
Winter's (GOT) Nothing on Me

In a world where strange occurrences are the norm, our story follows a nameless young man. But this isn't your everyday tale; it's a rollercoaster of epic proportions. The young man suddenly wakes up one day encased in an ice cocoon, unsure of how he got there or what's happening. He quickly realizes he's in deep trouble and that his life is on the line. Enter his savior, a ranger of the Night's Watch. They're the guardians of the Wall, and they're here to protect Westeros from all kinds of threats, the kind Gale's just stumbled into. That's right, our unlikely hero has been unceremoniously plopped into the world of Westeros, the home of dragons, political plots, and, well, too much incest. Oh, and there's a twist—the young man has powers he doesn't understand. It's a journey of self-discovery, survival, and learning to handle incredible abilities. Alongside his savior and with guidance from a certain blind Maester, the young man takes on a quest to figure out these newfound powers. In "Got: Iceborne Reveneant," (That's the actual name of the story. The current titles is something to attract more readers) it's a wild ride filled with magic, intrigue, and suspense, set in the world you all know and love.

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Heavy Weight #75

Well, as promised, I'm back at the start of the new year, and I already have a good idea of what I'm going to write next. Here's a quick peek, which might as well be the synopsis: 

Well, if I had plans for a wild adventure, this wasn't what I had in mind.

One moment I'm crashing on the couch, thumbing through my dog-eared DC Comics collection, and the next... Boom! I'm smack dab in the middle of Metropolis, and let me tell you, it's not the Metropolis you see on postcards.

Imagine, the skyscrapers you dream about from movies and comics, now they're crumbling. Flashing lights and explosions paint the skyline. No, it's not some fancy holographic display; this is real, alarmingly real.

There I was, regular old me, standing in all my awkwardness in a city under siege by god-knows-what-and-who. Superman is up there, cape fluttering and all, throwing down with these ominous-looking entities. And me? I'm over here, equal parts stunned and terrified.

As debris rains down like a disaster movie on steroids, I'm diving for cover behind a partially collapsed building. The dusty, shredded pages of my comic collection flutter around me, a stark contrast to this gritty, chaotic reality.

Then, out of nowhere, this shimmering interface pops up, hanging in the air like a neon sign in Times Square. It's like some cosmic computer screen offering me options like I'm about to pick a new phone plan.

I poke at it because what else do you do when you're yanked from your comfy world and dropped into a wuper-powered showdown? The thing offers guidance, quests, and, get this, points. Points! Like I'm suddenly part of some cosmic rewards program.

So here I am, taking cover, trying not to stick out like a sore thumb in my jeans and old band t-shirt, while navigating an interface that might as well be from a sci-fi flick.

"Welcome to the Universal Network System," it says. And I'm thinking, "Yeah, thanks for the warm welcome, but can I get a ticket back to my couch?"

Anyway, here's the chapter. 


Amidst the winding caverns and intricate tunnels where the cave dwellers sought refuge, I surveyed the scene with a furrowed brow. My gaze drifted down to the gathered cluster of cave dwellers surrounding several captives in the midst of yet another ghastly ritual. 

For the past few days, I had made it my life mission to disrupt their dark ceremonies within the depths of the caves, and thus far, my efforts had yielded success.

Their attempts to thwart me had been numerous and varied —from cunning ambushes to elaborate traps—but I had navigated through their machinations, foreseeing their tactics and foiling their every plan. 

When they did manage to entrap me, I simply forced my way out with brute strength, and the cave dwellers were helpless to stop me. 

Even when they sought to relocate to different clearings within the cave complex, I remained unyielding, venturing deeper into the labyrinthine depths until I ferreted them out.

Frustration and an unwavering determination to halt their malevolent plans of creating white walkers fueled my persistence in making life intolerable for the cave dwellers.

"This time won't be any different, I imagine," I murmured to myself, retrieving my bow and deftly fitting an arrow. Steadying my breath, I aimed at the nearest captive, whom the cave dwellers intended as a sacrifice for their grim ritual. 

Without hesitation, I released the arrow, the swift projectile finding its mark and ending the man's life as it pierced his heart. One after another, I notched a second and then a third arrow until all the captives lay lifeless. 

"Forgive me... a quick death is better than the fate these cave bastards have devised for you," I muttered, steeling my resolve as I turned my attention to the congregation of cave dwellers, resuming my assault with a relentless barrage of arrows.

I empathized deeply with the plight of these captives, having witnessed firsthand the agony brought by the transformation through my visions and dreams. I wanted nothing more than to save them if possible, but I knew that attempting such an act would only lead to my own demise. 

