
The Halfhand #11

Author's note: I'm not seeing nearly enough power stones, my dudes. I need to see my story climb through the power ranking, and I need to see it now. 

As if tommorow my p-word page will have 20 chapters ahead of WN, meaning I'll be able to do release double updates here as well, but that depends on how much power stones, comments and reviews the story gets, so get to it. 

Also this is your last chance to read the next 19 chapters for only $1. Once I'm 20 chapters head I'll split them into tiers. As in it would cost $10 to get full access. 


Gale, now clad in the black attire of the Night's Watch, approached the edge of the Haunted Forest. The dense tree line marked the beginning of the mysterious wilderness beyond the Wall. He cast a thoughtful glance back at the colossal structure of ice and stone that the Wall, standing tall and imposing. 

Since his arrival at the Castle Black more than a year ago, this would be his first venture outside its protective walls. It was an ironic turn of fate that his first outing would take him back into the wilderness north of the Wall, the wasteland that was his so-called place of birth. 

Still, it was better than staying at Castle Black doing nothing but training and reading, so Gale chose not to look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth. 

His moment of contemplation was interrupted by the gruff voice of Benjen Stark, the First Ranger of the Night's Watch. "Stop spacing out, lad," he called out to Gale, noting the young man's distracted state. "Keep it moving. We've got a long road ahead," Benjen added, his tone filled with a sense of purpose.

Gale shook off his momentary reverie, his gaze reluctantly parting from the Wall. "Right behind you," he responded, determination in his voice as he jogged to catch up with Benjen and Edd. 

The path into the Haunted Forest was laden with unknown dangers, but Gale was more than ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, both in the wilds of the north and within himself.


West of the Wall, near the exit of the Shadow Tower, Qhorin the Halfhand walked into the snowy wasteland, followed by two seemingly anxious rangers. 

The weathered ranger's sharp eyes scanned their surroundings with vigilance, his cloak of the Night's Watch billowing in the biting wind. 

Qhorin was a tall, imposing figure, and his clean-shaven face held an air of rugged experience. His right hand bore the marks of previous encounters with danger, most of its fingers now missing.

"What's this about, Qhorin?" inquired the first ranger, his curiosity lacing his voice.

Qhorin turned to face his companion, his expression unreadable. "Lord Commander's orders," he replied curtly, offering no further explanation.

The second ranger, less inclined to accept the vague response, furrowed his brow. "We already know that much. But what the hell are you supposed to achieve all on your own? Are you sure he's not just sending you to your death?" he questioned, his skepticism evident.

Before the second ranger could continue his line of inquiry, he abruptly found himself staring down the blade of Qhorin's sword, which had been drawn and aimed perilously close to his neck. 

"Watch your tongue, lest you lose it," Qhorin admonished, his voice firm. The threat was evident, and the second ranger nervously swallowed hard as Qhorin's eyes bore into him.

He slowly sheathed his blade, allowing a moment of silence to linger in the cold, crisp air. "I reckon Lord Commander has his reasons, which I'll discover as soon as I meet up with Benjen," he explained, the sternness in his voice softening slightly. 

"Now, get your arses back inside, and try not to make too much of a mess while I'm gone." A wry smile played on his lips as he turned away and made his way toward the ominous expanse of the Haunted Forest. 


As Gale, Benjen, and Edd pressed on through the foreboding expanse of the Haunted Forest, Edd's frustration had been quietly mounting, and he could no longer contain it. 

Edd's need for clarity gnawed at him, driving him to a breaking point.

"Alright. I've had enough," Edd declared, his voice laced with impatience as he came to a sudden stop, causing the others to halt as well. "I need someone to tell me what we're doing here, and I need it done now."

Edd had pestered Benjen with his inquiries about the purpose of their expedition several times, only to receive vague and unsatisfying answers. They had been told it was a routine patrol, but he didn't buy it. 

Edd had been astute enough to notice the changes that had occurred at Castle Black since Gale's arrival.

