
Winchester, Book 1

Rosetta, a young teenage 18 years old girl recently shifted to a small town '' Winchester '' to hide from her past. She felt directionless and lost in life. Her life is like a roller coaster, she wants to study but also wants to earn money for a better future and to move on. But she met a boy who fell in love with her and changed her life completely upside down. Mysterious hot weirdo with his deep secrets loves her unconditionally. That beautiful with soft innocent hazel eyes boy is a pure devil by blood. You heard me... A Devil. That devil broke every single rule of his ''Devil Community'' to protect her even marry her... A human girl. What happened when a well-mannered and sweet girl fell in love with a fire? What happened when she learned about his secrets? Does she still love him or leave him turned into dusk? Love or Traitoring? Humans hate devils but what if they fell in love? The love between a Devil and a human is unnatural and unexpected but what if it really happens... What if they really fell in love by breaking all the forbidden boundaries, clashes, and conflicts? The Cambions Series is all about the best supernatural adventures. Walking away from the deadly past, Rose wants to start a new life but it's not possible... Not after meeting a mysterious family "Snow!" A lot of dark secrets, and chaotic anger is waiting for Rose. She needs to stay put or death becomes her destiny.

Maira_Imran · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 1


Walking alone in the dark is my very best hobby and I enjoy it every day, no matter what. It's ten pm and I am in the forest of absolute darkness. I shut my eyes and turn my hands into fists.

I can sense that…. The voice of a man and a woman laughing in the middle of the forest. Enjoying, celebrating their dead victory without even knowing.

What they've done to us is a death wish and they invited their death angels all by themselves. They are here, sitting next to the bonfire with two glasses of champagne and a pizza. I open my eyes with a very dangerous smirk at the corner of my lips.

I pointed at the branches of trees with my forefinger. That branch slowly comes down and grabs the necks of that couple and hangs up on a tree. Suffering from the pain, breathless and fresh blood is darting out of their noses.

They are dying right in front of me…. like a fish out of the water. Begging for help, mercy but it isn't my fault if their time comes to an end. It's not even in my nature to show them mercy or any... Human thing!

I'm standing here watching them die. It's like a very delicate and sweet victory of mine, they slowly are dying, and then….. "Dead."

My phone starts buzzing, "Hello," I answered the phone call.

"Drake? Drake! My brother, I need your help, you need to come here right now at the Raceway place now. It's an emergency"

Andrew said, all of it, he was breathing very heavily and begging for help. My brother's voice is huffing and it makes me worried.

"Stay there Andrew, I'm coming."

My brother, he's in trouble now.

It took me five minutes and I am here at Raceway Place where boys are enjoying a car race show after betting on stupid stuff.

It took me five minutes and I am here at Raceway Place where boys are enjoying a car race show after betting on stupid stuff. I saw my brother Andrew, my friend-sister Chris, and my ex-girlfriend Ash standing in front of me, and Andrew is fighting with some ghoulies.

"What's going on here?" I asked with a threatening sound. Everybody started to look at me.

"Drake, they are challenging us to win that car race, they're threatening us," Chris said.

That bullshit ghoulies fighting with my brother, I literally want to kill them but I can't. For the Goddamn sake of my family. I sighed and met my gaze on that ghoulie as I grabbed his neck with my right hand.

"I'm accepting the bet of that car race just for my brother and after this, stay the hell out of my family or I swear—" Anger burns in every inch of me. Chris cuts me off because she knows it's impossible for me to control my anger.

Ghoulie boy: "Oh, really," he said and took a step back.

"Get ready to lose, because you are a dump just like your brother, no wonder that Andrew's your brother."

I smirked as I looked at him, "Let's see who is dumped?" I turned around with a raised brow. I saw my car, it was yellow and that ghoulie boy's car is black. l settled me on a car seat and was ready to win. "Be careful brother," Chris said and I nodded.

*cheering and crowd voice* I saw Ash standing between mine and that ghoulie's car. "Okay, ready, get set... " and she raises her hands up as she does this, the race begins.

I'm driving as fast as I can on this damn foggy night but that ghoulie hit his car with mine. I saw a bike chasing me. I know that bike is chasing me for distraction. I kept driving but then I saw a little boy all of a sudden in front of me. I don't know what to do so I pushed the brake button. My car was spinning in a circular motion.

