
Chapter 8: Beyond Borders

Chapter 8: Beyond Borders

As Minkyu basked in the glory of his victory, a pair of familiar faces approached him with wide smiles. It was none other than Mr. Choi and Mr. Park, the seasoned cyclists who had become his mentors and friends over the years. Their eyes gleamed with admiration and pride as they extended their hands in greeting.

"Minkyu, my boy, you've done it again!" Mr. Choi exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "You've shown the world what you're capable of. Your skill and determination are truly remarkable."

Mr. Park nodded in agreement, his grizzled features softening with pride. "Indeed, Minkyu. We've watched you grow from a fearless child to an exceptional young cyclist. Your potential knows no bounds."

Minkyu's heart swelled with gratitude. These two men had believed in him from the very beginning, and their guidance had shaped him into the formidable cyclist he had become. He looked at them with eager anticipation, wondering what they had in store for him now.

With a shared glance, Mr. Choi and Mr. Park exchanged a knowing smile. "Minkyu," Mr. Park began, "we've been talking, and we believe it's time for you to spread your wings and explore the world beyond our familiar streets."

Minkyu's eyes widened with intrigue. "What do you mean, Mr. Park?"

As the euphoria of the victory subsided, Mr. Choi and Mr. Park revealed their true identities to Minkyu. Both retired world-class cyclists, they had traveled the globe, conquering the most challenging courses and etching their names in the annals of cycling history. Now, in their retirement, they sought to pass on their wisdom and experiences to a deserving protégé.

"Minkyu, we have been watching your progress closely," Mr. Park began. "Your potential is immense, and we believe it's time for you to spread your wings and explore opportunities beyond Korea."

Minkyu's eyes widened in surprise. Opportunities abroad? It was a notion that had never crossed his mind, but one that sparked a flicker of excitement deep within his soul.

Mr. Choi continued, "We have contacts with renowned cycling teams and coaches from around the world. They've expressed interest in your talent and are eager to offer you training programs and the chance to compete in international competitions."

Minkyu was blown away. He knew he was good, most likely the best in his age, but he was still so young. It was crazy to him that he was scouted as a talent even before he was a teenager.

Minkyu's eyes gleamed with excitement as he nodded, accepting the proposition without a moment's hesitation. "I'm in! I'm ready to take on new adventures and showcase my skills on the international stage," he declared, his voice filled with conviction.

Mr. Choi's smile widened, and he clasped Minkyu's shoulder. "That's the spirit, Minkyu! We knew you wouldn't shy away from this opportunity. Now, let us guide you through the process. First, we'll help you secure the necessary permits and visas to compete abroad. We have contacts in various cycling associations and competitions worldwide, so we'll ensure you have the chance to participate in prestigious races."

Minkyu nodded, absorbing every word. "And how long will these races last? Will I be away from home for extended periods?" he inquired, eager to understand the logistics of his newfound journey.

Mr. Park stepped forward, his voice steady and reassuring. "The duration of each race can vary, ranging from a few days to several weeks. It will depend on the specific competition and location. Rest assured, though, we will make sure you have enough time to return home in between races to recharge and spend time with your family."

Minkyu's thoughts raced, his mind already envisioning the places he would visit, the cultures he would immerse himself in, and the rivalries he would forge. But one question lingered in his mind. "What about finances? I don't want to burden my family. Will there be any financial support for my endeavors?"

Mr. Choi grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Minkyu, my boy, you underestimate the allure of your talent. We have sponsors and endorsement deals lined up for you. Your exceptional skills and charismatic persona have already caught the attention of cycling enthusiasts. We'll ensure that you have the necessary financial support to pursue your dreams without worrying about the financial burden."

A wave of relief washed over Minkyu as he absorbed Mr. Choi's words. He realized that this opportunity was not just about fulfilling his own aspirations but also about creating a better future for his family. With gratitude shining in his eyes, he turned to his mentors. "Thank you, both of you. I'm incredibly grateful for this chance to explore the world, compete at the highest level, and make my family proud. I won't let you down."

Mr. Park placed a hand on Minkyu's shoulder, his voice brimming with pride. "We believe in you, Minkyu. Your passion, talent, and unwavering determination will take you far. We're just here to guide you along the way. Get ready, my young protege, because the world of cycling is about to witness your extraordinary journey."


Minkyu's heart swelled with anticipation as he returned home, eager to share the exhilarating news with his family. He burst through the door, his face beaming with excitement, and found his parents and sister gathered in the living room.

"Mom! Dad! Noona!" Minkyu exclaimed, unable to contain his joy. "I have something incredible to tell you!"

His parents looked up, their eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. His father, with a gentle smile, beckoned Minkyu to sit beside him. "What's the matter, son? You look so excited."

Taking a deep breath, Minkyu shared the details of Mr. Choi and Mr. Park's proposition. He spoke passionately about the opportunity to race abroad, represent his country, and compete against the best cyclists in the world. As he finished recounting the conversation, a silence filled the room.

