
Winter's (GOT) Nothing on Me

In a world where strange occurrences are the norm, our story follows a nameless young man. But this isn't your everyday tale; it's a rollercoaster of epic proportions. The young man suddenly wakes up one day encased in an ice cocoon, unsure of how he got there or what's happening. He quickly realizes he's in deep trouble and that his life is on the line. Enter his savior, a ranger of the Night's Watch. They're the guardians of the Wall, and they're here to protect Westeros from all kinds of threats, the kind Gale's just stumbled into. That's right, our unlikely hero has been unceremoniously plopped into the world of Westeros, the home of dragons, political plots, and, well, too much incest. Oh, and there's a twist—the young man has powers he doesn't understand. It's a journey of self-discovery, survival, and learning to handle incredible abilities. Alongside his savior and with guidance from a certain blind Maester, the young man takes on a quest to figure out these newfound powers. In "Got: Iceborne Reveneant," (That's the actual name of the story. The current titles is something to attract more readers) it's a wild ride filled with magic, intrigue, and suspense, set in the world you all know and love.

Wicked132 · TV
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77 Chs


Sometime later, within the cave, Gale knelt on the uneven ground, the flickering torch casting elongated shadows on the cave walls as he scrutinized the shallow footprints etched into the muddy floor. 

"More tracks leading deeper into the cave," he remarked with a furrowed brow, his gaze tracing the imprints. "Too many tracks," he grumbled, a grimace forming at the sight of the multitude of prints marring the ground.

 The trio – Gale, Tormund, and Edd – had traversed deeper into the enigmatic cave, navigating its branching pathways by following the trail of footprints left behind by their quarry.

"It's clear we've been following the tracks of those who ambushed Rayder's men," Tormund stated, surveying the cave's interior. 

"Survivors seeking shelter wouldn't venture this far into the cave. No, this seems to be their lair," he deduced, a note of certainty lacing his words. His keen eyes scrutinized the signs of activity scattered around.

"Given the number of tracks, it's clear there are more of them than we can handle," Edd interjected, his apprehension evident as he glanced at Gale. 

"We haven't crossed paths with any guards yet, but it's best we get out of here before we do," he urged, his voice filled with an underlying urgency, clearly eager to vacate the foreboding confines of the cave.

Reluctantly acknowledging Edd's cautionary words, Tormund nodded with a hint of agreement. "As much as it pains me to agree, he's right," he affirmed grimly. 

"Now that we've found their hidey-hole, we can simply return with a larger force to obliterate whoever's behind this," he concluded, preparing to retreat from the cavern's depths, the shadows looming eerily around them.

Tormund had always regarded Gale as a sensible young man, grounded and level-headed in his perspectives, so Gale's next words caused him to stop dead in his tracks. 

"No... we can't leave, not yet," Gale asserted, prompting both Tormund and Edd to halt and cast bewildered looks his way. 

"It's clear they're using this place as a hideout, but we don't know if this arrangement is temporary or permanent," he elaborated. "We need to know who we're up against so that we're better prepared to deal with them or even hunt them down should they relocate," he firmly concluded.

Edd and Tormund exchanged incredulous glances, their expressions a mix of shock and uncertainty. 

Tormund, taking a measured breath, responded first. "I get your point, lad, but if we perish here, our efforts will be in vain," he calmly reasoned. "Without us, no word reaches Rayder, and these troublemakers continue to roam unchecked," he added, a frown creasing his brow.

"You are right..." Gale nodded in understanding, momentarily easing the tension etched on Edd's face. However, before Edd could exhale a sigh of relief, Gale continued with an unexpected resolve. 

"That's why I'm going alone. I'll have an easier time staying hidden and even running if I'm alone...." The young man declared, surprising both Tormund and Edd with the determination in his words.


I heavily exhaled as I watched Edd and Tormund recede into the cave's shadows. Tormund attempted to halt me, recognizing the pivotal role I played as a mediator between the wildlings and the Night's Watch. 

He likely feared my death might signify the demise of any hope for peace or alliance between the factions. But my intention was never to meet my end here, and a simple assurance was enough to dissuade him.