I slowly stopped my car. We're basically in this dark forest and I'm surrounded by thick foggy weather. My arm is hurting badly. That's cheating, he tried to cheat on me by using a little boy and now it's my turn to show them his real place which is absolute hell.

He used an innocent boy to win that race.

Anger, there is only dark anger inside my blood and veins. I shut and then opened my eyes. My irises are red now, pure bloody red. I spun my forefinger to use magic, his one car tire got punctured, that car hit a big tree very badly and he got injured. Fresh blood was dripping from his forehead. He's unconscious. I drove as fast as possible and reached the finishing point which is at the raceway place.

"I won the race." I'm so happy. Andrew hugged me very tightly even though I can't breathe anymore because of that tightness. The crowd and cheering I'm hearing makes me really happy for my brother.

*Ghoulie* "well, you won the race." He said looking at us madly.

"Yes," I grab that ghoulie's collar softly as I gaze at him: "Stay away from my brother. One more time and I will rip you apart. OH! Another very important thing… Say sorry to my family before I blow your head off."

I said with a torturing and teasing tone. "Yeah, say sorry to them you ghoulies." I laughed because it was the voice of the crowd.

They are cheering us on and bullying them. "I'm sorry."

"No, no…. Not me!" I cut him off.

"Say sorry to my brother."

I'm watching him; he looked at Andrew and let out a dark sigh.

"I'm sorry Andrew."

"Say it like you mean it," I said while gazing at him rudely.

He looked at me and then turned his face to my brother…. "I am so sorry dear Andrew."

That ghoulie said it and then he looked away. Me and my little crew then turned around to leave that place like a leader and I can hear it…. still cheering from our friends. * Whistling, clapping, and cheering *

"That was awesome brother," Andrew said. "Congrats, sugar lips!" I laugh, "Thanks, Ash."

"I know my brother is great and not scared like you Andrew," Chris said as she starts laughing.

"Hey, Chris I was not scared …. I just don't want to argue with those ghoulies that's all."


What does it feel like when you imagine that something that makes you feel like you're divining in a cold ocean that almost trying to rip you apart is now chasing you like a nightmare and you can't escape from it unless you fight or die?

Yeah, I know that sounds scary to almost everyone but trust me fighting is another thing and surviving is another one, sometimes life gives you a little favor by giving you a second chance not to fight but to survive so I suggest myself to use it well.

Anyway, I stared at the pile of boxes in my new bedroom in the dorm which is right in front of my school.

I hated the idea of boxes sitting around but it's my room now and I have to figure it out all by myself so yeah I sighed. It was tough for me to move on to this dorm, I don't think I can manage to live like that, no.... not anymore, but the question that stands is do I have any option except accepting my fate? I love that place, that small town, the people and of course the charming garden with lots of beautiful flowers.

It's such a cold town, with black forest trees, roads covered by snow carpet, and frozen lakes. Wait, what? I saw a poster on the wall of my school; I can see it right through my window very clearly.

"A couple went on a campaign last night but the next morning it was reported that they were found dead... hanged on a tree covered in blood, what the hell! How can anyone kill someone so brutally?"

I was busy in my own thoughts and then here I go again with the missed call of my—

I don't know. He's my guardian but I called him Mr. Walker. I'm staring at my phone and wishing for good this time which is absolutely not possible. I picked up the call. "Hello," I said after clearing my throat. "Why late?" He said with a deadly tone.

"I…. I was in the bathroom." I said as I bit my lip.

"Whatever, did you finish my work?" And again, the same question and same stuff.

"Mr. Walker, why are you asking me to do an impossible thing? It's not a fairytale."

"If you notice any bad thing or feel anything just let me know?" I sighed.

"That is not gonna happen but okay, I will," I said, I literally want to get rid of this phone call now.

After attending that call, I was seriously exhausted. I think he's mad, I don't even know what strange thing he's actually talking about. Why would I feel something strange around me? He's mad totally and he wants me to get crazy too. I sighed!

"Welcome to the dorm!" I heard a soft voice coming from behind.

I twisted around to look at the door. "Umm, I didn't knock, the door was already opened."

"It's okay," I said with a little smile.

"How are you doing? Oh! Sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Christina."

"Well nice to meet you, Christina, I'm Rosetta."

"Oh that's a lovely name," she said by tugging her hair with fingers.

She is so cute and I don't know about her but her raven black medium hair looks so silky and great; her slim bit tainted body is really looking so good. Well, the thing is a tainted body doesn't suit everybody but it suits her.

