
Winds of Hope

theboyinhisdreams · Teen
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9 Chs


A glass of sorrow could not inscribe the day my life took form. Sitting in between heaven and hell, I smile once again as I recall the joy a little girl let loose when running these lands. A child whose innocence dwelled blindly to her surroundings didn't foresee anything but a residence. In times where the most notable commodity was to sing and shout under this very tree that today coated me with friendship, didn't approximate what awaited at the beginning of her departure from her beloved home in pony hill.

This morning on the birth of spring, through the ends of hatred and grief, I wander the many stages of life I encountered. Here on this beautiful hill, I dare resort to the most challenging and vital secrets of my existence. In this chasm of the world, I shared sweet happiness in the hands of those who found me on a lonely night. During my time here, I spread joy and warmth at taking my first steps alongside a girl who would become my best friend. I inflicted pain and suffering by realizing no one would ever love me as my family did. I bestowed pride and loneliness by receiving a farewell when an opportunity guaranteed me a better life. I tainted my heart and destroyed it by victimizing myself into the lies and games of others. And last but not least, I've come to feel what many will consider the greatest trick of love. However, the most crucial aspects of all trials and errors were never too keen to fall when losing their soul.

Upon reaching the end of this adventure, I immerse myself in beauty on the shore of greatness. Mesmerized with the paradise around, I hold my stomach in love and freedom. I close my eyes; as I feel the caress of the wind knowing the gift that will come. With a tempting breath, I take in the scent of the most beautiful flowers that reign in the meadow under my touch just as I hear the choruses of the birds travel and play their faded adventure, making me smile. With its light, the universe greets the earth like old friends, but I am lucky to feel it.

Its giddy currents flow through the forest canopy, unaware of how its song soothed those who could hear. I have always believed the wind was so self-reliant, even chaotic. Regardless, it had its course, infinite destinations nevertheless because they were passionate impulses. Impulses that advanced in every direction as an alternative, just as I will heave the tears that have run down my face as I'd return to the place that gave me life and release them into oblivion.


Hearing the meaning of my being, I turned to see it reflect the future. Today in life, those who foresee me in the distance are people who marked my past, my present, and the beginning of a story. One of those people standing in the crowd hurries towards me. It was his happiness that made me feel invincible from the ground of his eyes to the soft expressions of his voice. He was understanding from his many opinions to the touch of his hand over mine.

I was captivated the first time his voice sped up when he suggested an idea or enjoyed abundance so much that he got lost for a moment and completely forgot the mask he wore for others. So I gave him my heart and kept his under lock and keyed within me.

"Candice, honey, what are you doing? It's time to go inside; our friends are waiting." His hands caress my stomach at the same time that I sigh, the blow of my creation under the warmth of its father.

If you did not know who I was when you heard the whisper of my being through his lips, you would understand when I tell you.


My name is Candice 'Candy' White, and this is my story.

P.S. You may wonder why I added the word Candy between my first and last name. Well, all I can say for now is that the sweetness of the phrase has nothing to do with who I am, even if someone told you otherwise.