
Chapter 8 Lesson 1 (Part 2) _1

Translator: 549690339

"In our South Fire Empire, almost everyone has the attribute of fire, so at the Li Fire Academy, we naturally only teach the Bing Fire Department and Ding Fire Series, which is the Yin Yang Demon Master System that you belong to now. The other eight series each belong in other empires."

Xia Tian drew a large rectangle on the other side of the blackboard and divided the rectangle into five parts according to top, bottom, left, right and center. She then wrote the words 'South Fire Empire' under the bottommost part.

"Assuming our Five Elements Continent is rectangle-shaped, our South Fire Empire naturally resides in the southernmost area. The south is associated with fire, which makes it ideal for those with fire attributes to live. From this, you should also understand the origins of the other four empires. Yes, they are, respectively, the Northern Water Empire in the far north, the Western Gold Empire in the west, the Eastern Wood Empire in the east, and the Central Earth Empire, occupying the largest area in the center of the continent. Our Five Elements Continent's name derives from this."

As she spoke, she wrote the names of the four empires onto the four other parts of the diagram. She also marked the location of Li Fire City on the west side of the South Fire Empire, pointing at it with her pen, "Our Li Fire City is here."

"Does anyone not understand what I just explained? If you don't, speak up now because I won't be repeating these basics in the future."

Ji Dong had to admit that Teacher Xia Tian, despite her blunt and irritable demeanor, was very structured when teaching. She explained the concepts clearly and concisely using diagrams and words. All the students who passed the assessment were definitely not fools, so no one asked any questions.

"Alright, since no one has questions, let's proceed. All of you in the Bing Fire Department, listen carefully to what I am about to explain."

Saying the words 'Bing Fire Department', Xia Tian seemed to be more animated, her voice even rose a few notes, "Bing Fire represents Yang Fire, the fiery yang, just like the rays of the Sun, full of outward radiant heat. Bing represents the Sun in the Heavenly Stems. Therefore, our Bing Fire Department is akin to the sunshine, as well as the explosively fierce fire. Among the Ten Series Yin-Yang Magician, in terms of single attack power, we are second only to the Geng Gold Series. But in terms of overall attack output, we are undoubtedly the strongest. Simultaneously, based on the Five Elements interactions, our Bing Fire Department effectively overpowers the Geng Gold Series. Therefore, it's not wrong to say that we are the number one offensive Yin Yang Demon Master. Always remember the concept of Yang, not just for your powers, but also for your mindset, only with a Yang nature can you fully demonstrate the tough and fierce nature of Bing Fire."

Teacher Qiu Tian walked to Xia Tian's side, smiled slightly and said, "Teacher Xia Tian just introduced Bing Fire to the students of Bing Fire Department. Now, I will introduce Ding Fire to everyone. Although they both belong to fire, they are distinguished by Yin and Yang. If Bing Fire belongs to the daytime, then Ding Fire belongs to the nighttime. Ding Fire are Flame of Candle, Nether Fire, Stove Fire, Lights of Ten Thousand Families, and Human World Flame. They sparkle as fireworks in the sky and burn like the torches on the ground. While Bing Fire shines radiantly on everything, Ding Fire illuminates a small area. There is a gentle warmth within the gentle light of Ding Fire. Although we are not as fierce as Bing Fire, we do have the strongest adhesion and corrosion power among the ten series of Yin and Yang Demon Power. In terms of instant explosive attacks, we naturally cannot compare to Bing Fire, but once an enemy is hit by our Ding Fire, they must endure continuous burning. Bing Fire and Ding Fire each have their unique attributes, just like each Yin Yang Demon Power in the Ten Series has its unique characteristics. Although there is no absolute powerful series power due to the Five Elements interactions. However, let me tell you, regardless of the series, once you are able to cultivate to the point where you can defy the Five Elements interactions, at that point you could potentially be the strongest."

Teacher Xia Tian had already stepped aside by this point, leaving the lecturing to Teacher Qiu Tian. Teacher Qiu Tian continued, "Next, I'm going to cover our most important topic for today's class. Listen carefully and ask questions immediately if you have any. This will determine whether you can successfully graduate from Li Fire Academy and become a real Yin Yang Demon Master."

At this point, the smile disappeared from Teacher Qiu Tian's pretty face. She said solemnly, "I believe that most of you have heard of Yin Yang Crown, and know that it is the symbol of a Yin Yang Demon Master. Next, I am going to explain the real symbolic meaning of Yin Yang Crown, the specific level classifications, and its functions."

As she spoke, Qiu Tian walked out from behind the lecturer's podium and nodded at Xia Tian who stood next to her. The two of them stood side by side, about five meters apart, their arms slowly raised to their sides, their palms facing upwards.

With a puff sound that caused a stir among the students, a cluster of red flames rose out of Xia Tian's palms, while a cluster of blue flames sprang from Qiu Tian's palms. The dazzling firelight instantly attracted all the students' attention.

A strong red glow and faint blue luminescence also radiated from the two teachers. Ji Dong, who was seated in the front row, could clearly feel that the red light emitted by Xia Tian was the same as the one released by Yang Bingtian; it was full of aggressive heat. The vibrant red flames suddenly raised the temperature in the air. On the other hand, Qiu Tian's blue glow and blue flames seemed to have no temperature at all. At first glance, it was nowhere near as magnificent or hot as Xia Tian's red flames, but it brought about a deep-rooted fear, even causing a chill to seep into one's heart while looking at the blue flames. Obviously, these were representative of Bing Fire, the Yang Fire, and Ding Fire, the Yin Fire. However, regardless of the type of flame, a faint gold border surrounded their red and blue glows when they released their magic power.

A transparent phantom appeared behind both Xia Tian and Qiu Tian, the color of which matched the magic power they emitted. At this moment, Ji Dong noticed how they differed from Yang Bingtian. Even though both Xia Tian and Yang Bingtian were from the Bing Fire Department, the phantom Fire bird behind Xia Tian was much more translucent than Yang Bingtian's. The Fire bird that Yang Bingtian released seemed almost tangible and opaque, whereas the one behind Xia Tian only looked like a slight fluctuation of air.

The phantom behind Teacher Qiu Tian was not a Fire bird, but a coiled Blue Serpent, equally translucent and indistinguishable in appearance.

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