Dark brown eyes, light red lips, and a blushy face. "So Rosetta, you're new here, are you nervous?" Chris asked me, wearing a soft smile on her lips.

"Yeah... I...a... I'm nervous." She smiled, "Yeah, it's okay don't worry, you're doing great already."

Wow, I just got here twenty minutes ago and she said I'm doing great. That's pretty cool.

"How can you say that I'm doing great?" I asked because I was really curious.

"It's because I saw your name, picture, and your marks. You got excellent marks in your entry exams; you are great that's why."

I smiled! "Thank you." I like the people who encourage us. It makes you feel confident I guess. Anyway, "Thank you! Again, Christina."

Wait; is that a yes or no? Am I really doing great? Who cares, at least she's being good to me. Thank God, nobody knows what's in my head going on.

"Anyway, you're new here and I just want you to know that Winchester School is really amazing. It's really a wonderful place to read and hang out. You can do a lot of things here. You know what? It's not hard to get used to this place."

"It's really good to know about that place, but I have a question?"

"Yes? What is it?" Chris asked. "I saw a poster…. and it said that a couple was killed last night, how?"

She took a minute to respond, "Ooh, dear! How would I know?"

She said, but I noticed she looked a bit upset. When I mentioned that couple…. she seemed upset. I don't know what's going on in her head right now. But it looks like a thief caught by police.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I am fine. Look, Rosetta! What happened last night was just an accident, okay and you don't need to worry about it. Just try to be safe and don't go outside late at night, except this, you'll be fine."

I nodded with a little fake smile, "I'll do my best." I'm worrying from inside but I can't show it to anyone. My heart is racing, don't know why. But—

"Anyway, thanks for letting me know about that town, how long you've been living here?" I questioned.

"Well, I was born here, that's why I know everything about that place, so if you need anything I'm living next door." Right, so she's my neighbor. Seriously I never thought that someone does notice me and that I exist.

"Thanks, Christina." She smiled, "no problem see ya!" and then she was gone.

There was nothing to do in my room so I stared at my unpacked boxes and it looks like it stared at me back. I raised a brow…. "Really!?"

"Dear little sweet boxes of mine, I'm gonna open you soon! But now I don't want to... So, have fun." Sometimes I wonder, am I crazy? Because I'm talking to myself most of the time, who cares? I'm a little bundle of joy for myself.

After having enough time with my boxes I realized that I think I should go outside. I slowly opened the door and went outside and yeah, I locked my door just in case—? I headed straight to the park. It's a little one but the fragrance of bright flowers…. Oh my God, it adores me.

"Hey," Christina said. She waved at me and I already knew how frankly she is so I waved back... "Hey." I went towards her.

"Rosetta, I have a little good news for you."

"Really? What is it?" I asked.

"Well, our school plans to go on a trip to the aquarium museum this week."

"This week?" I said with a little confused tone.

"Yeah, this week…. Come on just say yes to the trip, you going to love it." I sighed, "I don't know about it?"

"Come on, you're gonna love it! Trust me, just give it a try." Chris requested me in such a sweet way and I can't refuse her after that beautiful soft and requesting voice. "Okay, I'll try." I said but I was confused a bit at the same time, "That's my girl!" Chris said.

Chris looks very happy, I don't know what to say about it but I have a very bad feeling like something around me is watching me. I'm also scared about that person, what if he found me? I can't take a chance, not after everything that happened to me before I moved here. But I can't live my life in fear like forever. I don't know, I think I'm overthinking it.

"Anyway, Christina! I have a question for you?"

"What is it?" She said before taking a sip of her strawberry shake.

"I want to get a job? I'm new here so I don't know where to start. Is there any job available here?"

"Well, of course, it's available. I know, my friend and I had a job in the cafeteria. We worked there and got enough salary to feed ourselves and of course, little enjoyment is necessary. It's not a hard job, just focus on kitchen management and you'll be fine."

I chuckled, "well that's a good idea I'm really happy."

"Hey it's ok if you want then we can be friends… but if you want?"

"Sure," I said, "why not? Let's be friends now." Chris flashes a big smile and so do I.

After having a long day, I headed back into the room. Okay, my first day was not bad at all and I'm happy to get a job. I'm happy because Chris is nice to me and now we are friends, it's a good thing.