
Winner in Life System (BL)

Arthur unexpectedly transmigrated to the parallel world after the university examination. As a foreigner growing up in China since birth, possessing foresight of future events, he thought that his life would be even smoother than his previous live. Unexpectedly, the Winner in Life system also came. Arthur, said with emotions: "I no longer have to struggle in this life!" System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the VIP privilege gift package gaining 5 attributes points and gaining the skill, 【Driving a Ferrari with one hand】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Absolute focus】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Consumption Rebate Critical Card】… .... With the help of the system, the rich and handsome Arthur found that he seemed to be on the path to becoming an Almighty Male God, … However, in this life, this Male god also capture the hearts of other high-quality men, achieving the peak of life. Note: - The novel depicts the relationship of Male x Male. The mc will have his Harem so take cautions. - This novel takes heavy reference from CN Danmei novels, and urban novels (mostly the latter) - This is my first novel ever, starting purely from my own interests. Hope I will receive your support. - The cover photo does not belong to me. Source: Pinterest

Arthur_ErosGod · LGBT+
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43 Chs

This boy is so handsome!

After having made up his mind, Arthur soon realized that the time was almost 10 o'clock. He also had a schedule at the driving school in the afternoon, so he'd better go to the barber's immediately.

After racking his head for a moment, Arthur finally got hold of a quite decent barbershop after asking his fellow classmates and reading several reviews. Even though the price is quite high compared with the general threshold, Arthur still feels no hesitation.

This "he" now has the Winner in life System, so is it prodigal to spend about 300 yuan for a haircut?

Arthur then got up and said to his mom who was currently at the cash register, "Mom, I'm going to get my hair cut."

Wang Hongmei said without raising her head, "Bring an umbrella. It's so hot outside."

Although it may look weird to look at a man holding an umbrella (Note: quite toxic masculinity in Asian culture, huh?), considering the heat outside and the temperature nearly 40 degrees, Arthur took it without a doubt.

As he pushed the door open, the heat wave brushes pass him.

It only took a few seconds for the killing sun rays to cause a faint tingling pain at the back of his neck.

"Bringing an umbrella is indeed a wise choice."

Arthur was holding an umbrella in one hand while riding a small electronic bike on the other. He drove to the barbershop leisurely.


At the door of the barbershop, several hairdressing apprentices in their twenties stood.

"Good morning, sir, welcome to our store."

Seeing Arthur coming, the six hairdressing apprentices all spoke together. While speaking, they bent slightly.

Pretty cool.

Arthur can't ascertain whether it is because he's got the halo of being the foreigner or not. Regardless, he gets quite a good impression of this place.

This barber shop occupies a large area, and the interior decoration is exquisite and pretty bourgeois. It belongs to the kind of place where ordinary with financial capacity people will feel scared when they enter.

But Arthur entered straight into the barber shop, his expression was relaxed and natural, without the slightest sign of discomfort or fear.

The truth is if it were before, when Arthur passed by this kind of barber shop, he would just walk away. But now, with the appearance of the system, Arthur's mentality has changed greatly.

This psychological change gave Arthur enough confidence and calmness now.

"Money is perhaps the guts of an individual" Arthur thinks inwardly in his heart.

"Dear sir, what kind of services would you like to choose?"

A barber came over, wearing a suit. Arthur took a look at the suit on his body, and found that the suit was actually a brand name, and the asking price was almost 10,000 yuan.

"I just want to cut my hair today. Please give me some suggestions"

The barber glanced at Arthur, feeling quite surprised at the appearance of this foreigner with blond hair but being able to speak Mandarin Chinese so fluently. He then focused on Arthur's clothes and hairstyle, but his expression and tone did not change at all, and he still showed respects towards Arthur.


"Sir, we have several levels of hairstylists here, and the fees for each level of hairstylist are different, but correspondingly, the hairstyles designed for you will be more suitable for you..." 

After Arthur was seated, the barber brought a bottle of mineral water, and then a tablet computer, and handed it to Arthur.

Perhaps because he was worried that Arthur would not understand, the barber began talking to Arthur in English.

Arthur took the tablet.

"Sir, if you can't understand the words, I can help you." The barber suggested.

"Never mind, I actually grew up in China since birth, so no troubles." 

Hearing Arthur's answer, the barber felt quite surprised and did not bother him further.

There are several levels of hair stylists above.

Director, Assistant Director...


The barber at the lowest level costs 128 to cut hair.

And the highest director, a haircut actually costs 799.