Minkyu's parents exchanged a concerned glance before his mother gently spoke up, her voice filled with love and worry. "Minkyu, we've always encouraged you to pursue your dreams, but we can't help but wonder if this is truly what you want. It's a big decision for someone so young, and we worry that you might have regrets or miss out on other experiences."

Minkyu looked at his parents, their concern etched on their faces, and took a moment to gather his thoughts. With a calm and determined voice, he replied, "I understand your worries, Mom and Dad. And I appreciate your concern. But deep down, I know that cycling is my passion. It's what makes me feel alive and fulfilled. If I don't chase this opportunity now, I might always wonder 'what if?'"

His father leaned forward, his gaze filled with a mixture of pride and concern. "Son, we just want what's best for you. We don't want you to feel burdened or miss out on a normal childhood and the joys that come with it. Are you sure you're ready for the sacrifices that lie ahead?"

Minkyu took a deep breath, his voice unwavering. "Dad, I've been preparing for this my whole life. Cycling has taught me discipline, perseverance, and the importance of setting goals. I understand that sacrifices will be necessary, but I'm willing to make them to pursue my dreams. I'll still have amazing experiences, meet new people, and learn valuable life lessons. This is not just about cycling—it's about personal growth and pushing myself beyond my limits."

His mother, tears welling in her eyes, reached out and clasped Minkyu's hands. "We trust your judgment, Minkyu, and we want to see you happy and fulfilled. We'll support you every step of the way. Just promise us that you'll stay true to yourself, that you'll take care of your well-being, and that you'll never forget the values we've instilled in you."

Minkyu nodded, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination. "I promise, Mom. I'll always stay true to who I am, and I'll never forget the values you and Dad have taught me. Your support means everything to me, and I'll carry your love with me wherever I go."

The room fell into a gentle silence as Minkyu's parents embraced him tightly, their hearts heavy with both concern and pride. They knew that their son possessed a fire within him, a drive and passion that couldn't be extinguished. And in that moment, they made a silent vow to support him wholeheartedly, knowing that his dreams were the compass guiding his journey.

Eunji, who had been listening attentively, chimed in, her voice filled with both excitement and a hint of sadness. "Minkyu, I've always admired your passion for cycling. I know how much this means to you, and I'll miss having you around. But I also know that this is your calling, and I want nothing more than for you to succeed. Promise me you'll take care of yourself and make us proud."

Minkyu's eyes welled up with gratitude and emotion as he reached out to embrace his sister. "I promise, Eunji. I'll make you all proud, and I'll take care of myself. Even though I'll be far away, my love for you and our family will always be with me."

Tears of both joy and farewell trickled down their cheeks as they held each other tightly, cherishing the bond that would carry them through the distances that lay ahead.

In that moment, Minkyu felt the weight of their love and support, knowing that he was not embarking on this journey alone. With his family's blessings and their unwavering belief in his abilities, he had the strength to face any challenge that awaited him.

The dining table was adorned with steaming bowls of seaweed soup, a comforting aroma filling the air. Minkyu's family sat in silence, their gazes fixed on their bowls, lost in their own thoughts. But amidst the quietude, an unspoken language of love and support enveloped the room.

Minkyu's parents glanced at each other, their eyes conveying a mixture of pride, worry, and unwavering love. The journey that lay ahead for their young son was vast and unknown, but they knew that his determination and resilience would carry him through.

Eunji, sitting beside Minkyu, glanced at him with a mixture of admiration and bittersweet longing. She had always been his confidante, his partner in mischief, and his biggest cheerleader. The thought of him venturing into the world without her by his side tugged at her heart, but she understood that this was his path to follow.

Minkyu himself felt a surge of emotions within him as he glanced at his family, their presence a comforting anchor in the storm of uncertainty. The unspoken love, the years of shared joys and hardships, were etched deep within his heart.

As they savored each spoonful of the nourishing soup, the silence was filled with an unspoken understanding. They knew that this moment was a farewell and a new beginning, a testament to the unbreakable bond that would transcend distance and time.

In that shared silence, tears glistened in their eyes—a mixture of pride, gratitude, and the bittersweet realization that change was inevitable. But through it all, the love that bound them together remained steadfast and unyielding.

And so, they ate their meal in quiet reverence, cherishing the flavors that reminded them of home and family. The soup warmed their souls, nourishing not only their bodies but also their spirits. With each sip, they silently wished Minkyu strength, resilience, and the fulfillment of his dreams.

As the last spoonful was savored, Minkyu's family looked at him, their eyes conveying an entire universe of unspoken words. It was a love that needed no words, for it transcended the limitations of language and time.

And as they sat together, the love in their hearts enveloped the room, embracing Minkyu as he embarked on his extraordinary journey. In that simple act of sharing a meal, they found solace in knowing that no matter the distance, their love would forever be his guiding light.