her red eyes met mine. It gave me a feeling of heavy anxiety and sent cold shivers down my spine, one different than what I felt when Thane looked at me. My knees felt weak, and the more i stared the more i felt like i was being engulfed in flames. Flames that will burn me and leave nothing but ash.

"I can feel it" she spoke out breaking the silence. She lifted her fingers and placed them on my shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"This is bad Thane" she opened her eyes and looked back at him. Thane nodded and looked at me with a sympathetic worrying face.

"What did she mean Thane?" I asked anxiously. I was worried. Whatever they were talking i could tell it gravely concern my well being and i was really worried.

"When someone dies..." He said trailing off. Maybe he was doubting about how he was going to put whatever he had on his mind into words hoping it wouldn't put me on the edge much further given how sensitive the subject seemed. But i was already on the edge and I would only get more anxious if he didn't tell me.

"Their souls comes out from their vessels but souls being a form of energy has a chance of dissipating over time. When they do the soul in question along with the identity of the owner.." He turned towards me with a serious looked in his eyes. My throat was dry and my heart felt like it was going to rip out of my chest again. Was i ready for this?

"...Will disappear. It'll be as if they never existed in the first place. Every living and dead being will forget about them"

"After the soul departs from the body and is bought here, a chain of regularity occurs on their body I.e. above their hearts on their chest. This chain is a blessing from Pnevmisia and it binds the soul here not letting it dissipate." Sofia then continued after Thane.

"But you.." Thane said as my worry started creeping further and further inside my heart. I could feel blood rushing to my head. My arms and legs was getting weaker. The feeling i had in my gut wasn't pleasant either

"I.. I.." I could barely speak. My body was shaking and I could feel my strength going away from me. I turned towards Thane but the darkness decided the take over again.

"Hey! Oh shi...." I could hear Sophia shout but my body gave up before I could respond to her.

After waking up i found myself in a room that was lit with a candle light. I looked to my sides and realized how unusual the room looked. There were wooden walls and the floor was made of wood too. It looked empty except for the mirror near the end of bed i was sleeping at and the drawer to my left there wasn't any modern features that i was used to in it. There was also a window to the right of my bed and a door near the drawer. I turned towards the window and saw that it was already dark but it was bright outside thanks to the moon being at its brightest. I could see other houses too and a bunch of people walking. To the distant there were the mountains that I saw when i came here.

"Such a strange world" I muttered. I bit my lips when remembered that i blacked out again. How long was i out anyway? Of ft Kris get a hop of yourself!

After Sophia came to check on me, she invited me to have dinner with her. I followed her and found myself in the kitchen. Apparently i was resting inside her cabin and it was also the house of the town's mayor. Which makes Sophia this town's mayor.

While we were eating i decided to ask her some questions.

"Where are we Miss Sophia?"

"Oh no, please cut the miss and just call me Sophy." I nodded at her and smiled. "Then call me Kris, Sophy"

"Kris it is then" she grinned at me " Well, before I answer your question. I'll ask you one thing instead. After receiving an answer I shall answer yours"

"OK then"

"Good, so Kris. Have you accepted the fact that you died?" She was giving me a stern and serious expression as she asked me that. The question felt like a bombshell. I hadn't thought about that fact. I looked down, pondering before giving her an answer. After thinking about it i gave out a small sigh.

"After I found out that I was sick with an incurable terminal disease four years ago a lot of things went through my mind. Most of it were regrets. But after thinking more I decided that I wouldn't waste my time on such thoughts. So i promised myself that i would live my life the fullest. I know its sad, but I've already accepted the fact that i was gonna die all those years ago" a smile formed on my lips as i placed my hand on my chest. "I mean I still find it hard to believe that i died." I then turned towards her as I resolved all the doubts i had inside me. "But, I can say for sure that yes! I accept the fact that I'm no longer alive"

Sophia stared at me for a while and then gave out a sigh of relief as she leaned back against her chair.

"That's good. Your answer was long but it gave me all the answers i needed to hear. When i touched you earlier I felt no lingering sense of regrets. But, that is exactly why it makes this a strange case" Sofia crossed her arms and turned towards the window.

"This town is called 'Alia', and its the middle of my domain." After giving it a thought I remembered Thane and something about his own domain.

"So you're telling me you're like Thane?"

"In a way but not exactly. Thane and I are two different entities with different domains. This World is called 'Pnevmisia' (pronounced as 'Nef-mi-cia''). You heard that earlier right?" I nodded at her after remembering what happened before i blacked out.

"Other than that." Sophia then turned her gaze back to me "this I also called 'Land of the walking souls'"

I gave it a thought and asked her

"So that means this is where people go when they die?"

"Well, yes and no. People's souls do come here after they die, but not all do. To come here your soul must meet certain conditions. Pass those conditions and you end up here. If you don't you go to 'Verdaminsia', Otherwise known as 'void of the damn'. But I don't think you need to know about that."

