
just the beginning babè

During my early ages ...I have always thought what love actually is...

in fact most of the teenagers might have the same question in their mind ..

well.....the answer is .....u will get to know only when u truly love someone...the love which has no condition...no arguments....no observations....but..only love.

I have loved someone alot....and understood what it truly meant.....

without extending this intro I would straight away like to introduce you all to the characters of this rom-fiction.....Jai and Mouni....Jai who is a well brought boy and Mouni who belongs to an average middle class family....

But their love was the most pure and sacred....which crossed all the boundaries of social humanistic and unpopular culture which filled the path of their love with lots of difficulties and thorns...but they were the strongest when they were together and weakest when they had to part...