
Wings of Redemption: Light & Dark

Dylan Belmont is a 200-year-old Lust Primordial who finds it difficult to accept his origin and identity. He may be a powerful demon born with the natural desire to lust over women, but he is a kind and thoughtful man who tries his best to keep himself tamed. In order to prevent himself from giving in to his demonic side, he drowns himself with work as the President of Zemoria and Emperor of Belmont Empire. Little did they know, behind that wealthy lifestyle, amazing talents, and aesthetically handsome looks is an ordinary man struggling with self-esteem, trust issues, and controlling the evil within him. The first time he lost control of his power, his evil alter ego takes over and nearly annihilates a feared clan of vampires and dragons. Victor Aldrich, a sadistic and violent frost dragon, has sworn to exact revenge on the primordial for the death of his mother and lover. Dylan has been spending his life trying to correct his past mistakes and accept the evil within while protecting his loved ones from his archenemy. ———— Content/Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, Language, Sexual Content, Read at Your Own Risk! ————— [ UPDATE as of 10.10.23: Fair warning, I am not good at fast updates, so expect slow updates as my real life comes first. I'm not competing for the author with the fastest updates, okay? ^^ Thank you for understanding! ]

RedZetroc18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Dylan – Devil's Temptation

Mom often told me that helping others in need or simply giving people gifts out of the goodness of my heart will make them happy, but I will be the happiest.

She was right.

Cordelia had gone all-out buying new clothes when I gifted her 10,000Z to spend for today. My heart would swell in pure bliss every time she got excited over selecting new dresses that she found cute and pretty. I'm not well-versed in women's clothing, but she did buy all kinds of modest ones that covered her knees and melon-sized chest.

With two shopping bags in each hand, we stepped out of an expensive-looking clothing store and walked down the busy cobbled street. Cordelia carried one shopping bag close to her heart. Inside was a two-piece outfit, costing around 1,500Z. She was humming a happy tune that made me smile with delight.

"Are you enjoying, Cordelia?"

"Absolutely!" She smiled sweetly. "I enjoy being with Lord Dylan. I feel very comfortable and safe too."

"I should be saying that," I said, chuckling. "I haven't unlocked any skills or abilities that can protect you from harm. Warlocks look invincible to me."

"That is not true. We have our limits and weaknesses. This applies to every race, weak or strong." Cordelia suddenly switched to her teacher mode, which I find amusing. "For a warlock, when casting an offensive spell, we need to be within our attack's range. If a certain spell takes longer to cast out, it is better to work in a team or have a really good strategy up your sleeve.

"Our damage may be higher than most races, but we remain vulnerable on the battlefield." She nodded, firmly. "A weak vampire can easily decapitate our head if our guard is down."

"What kind of element do you have? Are warlocks just magic-based?"

"Warlocks possess demonic powers. Fortunately, some warlocks are adept at both physical and magic combat. They are . . . unusually powerful than a warlock who only knows magic."

While I mentally took note of warlocks, I noticed her voice had grown quieter. "Are you not both?"

"Sadly . . . I am not fit for physical combat," she said, sighing in disappointment. "I've been wondering why Lord Asmodeus chose me to serve and train Lord Dylan. I am just a weak slave . . . ."

"Weak slave?" Not liking the sound of that, I walked a bit faster, transferred two shopping bags in my other hand, and blocked her path.

Cordelia stopped and looked up at me with surprise. "What's wro—"

I flicked her forehead.

"Ow!" Cordelia shut her eyes quickly before reopening them. She puffed her cheeks like a bratty kid who was about to cry. "What was that for, Lord Dylan?"

"Be kind to yourself, Cordelia." I pressed the tip of my index finger on that spot on her forehead, and she blinked. "This brain of yours is a treasure of knowledge. Your body may not be fit for physical combat, but I can see a hardworking intelligent woman. You can outsmart anyone strong." I put my finger down and gave her an encouraging smile. "I'm a hundred percent sure that you are the perfect teacher for me. Dad made no mistake."

Cordelia blushed in deep red. She buried her face into the shopping bag she was holding and said, "W-W-We should go to the highest point of the city!" She blindly pushed me from behind with one hand. "T-The observation deck is a famous tourist spot! It is packed with souvenir shops and outdoor restaurants and cafés! Lord Dylan may want to try some of their local food!"

"Stop pushing me then," I said, anchoring my feet on the ground. Now she couldn't budge me from my spot. "I won't move."

"But will Lord Dylan promise not to say such sweet and kind words?"

