
Winner in Life System (BL)

Arthur unexpectedly transmigrated to the parallel world after the university examination. As a foreigner growing up in China since birth, possessing foresight of future events, he thought that his life would be even smoother than his previous live. Unexpectedly, the Winner in Life system also came. Arthur, said with emotions: "I no longer have to struggle in this life!" System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the VIP privilege gift package gaining 5 attributes points and gaining the skill, 【Driving a Ferrari with one hand】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Absolute focus】… Congratulations to the host for obtaining props, 【Consumption Rebate Critical Card】… .... With the help of the system, the rich and handsome Arthur found that he seemed to be on the path to becoming an Almighty Male God, … However, in this life, this Male god also capture the hearts of other high-quality men, achieving the peak of life. Note: - The novel depicts the relationship of Male x Male. The mc will have his Harem so take cautions. - This novel takes heavy reference from CN Danmei novels, and urban novels (mostly the latter) - This is my first novel ever, starting purely from my own interests. Hope I will receive your support. - The cover photo does not belong to me. Source: Pinterest

Arthur_ErosGod · LGBT+
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42 Chs

Driving license

Silence dawned upon the two, making the atmosphere extremely stiff.

Sitting behind Feng Yang, Arthur felt as if he was sitting next to the air-conditioner. Feng Yang, with his usual cold facade, now became even colder, emitting the aura of rejecting people within thousand miles.

Cold sweats rolled down Arthur's forehead. He hurriedly tightened his arms around Feng Yang's waist.

 "Tee-heee, just kidding! " 

Feeling the tightening arms around his waist, after a moment of silence, Feng Yang heaved a sigh and replied: 

"He he... Arthur... You really know how to talk, huh?"

It's just that his "He he" can't be faker. Meanwhile, Arthur can't do anything but try to coax this ice block.

Silence continued between them. It's just that this atmosphere is by no means awkward as before, but rather has a sense of bizarre harmony.

It wasn't until then that Arthur realized how bold his actions were. They looked like a young couple in a quarrel.

After a moment, Feng Yang thought of something suddenly and continued: "Arthur, you used to be a very quiet person! How come that after the college examination was over, you seem like a new person?"

Arthur continued: "How can you say such a thing. Even we sometimes play together, you don't even know much about me privately. Besides, there is also a group of fan girls who surround you like a swarm of flies, and so there is no chance for me to talk to you normally."

Feng Yang squinted his eyes some more. For this meeting with Arthur after the university examination, Feng Yang also felt some strange feelings towards him. This feeling is quite novel for him. It's strange to say that although Arthur had been teasing him, Feng Yang rather likes this encounter with him.


During their chats, the e-bike soon entered the driving school.

Since the two are not in the same training class, after stopping the e-bike, Arthur held the umbrella and waved his hand, and said: "Prince Yang, see you later!"

Then, he just left…

Feng Yang stood silently, watching his figure slowly become smaller before disappeared. He then slowly went to his driving class. If one has sharp eyes, they could feel that his mood seems more cheerful than usual.

"Arthur is here."

As soon as he arrived at the training site, Arthur saw Wang Zixuan standing under the canopy and waving at him.

Wang Zixuan was Arthur's tablemate. Even though he is straight knows that Arthur is gay, he still remains one of Arthur's best buddies.

The canopy didn't help at all, the guy was about to turn into a sun-dried salted fish, and the sweat kept on rolling down his cheeks.

Seeing Arthur holding an umbrella, Wang Zixuan immediately run under it, wiped off his sweat, and gasped, "Fuck! It is so hot today. I've been standing here for only about ten minutes, but I feel like I am close to getting a heat stroke."

Wang Zixuan handed over a bottle of coke and asked, "Why are you so late today? The coaches have been here for quite a while."

Arthur casually explained: "I met Feng Yang on the road and he asked me to take him to the driving school, and so I was delayed for a while."

"Wow! Arthur, Prince Yang has never been in a relationship but took the initiative to ask you to take him. That's interesting!"

The soul of gossip is present in both men and women. At this moment, Wang Zixuan's eyes were burning with a raging fire of gossip.

Arthur subconsciously remembered the moment sitting behind Feng Yang. He then lightly coughed "Don't talk nonsense. Let's head to the class."


For more than 2 hours, Arthur only practiced driving the car three or four times, each time no more than five minutes.

After class, Arthur was about to leave when his coach stopped him and said: "You will not need to practice for the next two days. I have already reported your quota for the second subject of the test. It will be at the gate of the driving school at 7 am on the 15th set."

"Thank you, Coach."

Arthur thanked him as he noted the time.

The second subject of the driver's license test is a difficult one. Once the second subject is passed, the remaining three or four will be a lot easier.

Arthur estimated that according to his progress, he should be able to get his driver's license before August 10.

He can get his driver's license soon but he is still missing a Ferrari.