For the time being, a swift end and exacting retribution upon these cave dwellers were the only offerings I could grant these unfortunate souls, and that was precisely my intention.

My hands moved with a swiftness akin to lightning, deftly knocking arrows and releasing them with lethal accuracy toward the cave dwellers. Each arrow found its target, terminating a life, until my quiver emptied in a flurry of movement. 

"Just in time... they've likely pinpointed my position," I muttered under my breath, discarding the bow and pivoting toward the tunnel behind me. With purpose, I sprinted away, propelled by urgency and a relentless determination to evade the pursuit I anticipated.

As my feet carried me swiftly through the darkness, a distant sound of a bell echoed from the clearing behind me, accompanied by the clamor of voices speaking in the strange language of the cave dwellers. 

'Another one of their schemes, no doubt...' I mused, my focus set solely on my escape as I pressed forward, paying no heed to their efforts. 

Whatever their plan, I intended to swiftly navigate through it, making my way back to the surface. If they chose to pursue me, all the better—I had a group of archers stationed at the entrance I used, ready to grant any chasing cave dweller the agonizing death they deserved.

I sprinted through the labyrinthine caves, my breaths shallow and quick as I navigated the twisting paths. After a tense minute of relentless running, a dozen cave dwellers materialized at an intersection just ahead, brandishing their peculiar, jagged weapons. 

A swift glance behind confirmed no immediate pursuit, affording me a brief moment to weigh my options.

In the face of this confrontation, I had two clear choices. On one hand, I could charge straight through the cave dwellers, utilizing my speed and armor to protect against their weapons. 

As long as I evaded any direct strikes to my vulnerable areas, their blows wouldn't pose a substantial threat besides a few bruises and maybe a broken bone. 

On the other hand, I could stand my ground and eliminate these cave dwellers, further thinning their numbers.

'If I cut them down with the ice blade here, these twelve would serve as a nice surprise to anyone giving chase...' I contemplated, narrowing my gaze. 'If I'm lucky enough, more of these cave dwellers might join the ranks of the wights, gradually eradicating these rats...'

With that thought in mind, I drew the ice blade, steeling myself for the imminent confrontation.

Closing the gap in an instant, I brought the ice blade down upon the nearest cave dweller. The man raised his jagged, bony blade in defense, but his weapon instantly froze and shattered upon the impact of my weapon. 

The sharp tip of the ice blade cleaved through his torso, ripping open a gory wound that froze in seconds, causing him to crumple to the ground.

Without delay, the second cave dweller charged toward me, weapon poised to impale me. I scoffed disdainfully, smacking the edge of the ice blade with the back of my gloved hand. With a swift movement, I directed an ice blast from my free hand, slamming him against the cave wall. 

Seizing the opportunity, I drove the tip of the ice blade into his heart. As I readied myself for the next move, two more cave dwellers lunged at me, one aiming a vicious strike at my neck.

Reacting swiftly, I repelled the assailants with a forceful ice blast, sending them sprawling backward, and swiftly retrieved my blade. 

Though momentarily taken aback by the swift and brutal counter, the remaining cave dwellers charged at me, their intentions clear. But it was too late.

Just as they advanced, the first cave dweller I had felled suddenly rose to his feet, his eyes now aglow with an eerie blue hue. He launched himself at his comrades, tackling the nearest warrior and savagely biting his nose off. 

The gruesome sight twisted my expression into a grimace, and I took a deep breath to steel myself before lunging at the remaining enemies.

In a similar fashion, I dealt with the remaining cave dwellers, leaving nothing but a dozen reanimated corpses, their thirst for the blood of the living evident in their unsettling movements. With a silent command, I directed them, dividing the undead into three groups that dispersed throughout the labyrinthine tunnels. 

My hope was for them to increase their ranks and possibly obliterate the remaining cave dwellers or, at the very least, disrupt their sinister plans and ghastly rituals.

As I surveyed the outcome of the relentless confrontation, a solemn expression clouded my features. 

The weight of the relentless bloodshed I had wrought bore down heavily upon me, now more than ever. My gaze fell upon my ice blade and armor, both now tainted and smeared with blood. 

A pang of dismay washed over me, accompanied by a rueful thought, "Why couldn't I have been transported to Narnia or some other peaceful world, instead of being entangled in this slaughter-fuck-fest?"

Shaking my head to dispel the grim musings and shrugging off the heavy burden, I reluctantly pressed forward through the dimly lit tunnels, bracing myself for whatever lay ahead.