"There's also another place where souls go to after certain conditions are met. "Dormienta" or the 'land of sleeping souls'. But if you want to know more about these worlds you'll need to ask Thane. I cannot answer you any other questions that aren't related to my domain."

Sophia stood up while taking both of our empty plates and put them in the washer. Then she proceeded the make some tea. I on other hand was thinking about everything she just told me.

So according to what she said, I died and after that my soul ended up in this world called Pnevmisia. A place where souls gather. But other than that, there are more worlds other than this. Verdamnisia huh? It sounds like a horrifying and scary place being called void of the damn and all.

And also Dormienta or sleeping souls. Sleeping souls?

What did she mean by that? And what were these conditions Sophia mentioned? Even though i get the gist of it, there is still a lot of things i don't get.

Also there was another thing that caught my attention.

"Sophy, is there more than one domain?" I asked.

"Yes" she answered as she gave me a cup of tea and sat again a seat on her chair opposite my side.

"There are more, but like i said. These are questions I cannot answer but I'll answer the ones that are related to my domain."

"There is still a lot that i don't understand, but I think I'll stop asking for now, I'm exhausted both mentally and physically I don't think i can withstand anymore bombshells. But tomorrow can I go out and take a look around town? Maybe I'll learn a thing or two by myself." Sophia gave me a smile and nodded.

"Yes if that's what you want, also Thane said he'll be back to see you tomorrow"

"He left?" I asked

"Yes after bringing you here, he had to leave." I held my cup and stared at it. I could see my reflection on it and i noticed that there was a worried expression on my face. I took in a deep breath and nodded.

"Just who are you Thane?" I whispered only for Sophia to give out a giggle after i said that.

"Well, maybe if he's willing he'll tell you."

"But you can't right?" She shook her head and gave me an apologetic smile. I chuckled under my breath and placed the cup i had on the table. Things had happened so fast I couldn't even tell If it was all a dream. But looking back its obvious, everything did happen and I did die. I had a good life. I was surrounded by good people. I gave it all i could and I'm glad, glad i did. I'm grateful too, to everyone who stayed by my side till the end.

"Kris." Sophia said softly breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Yes Sophy?" She gave me a bright smile. "If you ever need anything dont hesitate to ask OK. I know we just met, but please consider me as your friend now."

I gave her a bright smile of my own and nodded. "Thank you Sophy"

We talked for a while after that, I was telling her about my old life and some fun things I did and about my old world. We laughed and talked until it was time to sleep. After saying goodnight i went back to the room she gave me. I went straight to bed since I was exhausted. I guess its because i haven't walk around in a while. Before I knew it I was already sound asleep.

The next morning i decided to wake up early since i was going to explore the town I decided to make most of the day I had. Sophia had already woken up before me and she wasn't in the house. After her helper gave me my breakfast I finished it and went out to search for her.

When I did find her, i learned something about Sophia. She really was something else.

"Haha, you weaklings! Let me show you what it means to be a man!"

"But madam Sophia, you're a woman."

"Really? Oh yes haha well let me show you either way!"

She was near the lumber mill with the other town folks. It seemed like she was helping them carry around the logs of wood that were cut down from the forest. I saw something unusual though, something that terrified and amazed me. After declaring to the man, who was having trouble carrying the lumber that he had, that she'll carry it for him. She took the huge lumber which was the size of a regular full grown tree, with one freaking hand and placed it on her shoulder. Yes you heard me!

She used one freaking arm to lift the log, threw it in the air and made it land on her shoulder like it was nothing. And as if that wasn't enough she took two more and placed them on her shoulder.

What the freak! What did i just witness? What is she? And what is up with that brute strength? Is this world full of people who defy logic itself? Does logic even exist in this world?

"Haha see that punks! That's how you become a man! haha"

"But you're a woman."

"Oh yeah but whatever!" she was laughing and then went into a nearby shed. I followed her and found her inside, sorting the lumber she was carrying.

"Hey Sophy"

"Oh hey Kris, good morning" she said as she turned to look at me. She took out a cloth and cleaned her hands and then came to me.

"Good morning Sophy. Can i ask you something?"

"Sure! What is it?"

"How were you able to carry those as if it was nothing?" i asked smiling akwardly as i pointed to the log. After seeing them close up, I can tell, they were huge! How did this woman manage to carry them around like paper?!

"Oh that! They're nothing hahahaha!" A monster!

"So you ready?" She asked.

"Yes!" I nodded at her beaming like a child. I was excited i wanted to see what this town was like, I wanted to go around and interact with the people that live here.

As I was imagining what my plans was going to be like Sophia made a grin instead.

"you heard her right?" She said as she looked behind me. I turned around and saw just the person I was thinking of. He gave me a small smile and waved. His other hand still in his pocket. His golden eyes glimmered and his jet black hair being swayed by the wind.

"Hey Kris"


To the reader,

So there ya have it, i hope you like this one. And what were your thoughts on Sophia? Do you like her? 

Also more surprises coming in the next chapters. Thank you so much for reading my novel. Until the next one.



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