To be honest, it's very expensive.

But under the director, there are many titles, and even after Arthur clicks in, he can still see the various haircut awards the director has won.

The pretentiousness is very full.

"Just the director."

Arthur spoke.

It's fine if he didn't dare to come in this place before, but now that he's has the system, he wants to try something he hasn't tried before.

"Okay sir, I'm going to inform the director now, please sit here and wait for a while."

The barber looked at Arthur in surprise, but quickly covered it up, and turned to inform the director.


"Hi sir, I'm the director of the store, shall we wash our hair first?"

A middle-aged man came over, and the suit he was wearing was more expensive, costing more than 20,000 yuan.

And the whole person also appears extremely capable.


Arthur nodded and left with the middle-aged man.


Half an hour later.

Arthur's original old-fashioned hairstyle was completely changed under the works of the director.

It has to be said that the director has great aesthetics vision and craftsmanship.

Arthur's current hairstyle is Layer, with a several strands hair sticked out natural. 

Arthur can't say exactly the style of this haircut, but even he himself thinks that he is really handsome now.

"Boy, you are... so handsome??" Even the barber could not help but exclaim.

Arthur's current hair style even makes his facial features more distinct and three-dimensional. Especially the high nose bridge, contoured jawline and captivating blue eyes altogether enhance his handsomeness.

He definitely looked like a sunshine boy now.

Arthur felt really pleased.

After the final finishing touch, Arthur looked for the director who had just cut his hair, ready to pay the bill.

"Sir, I want to ask you here, if I can take a photo of you and put it in the store to promote, in return, the cost of this haircut will be free."

The director said, his eyes lit up when he looked at Arthur.

But don't get him wrong, he didn't like Arthur, but thinks that even though he has designed so many hairstyles, Arthur is still one of his best designs this time.

In fact, the director feels that his own design only accounts for 50%, and the other 50% is Arthur's handsomeness.

Especially those sky-blue eyes were so penetrating and clean, it raised Arthur's temperament several notches.

"No, I'll pay."

Arthur directly refused, he did not intend to use his photos for publicity, anyway, he is not short of money now.

The director still wanted to persuade harder, but before he finished speaking, he shook his head wryly after realizing Arthur is really adamant .


Walking out of the barbershop, Arthur immediately felt some lines of sight of other pedestrians. There were several people who even tried to get his contact information, among them there is even a boy.

However, unfortunately, he is not our main character's type. 

Arthur definitely wished to be in some romantic relationship, but he is not that desperate for anybody, ok?


After eating a light sandwich at the convenience store for lunch, Arthur then checked the time. It's about 2 o' clock already so he's better off to the driving school now.

Everyone who has learned how to drive knows that a dozen trainees share a single coaching vehicle. And it takes about an hour or two to wait and train for just 10 minutes. In this kind of weather, staying under the sun for an hour or two will possibly result in a heat stroke.

Luckily, Arthur applied to the VIP class of the driving school. Although there are fewer students compared to ordinary classes, the instructors are also fewer and limited, so students still have to wait.

It's also worth noting after taking the college examination, the number of students planning to take the driving test during the summer vacation also skyrocketed, which caused the number of VIP classes to increase significantly.


Just after a stroll on the road, a familiar voice can suddenly be heard from the side of the road.

Arthur was taken aback, stopped and turned around to look, and smiled: "Yo, isn't this our Popular Mr. Feng?"

Under the bus pavilion on the side of the road, a handsome Chinese boy stood.

The boy was tall and handsome, with deep features. With a height of 1.81 meters and a large body frame, wearing a white shirt, his hard outline seemed like a man who came out of the second dimension. 

Just when first seeing Arthur with his new hairstyle, Feng Yang feels quite surprised and marveled at the new appearance of his classmate. 

However, after hearing Arthur words, Feng Yang quickly collected himself, then gave Arthur a blank look and said: "Arthur, can you speak well. You know how to make fun of me all day long."

Feng Yang and Arthur are classmates. Because of his outstanding looks and temperament, he was hailed as one of the top three Prince Charming in high school. What's more, Feng Yang has a really pleasant jade-like voice, which helps him won several singing competitions in high schools. Even his speaking voice when calling Arthur earlier just made our main character feel pleasant and a bit of goosebumps.


Our 1st male lead is hereeeeee!

I hope you guys could give me some comments and reviews. It is my first time writing a story. So I am pretty much clueless. Your reviews and comments would give me some motivations and directions for improvements.

So, how do you feel about the story so far?

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