
Wings of Division

"Welp, I'm daydreaming again. It was hard snapping out of a daydream realizing that everything is not real. It's just the opposite."

Q_U_E_E_N · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The seven leaders all entered the Seat of Unity, along with two bodyguards for each ruler. They were all in their normal form, for if any one of them entered in their creature form, they would be breaking the truce held under the roof. Before them stood seven thrones, each of them painted in a unique color. The one farthest to the left was deep navy blue and the throne was fairly large. It was coated with white rubies that cast a white glare when the sun struck it. On the top of the throne was a large symbol, a blue moon. The symbol of the werewolves.

Next to the werewolf throne was a vibrant yellow seat that was no bigger than a fox. The throne was shimmered with gold glitter that really made the whole seat pop. On the top of the throne was the symbol of the fairies, a violet sunflower with an orange ladybug on it.

The throne next to the fairy throne is the dragon throne, a seat made up of three colors: red, deep purple, and orange cinnamon. The throne was tall and had a fierce impression. On the armrests of the throne was the dragon symbol carved into the wood. It was a swirling ring of ice blue fire, one of the rarest fire colors.

Beside the dragon throne was the almighty griffin throne. The way the throne stood many feet taller than the other thrones and how it was painted with a rose gold color, made everyone stare. The griffin throne was decorated with large gold griffin feathers that were made back in the Ancient Times. The symbol carved on this throne was seen at the very top. With white feathered wings and two simple, ancient letters, spelling out "Wings of Gold", it could never be mistaken.

Moving on from the griffin throne was a jet black seat striped with four white lines. The throne was made out of silver vines, which made it different from the others, but not so different that nobody remembered what it was. This was the reaper throne, one of the most eeriest looking thrones, though no one dares to say it out loud. The symbol of the reaper was a black withered rose with a gray sun behind it.

And last but not least, was the unicorn and angel thrones. They were both a blue color, the unicorn throne is a baby blue and the angel throne a teal color. The unicorn throne is a medium size while the angel throne is not much bigger than the fairy throne. The symbol for the angel throne is a pink glowing halo and the unicorn symbol is a periwinkle flower crown.

Each leader took their seat on the throne that matches their kind. The Werewolf King is a tall, broad man with graying hair. His name has been unknown forever, many think it's because the king doesn't like his name or maybe was never given one.

The Fairy Queen, Ora, is a small, energetic girl, who is not more than 12 years old. The throne was passed onto her when her mother died of a terrible disease at age 10. The other leaders questioned to have her removed, but they came to an agreement that there was no rule in the Code of the Fantasy that a leader had to be a certain age.

Qirlo, the Dragon Queen, is a short and plump lady with long ginger hair. There were noticeable wrinkles on her forehead from years of stress. The dragons were known to always have demand and greed for more, sending requests to their ruler for this and that.

Next to Qirlo was the Griffin King. He was dressed in a long cape made of blue feathers that leaves you stunned when you walk by. The Griffin King had neatly chopped brown hair and fierce green eyes. The way he walks, chin up and all tall, makes almost everyone respect him.

Then came the Reaper Queen, Morana. She was dressed in black cape, as usually, and tall black boots that clinked and clanked. Everything about her seemed so... deathly, except for her beautiful auburn hair that laid in pretty curls down her back.

Finally, the Unicorn King and Angel Queen, looking as bubbly as ever. They both dressed in white clothing and the Angel Queen, Harmony, wore a pretty tulip in her hair.

When all of them had seated, the Werewolf King spoke first.

"Thank you all for meeting here today," he gestures around the room before continuing, "I know that all of you understand why we're here."

All of the leaders nodded, except Qirlo and Morana seemed to stiffen a little at the words, but none took note of that

"I assume that you've all heard of the mysterious rumor of the hybrid child going around, haven't you? Well, it's gotten to a point where I think we need to discuss it. We know that the most serious and biggest rule in the Code of Fantasy is that there can not be any hybrid, two blooded, double souls, whatever you might call it. And we all know the consequences of breaking this rule." The Werewolf King eyed each of the rulers, his gaze lingering on the Griffin King and the Reaper Queen, who shifted uneasily in their seats.

"I've also heard a crucial part to the rumor. This child might be a hybrid of griffin and reaper."

All the leaders gasped and turned their heads to look at the two other rulers.

Morana cleared her throat. "If this child is half reaper, I would have been notified."

The Werewolf King raised an eyebrow. "Would you though? You would think that this huge secret would want to be kept a secret. I doubt the parents of this child would come running to you, confessing that they broke one of the most important rules of all."

Moran opened her mouth and closed it, at a loss for words. Thankfully, Qirlo stepped in. "King, you have no proof of this. Until then, lets not go making accusations."

The Werewolf King chuckled. "Oh I have proof all right." The king gestured for his two bodyguards to set up a screen that projected a footage onto the marble wall.

"A couple days ago, the same day I called for a meeting, I was looking through our security cameras. Turns out that one of our cameras, one the slightly overlooked the Reaper's territory, caught a video of a crying baby. When I zoomed in closer, I saw this."

A video of a child crying was projected on the wall. The child, or more of a baby, was wrapped in a simple white blanket, mainly for hiding the little black wings that poked out of the blanket. There were two little grey stubs seen on top of it's head. And when the baby opened its mouth to let out another wail, two small, but sharp, fangs were noticeably seen.

The video stopped and the Werewolf King spoke once again. "As you might have noticed, there were many physical traits that are seen on a griffin or reaper. This child has wings, like a griffin, but they're black, like a reaper. The little horns that are seen growing look similar to the ones a griffin has." The king points to the two golden horns that stood on top of the Griffin King's head. The horns of a griffin never disappear, not matter if you're in normal form or creature form.

"And those fangs, oh no one could mistake those fangs! They are simply a reaper's fangs," the Werewolf King draws out.

Qirlo and Morana looked stunned. There was no doubt that this child was a reaper and a griffin.

The Werewolf King clicked his tongue in amusement. "See what I mean? Here is your proof. Now we all know the punishment. Exile doesn't just go for the child and their parents. It goes for all the griffins and reapers."