The First Ranger, the Lord Commander, Maester Aemon, and even Alliser Thorne had been acting strangely. Their behavior had been marked by an air of secrecy and the undercurrent of unspoken concerns. 

Lord Commander Mormont had summoned all rangers back to their stations and even called for veterans from the Shadow Tower and Eastwatch for a meeting in Castle Black that had reeked of secrecy.

Furthermore, patrols beyond the Wall had been abruptly halted after the said meeting, and the order to maintain an unwavering vigil over the Wall had been delivered with unusual urgency. 

Even more surprisingly, every Wandering Crow had been dispatched to the south, tasked with gathering as many new recruits as possible, regardless of the methods they employed.

And now, all of a sudden, numerous patrols were sent beyond the Wall, all parties led by one vetern ranger or the other, including their own. Edd's skepticism had reached its peak, and he was no longer willing to remain in the dark. He needed answers, and he needed them immediately.

Amid the chilling and ominous backdrop of the Haunted Forest, Gale and Benjen exchanged brief, uncertain looks in response to Edd's outburst. The atmosphere was fraught with tension as Edd demanded answers.

Benjen sighed heavily, realizing it was time to unveil the truth-- or at least, a part of it. "We have reasons to believe that Wildlings have united under a King Beyond the Wall," he began to explain. His voice was measured, as he felt the gravity of the situation. "Winter is coming, and we're ill-prepared to face it."

Edd's features contorted with understanding and concern. They had passed by several known Wildling communities on their journey, but all of them had been deserted, devoid of any sign of life. 

"But what's with all the secrecy?" Edd inquired with a frown, his gaze now focused on Gale. His frustration and curiosity were palpable. "Why keep this news from spreading? And most importantly, why does he not seem surprised?" He pointed at Gale, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and irritation.

Gale's knowledge of this critical information struck Edd as surprising and unsettling. Edd, who had taken the Night's Watch oath at a young age and served the order faithfully ever since, couldn't help but feel slighted by the fact that Gale, who had not even sworn the oath, was privy to such crucial intelligence while he remained in the dark.

Gale's response was composed and nonchalant, his tone remarkably calm given the circumstances. "Because I already know," he stated, unruffled. "We learned of this over a year ago while we were on the way to Black Castle. After Benjen saved my life, that is," He explained. 

"As for why we withheld the information, it's to keep the less experienced rangers from panicking," Benjen clarified. His voice held a tinge of regret. "The Night's Watch is not what it used to be. We are not nearly prepared to face a horde of Wildlings. And finally, we don't have enough evidence to ask for reinforcements from the south, which is why we're here now."

Edd couldn't help but sigh, weariness etched across his face. He rubbed his forehead in frustration, seeking clarity in the midst of these revelations. "So, we're here to get evidence? Is that it?" he asked.

Benjen nodded. "And to hinder this King Beyond the Wall, if at all possible."

Edd's frustration boiled over as he contemplated their predicament. "Then we're going deep north," he mumbled, his expression full of exasperation. He gazed at the wintry sky, as if seeking solace or answers. "Something or someone out there must really hate me for me to be here..."

Benjen's smile held a hint of wariness as he glanced at Gale, who had insisted on Edd's inclusion in their party and none else's. However, he chose not to voice his thoughts at that moment. 

He was prepared to offer words of consolation to the pessimistic ranger but found himself holding back as his keen ears picked up the distinct sound of footsteps cutting through the frigid silence, nearing their location.

He spoke with a hushed urgency, his voice barely a whisper, as his attention shifted to the path behind them. "Someone's coming. Take cover, quickly."

Gale didn't waste a moment. He had already taken steps to mask their tracks in the snow. "I've already taken care of our tracks... get to cover," He encouraged, following his own advice. 

Confused but aware of the necessity of their actions, Edd turned around to see that any traces of their passage had vanished into the pristine expanse of snow. 

The rapid transformation in the landscape surprised him, but he had no time to dwell on it. 


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