Cute. I guess praising her makes her shy.

"I promise," I said, swearing with a hand.

Cordelia stopped pushing me. She uncovered her face and kept herself composed like how she was before. I tried not to laugh at her sudden shift of emotion. "Right this way, Lord Dylan."

She gestured her hand towards the adjacent mountain where a broad stone stairway had been built for who knows how long. I measured its length which seemed roughly around a thousand meters. Just by looking at it, I already feel exhausted. I could tell that much since I used to guest in a game variety show where running is involved in an oval track.

"Would you like to climb the stairs or use a portal? I'd recommend sightseeing from there, but Lord Dylan might want the latter."

"You are right about that." I cleared my throat. "I'd like to find something to eat right now."

"As you wish."

Cordelia waved her hand and a portal tore through the space before us. I stepped inside and found myself . . . dropping my jaw at the scenic view of mountains and forests in the far distance. I walked closer to the concrete railing where I could view the bustling city below. "This is amazing," I muttered.

I returned my gaze to the beautifully formed mountains and vibrant forests. It felt like I got transported inside a landscape painting as I admired the cloudy sky and enjoyed the cool breeze. Nature looked healthier in Zemoria compared to Terra . . . which was a sad reality.

Humans are awful (except my mom).

My attention got divided when a few human-sized winged races (feathered wings and bat-like wings) flew past my head. Most of them landed in the middle of the city while others chose to land here at the observation deck.

Now looking behind me, the lively shops, restaurants, food stalls, and chattering crowd slowly threw me into a festive mood. I looked around for Cordelia to guide me through the observation deck when a family of (I don't know what kind of fluffy round-eared race I was seeing) caught my interest. They were taking pictures with their cell phones.

Wait, what? Cell phone?

I stared at the rectangular device in their hands just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, and I wasn't. Touch screen. Home screen. Messages. Confirmed. I mentally palmed my whole face. I should have brought mine with me (it's back at home, at the cottage for safekeeping) if only I was told that cell phones existed.

Okay. I should have asked before we left, but it never crossed my mind. My brain was dead set on understanding my new reality, trying to redecorate my new home, and entertaining my dad. My brain was multitasking.

"Is Lord Dylan thinking of purchasing Zemoria's SIM card?" Cordelia appeared beside me.

Startled, I scooted to the left side. I almost threw my arms and the shopping bags in the air. "Ah . . . I am, I am," I said, trying to pretend that I did not just get jumpscared out of the blue. "I'd like to buy one. Will my cell phone work here?"

"Of course! Terra's technology is available here. We are up-to-date with your realm's latest developments, Lord Dylan." She smiled, proudly. "Would you like me to purchase it for you? A souvenir stall over there is selling SIM cards. It costs 50Z."

I shouldn't be surprised. My electric keyboard did work at the cottage when I had it plugged in.

I palmed half of my face. "I think my brain needs a reboot."

"Reboot?" Cordelia blinked.

"Ah, it's nothing." I shook my head. "Go ahead and buy one for me. I'll stay here and—"

Mid-sentence, something huge blocked the light from the sun. Then I heard the slow beating of a large creature's wings. The festive mood dropped and the crowd stopped talking. They gasped, moved out of the way, whispered to each other and . . . I saw the fear in their eyes, but not all of them were afraid. They carried on with whatever business they had to do like it was a normal occurrence.

A small boy with grey ears and a fluffy tail pointed at the sky and said, "Mommy, look! A dragon!"

"Hush, my dear boy!" The mother picked him up and took him away. "It's the Ripper Dragon!"

Ripper Dragon?

I looked up and gaped at the dragon descending from the sky. He looked massive and frighteningly majestic (yeah, I saw the dragon's balls.) Maybe he was 60 meters long? His scales were dark blue, like the color of the night, and riddled with small spikes. His large wings could slap me across the mountains or his strong limbs and sharp claws could tear me apart while his perilous teeth shredded me into pieces. On each side of its head, five large horns mimicked an icicle crown.

Just before the dragon landed in the middle of the observation deck, its whole body glowed white and frost-like steam swirled in the air. It shrunk into a size of a human with short black hair, but his horns and wings remained on display. The slim man wearing an evening-colored suit flapped his wings until his feet met the ground.

I was able to see his face. The color of his eyes was azure. He looked handsome, young, and . . . always mad at the world. His eyebrows were heavily furrowed which made it seem like the scowl on his face was permanent.

