
Chapter 6: Perfection


Chandler's eyes narrow and turn a smoky blue.

I squeeze and massage his crotch.

He gazes at me, waiting for an answer.

"You want to kiss me?"

He nods.

I lean forward.

Suddenly, I feel this sense of control missing in my life for the last year.

Excitement and sexual desire rush through me as I brush my lips against Chandler's.

Chandler groans. "You're f*cking with my head."

"Which head?" I question, moving my lips to his cheek.

He moves his head back.

We make eye contact.

A thrill of sexual excitement races through me when I see his lustful gaze.

Chandler kisses me.

His French kiss is hungry, hypnotic and blissfully overwhelming.

I lean back, trying to keep up with the desire I've unleashed within Chandler.

Our kiss turns sloppy and even needier.

I unzip his pants zipper and slide my hand inside, expecting to discover if he wears boxers or briefs.

Chandler pulls away. He blushes. "I forgot to do laundry this week."

"You should fire your maid," I joke.

He laughs. "First, I need to hire one."

I unbuckle and unbutton his pants and free his erect manhood. As I massage his c*ck, I give him a challenging stare.

He looks down at his d*ck as if he's never seen it before and groans.

I squirm because this f*cking dress is so cumbersome and restrictive.

Chandler gruffly asks me, "How do you take your dress off?"

"Rip the d*mn thing," I don't hide the frustration in my voice as I let his manhood go and tug at the zipper in the back.

We sit up.

Although I expect this romantic moment of undressing each other, it doesn't happen.

Instead, Chandler jumps up, hurriedly removing his clothes.

Yes, I envisioned ripping my dress off and taking off my panties. However, I am too preoccupied with staring at Chandler's perfect body.

He's ripped in all the right places.

How many days do you work out, dude?

His manhood is something to worship with its girth and length.

Chandler extends his hands toward me.

After placing my hands in his, he pulls me into a standing position. Then, he turns me around and unzips my dress.

It falls to the floor.

Chandler pulls me against him and slides his palms inside my black panties. He squeezes my *ss cheeks.

I moan, feeling his erect penis against my lower abdomen.

"Do you want to change your mind? We don't have to," he tells me, studdering.

"Is that what you tell all your one-night stands?" I say with a laugh.

He's expressionless. "Who says this is a one-night stand?"


Right now, I can't think past the here and now.

So, please don't be hurt if I disappoint you.

His expression changes.

He's wearing this poker face that makes me nervous.

"Let me know if you're using me," he tells me, his voice sounding raw and gritty. "I can take the honesty and heads up."

I kiss him, needing that sense of control I felt earlier.

He groans as I push my breasts against his bare chest. Then, suddenly, he breaks the kiss.

We stare at each.

Chandler's smoky blue eyes turn cold.

I swallow hard because I know he's thinking all the wrong things because of me.

He pulls away.

I shake my head. "I'm not using you. I feel like I'm going in a million directions right now."

All I know is that I want you inside me. That's what I want to tell Chandler.

Chandler studies me, looking concerned.

Tears threaten as I think about Mother's criticism and Andrew. Besides Daddy and Rick, Chandler's the other person who accepts me as I am. So finally, I tell Chandler, "All I know is that I'm not using you—I'm not that type of person."

Chandler grabs my face, passionately kissing me until my knees go weak.

He tells me, "We'll go with the flow until we land in a direction."

We return to the couch.

I widen my legs for him as I rest comfortably on my back.

Chandler leans over me, massaging his semi-erect manhood.

We passionately kiss until I feel my core widening to accommodate Chandler's manhood.

I break the kiss and gasp. Then, slowly, I moan with anticipation of goodness fulfilled. "Chandler."

Chandler finds his sweet, slow rhythm as I wrap my legs around his waist.

I move my palms against his lower back. Then, slowly, I run my nails lightly down his back.

As he repeatedly pushes and pulls his manhood in and out of me, I try to move at Chandler's pace. I can't. My climax is mounting so fast that I rotate my hips faster and faster.

"D*mn it, Winsome," Chandler groans.

I almost stop when I hear my name. Oh shoot, I haven't told him my nickname.

The way Chandler's pumping his d*ck into my core is my most earth-shattering experience. My legs shake as my climax rolls through my body.

Chandler's not far behind me.

His strokes are short and super fast. He groans, throwing his head back.

Chandler grits his teeth.

I feel his body tense, then shake as he c*ms.

Chandler pulls out of me.

We maneuver on the couch so that we face each other.

Chandler looks intoxicated as he rests on his back.

I kiss his chest.

He sounds groggy when he says, "Tell your mom to go to hell and go after what you want and get it. You can't let her live your life forever."

I look up at him, ready to ask a question.

Chandler's snoring.

Slowly, I smile as I press my left ear against Chandler's chest. Listening to his heart slows to a resting beat. I close my eyes and try not to freak out.

Will his heart stop?

Is he going to disappear?

The most intimate, beautiful night I've ever had with a man makes me feel horrible. I want Chandler to hold me. Yet, I slip out of his grasp.