On the other hand, Edd had much to say about my seemingly reckless plan, labeling it as foolhardy and suicidal. He spoke with uncharacteristic convictions, painting me as a fool intoxicated by newfound power and recklessness from my time among the wildlings. 

Maybe, in some ways, he was right. But, regardless of his warnings and the danger waiting for me, I had made up my mind. Time was constricting around me, and every moment was like a grain of precious stone I couldn't squander. 

The concealed figures within these caves needed to be identified and dealt with as soon as possible before they caused more problems and wasted more of my time, and I'll see it done no matter what. 

The Night King and his legion of the undead posed the only real threat, and I couldn't allow a minor hindrance to divert my focus for too long. With a deep breath, I steeled myself and plunged into the depths of the cavern, tracing the tracks left behind by those I pursued.


Gale stopped in his tracks, startled by the distant glow ahead and the eerie chanting that echoed through the passage. Reacting swiftly, he doused the torch and melded into the shadows against the wall. 

Proceeding cautiously, he inched toward the distant light, his movements deliberate and stealthy.

The journey to the source of the light proved longer than anticipated. The flickering glow seemed deceptively near, yet Gale found himself traversing the passageway for several minutes before reaching the end. 

As he emerged, he stood upon an elevated ledge overlooking a vast expanse within the cavern. Numerous tunnels branched out, leading into the central clearing, creating an intricate network within the cave.

Below, a congregation of wildlings adorned in tattered furs, their figures-- painted with vivid hues of green, purple, and blue-- filled the area. 

Jagged and menacing, their weapons added an air of foreboding to their presence. Gale narrowed his eyes, recognizing them as cave dwellers, but their strange activities puzzled him. Their collective gaze fixated on two bound wildlings secured to stone pillars at the heart of the gathering.

Gale scrutinized the captives, recognizing their attire as belonging to the Ice River clans. 'Survivors from the people Rayder sent, no doubt...' 

Yet, his thoughts swirled in a tumult of confusion and apprehension. 'What on earth are those cave freaks planning to do with them?' he pondered, noting the peculiar actions and the mounting fervor of the cavernous chanting.

As the chorus of the cave dwellers intensified and grew more passionate, one of them strode forward, an obsidian dagger grasped in hand. Gale's mind raced to comprehend the familiarity of this scene. 

'The captives tethered to stone, the cult-like chanting, the sacrificial blade...' 

Recognition struck him with a jolt. It was a scene he had witnessed in a vision once and in countless dreams—a haunting image where he himself was often the captive. 

The chilling realization dawned on him as the cave dweller ceremoniously drove the obsidian dagger into the captive's chest.

'These fuckers are trying to create White Walkers,' Gale concluded, his blood running cold at the revelation. The urge to intervene and stop the twisted ritual tugged at him, but he remained concealed, knowing he stood no chance against the multitude below. 

Revealing himself would only invite certain doom. 

Clenching his jaw tightly, he gritted his teeth, powerless to do anything but bear witness. His heart sank as the captive gasped, his eyes turning an icy blue, his skin transforming to an ice-like pallor before Gale's eyes.

Gale watched with a mix of horror and relief as the captive's transformation abruptly halted, his body disintegrating into countless shards of ice. A sigh of relief escaped Gale's lips. 'Looks like their attempts at creating White Walkers are still unsuccessful,' he thought, the tension easing from his shoulders.

Preparing to retreat and report his findings, Gale readied himself to leave the cavern. But as he moved to depart, the sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention. Frozen in place, Gale sought refuge in the shadows, his breath held tight. The sound drew closer until a cave dweller emerged from the tunnel.

'I could probably let this guy walk past me... then again, I can capture and grill him about these rituals and what's going on down there...' Gale debated internally, weighing his options. 

After a moment's hesitation, determination settled in, and he emerged from the darkness. 'Fuckt it... fortune favors the bold...' 

With swift precision, Gale covered the man's mouth and secured him in a firm headlock. He applied pressure until the cave dweller lost consciousness.

"Time to get out of here," Gale muttered to himself, slinging the unconscious man over his shoulder and retracing his steps through the tunnels. 

Each footfall faintly echoed in the cavern as Gale hurried back toward the entrance of the cave, hoping to make his escape before he was discovered.


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