My curiosity shifted to the vanishing swirling frost. Something—someone materialized from it. A male human made out of ice stood beside the dragon. It shapeshifted into a human wearing a white suit. Flesh and bones. What struck me the most was his electric blue eyes and white hair that seemed to be . . . forming a fog.

Warm air. Cold air. Condensation.

"Prince Victor," Mr. Frosty spoke. "Why must we put on a show in front of these trembling civilians? The Aldrich Clan is feared enough across the realm."

"Why, you ask?" The dragon prince, Victor, sharpened his gaze. His face was just void of emotions, except anger. "We need to teach this sneaky little prostitute a lesson. Stealing gold from a royalty calls for the punishment of humiliation."

The evening ring on his finger glowed black, then a motionless raven was summoned on the ground. Its body transformed into a beautiful woman with black wings, but her beauty was tainted with bruises all over her body. She wore a provocative red dress that flashed the cleavage of her breasts and her messy purple hair was ornamented with gold chopsticks.

I couldn't paint what I was feeling. No one helped the poor woman. She tried to crawl her way out but her shoeless feet got trapped in ice. She turned and faced the approaching dragon prince. Horror filled her eyes as she begged for her life.

"Please! Don't kill me! I'll do anything you ask of me!" The woman sobbed uncontrollably. She bowed down and begged harder. "Spare my life, please! I can be useful to you! Allow me to prove my worth!" The woman lifted her hopeful gaze and met the dragon prince's apathetic look. He grabbed her throat, and the woman choked.

He was crushing her windpipe.

"Which body part should I rip off?" Prince Victor held out his other palm. A long javelin made of ice formed within seconds. "You know . . . without this body part . . . you will become jobless and miserable your whole life." He tapped her breasts, three times, with the blade-like ice. "Say it, Pretty Little Bird, or you shall bid farewell to your precious tits," he growled, and slowly pierced through the left side of her breast.

The gasping woman let out a deafening shriek.

My fists were shaking. I was seeing blotches of red. That woman's confidence in herself will burst like a bubble if her breasts were taken away from her. I could walk away right now and pretend that I didn't see this madness, but my feet were frozen.

Prince Victor was growing impatient. He seemed ready to go all the way through her ball of flesh when she finally opened her mouth. In a weak, stammering voice, she said:

"I . . . accept you . . . as my lord. I will become your . . . sex slave."

What the hell! What kind of Slave Law does this realm have? I couldn't stand seeing the woman being mistreated. That lizard was making me angrier, and angrier, as the clock ticked by. I looked at Cordelia in hopes to hear a solution, but she frowned and shook her head.

"There is nothing we can do. The woman may have broken a law in his kingdom and she is now receiving her punishment." Cordelia looked away, hiding the pain in her eyes. "Illegal slaves have no freedom. It is a flaw in the system."

"Then will a punch to his face stop this inhumane act?" My voice was harsh and tight.

Cordelia gasped. "Don't be foolish, Lord Dylan!" She dropped her shopping bag and held my arm, pulling me back. "You are still weak and have yet to discover and awaken your power!"

Is there nothing I can do?

I helplessly watched the suffering woman. She was fighting between gasping for air and screaming in pain. The people around us began turning a blind eye, one by one, while I stood there beating myself up for being weak and useless.

I'd save the woman. Not because it's a heroic act, but because it's the right thing to do.

In Terra, most humans would rather take out their cell phones and start recording while others did nothing out of fear. It's rare to see humans coming together. I'm not against those humans who value their life. It's just upsetting to see most of the time. They could only stand and watch until someone is brave enough to risk their lives.

'Then what are you waiting for?'

My breath hitched.

That voice. It was the same one as before. He sounded just like me, but alarmingly smooth, sweet, and resonant, like a demon leading me to temptation.

'Strike first. Risk your life.'

I set my furious gaze on Prince Victor. He removed his ice javelin and discarded it on the side. He stopped torturing the woman, but his cruelty remained.

'Don't you want to help the poor soul?'

He shoved the woman to the ground and she let out a pained cry. No one bothered to help her up.

'Feel that anger rise within you.'

The woman coughed like a dying person while she covered her bleeding breast. Her bad condition was triggering me.

'Become one with it. Release it.'

The volcano in me erupted. I dropped the shopping bags that I was holding and stormed off. Cordelia was begging me to hold back, but the desire to choose violence was far stronger. I walked up to the dragon prince and did the dumbest move.

I threw my fingerless glove at his face.

[11.11.22] Chapter updates will be slower. The holidays are nearing so I'm going to be busier. T_T

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