Thinking of the Ferrari's exaggerated price, Arthur couldn't help but sigh. "It's a pity that owning a Ferrari is still far away…"


Afterwards, Arthur met Feng Yang again at the driving school gates. A car from his family picked him up, so the two could only exchange a word and two. Arthur then went back home on his e-bike.

Tomorrow morning, Arthur was awakened by a call from his mobile phone.

"I have a delivery for you. Please come down and receive it." The courier said and hung up the phone in a hurry.

The order he placed yesterday afternoon arrived so soon?

Arthur couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the delivery guy.

After washing himself briefly, Arthur put on his slippers and walked downstairs.

He checked the package, and after confirming that there are no signs of the package being opened while in transit, Arthur confirmed the receipt.

As soon as he went inside the house, he couldn't wait to open the package.

The workmanship of the Surface Book computer is indeed very fine.

As for the computer hardware, it is remarkable.

After exploring for nearly an hour, Arthur downloaded various software and games.

He was very satisfied with the performance of the laptop. There was no lag or dropped frames. The smoothness of the gaming experience was even higher than that of his desktop at home.

Arthur put down the mouse and proceeded to check the system interface.

[Host: Arthur Farlier

Level: LV2

LV1 Privilege Reward: Every time you blink, you will get 0.2 yuan.

Upgrade experience: 14320/100000 (experience points can only be obtained through spending, not through loans or money earned!)

System shop: Not Open.

Props: [Consumption Rebate Critical Card]*1

Skill: [Driving a Ferrari with one hand]; [Gay-dar Identification Aura]

Amount: 2612.2 yuan]

Looking at the amount earned in the system interface, Arthur wondered whether he should reduce his sleeping time. Sleeping for nearly nine hours a day seemed a bit luxurious.

Of course, he was just joking to entertain himself.

He wanted to eat and sleep, and not change his lifestyle just because he has the system now.

In the future, Arthur intends on keeping the pace of his life.


The time came to August 8th, and Arthur successfully obtained his driver's license.

That night, in their restaurant, after David Farlier sent away the last table of guests, he lit a cigarette and walked out from the kitchen and said: "Little Arthur, you have now your driver's license. Would you like a car for yourself?"

Arthur haven't even spoken yet when her mother, Wang Hongmei, who was in the cash register objected: "He is still in university. Why would you buy a car for him now?"

David Farlier let out a smoke ring and explained: "You don't understand it! As soon as you get your driver's license, you have to drive more. If you don't practice driving for a few years, you will forget all about it and will have to learn it again,"

If he had no system, Arthur would have been happy.

But now that he has the system and acquired skills, he has been obsessed with owning a Ferrari.

Thinking of this, Arthur shook his head and said, "Dad, I don't need you to buy me a car for the time being. I plan to start a business as soon as I go to college and see if I can buy a car for myself."

Of course, saying he would start a business is just a cover-up for the money produced by the system.


David pondered for a few seconds and said seriously: "You can try to start a business while you are still young. But before venturing into a business, you must do market research and analysis and not invest blindly. In addition, you must be cautious about the contracts you take."

This is David Farlier's style.

He rarely opposes Arthur's decisions and even often encouraged him, except for illegal things.

Regarding David's style of education, Wang Hongmei couldn't say anything. "Huh! David Farlier, stop spoiling your son!"

Arthur ignored his mother's words and instead he continued, "By the way, I am going to Shanghai tomorrow with my classmates to have fun for a few days." 

Going to have fun with his classmates is in fact an excuse. The real purpose is for him to consume and spend more.

During this time, he has accumulated 230,000 and it is time to use that Consumption Rebate Critical Card!

Hearing Arthur, David said: "Be careful when you travel and don't stay in some remote hotel just to save a few hundred."

"Don't worry Dad. I will keep that in mind!"

David nodded and asked: "Do you have enough money? I can give you some."

Arthur waved his hand and responded, "I have enough."

Even if dad gives him money, he would not give too much, only one or two thousand yuan. It won't have much effect when he uses the Consumption Rebate Critical Card, so Arthur simply didn't want it.

As for why Arthur is off to Shanghai to consume, the reason is simple.

Jiangzhen City is only a small country level city in the Southern Province, not even a third-tier city.

Many of the high-end luxury stores do not exist at all while Shanghai is a first-tier metropolis that is closest to Jiangzhen City.

With a one-time consumption of 200,000 yuan on luxury goods apart from cars, he can utilize the Consumption Critical Rebate Card.

Buying a house would be good, but in recent years the prices of houses have skyrocketed, and his money is not enough even for a down payment.

At this time, Arthur realized he could only buy luxury goods.

As to what luxury goods to buy?

He is thinking of buying a watch.

A good watch can enhance a person's temperament.

Luxury watches are far different from other luxury goods since they are very valuable.

A Rolex, for example, is as good as a hard currency in the world, almost as valuable as gold.

Of course, Arthur chose to buy a watch, not because of the preservation of value, but the need.

When he thinks about it, driving a Ferrari with one hand will feel lacking if you don't have a top-grade watch on your wrist.
