
Wimpy werewolf gains a system goes rouge

Briar is a dude who becomes a werewolf who gets put into a pack cause of the one who bit him was from that pack and only did it on accident. So, even though he is taken care of by bare minimum they don’t really like him except for his friend Gerif . Who knows how much of a hard time Briar is having since he’s only taught little by the others in the pack. Especially when there’s so many other threats out there that could harm him so he helps him learn what he needs to survive and ends up gaining a crush on the scared little Briar. Decides to protect him no matter what unknown to him Briar gains a system after almost dying on a mission that the pack leader sent him on. {System : hello host welcome to the courage system} Briar: wha- wait what did you just say?!?! Courage System!!! Do the gods hate me ( > ~

Jade_Fairer · Urban
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The Night Everything Started to Change

Briar Prov:

I woke up the next day ate breakfast and got ready for work.

Briar: why is my hair such a pain honestly it's such a rat nest ( I honestly would believe someone if they said it was the death of brushes everywhere)

After getting my hair to at least an acceptable level of tamed. I went to brush my teeth and put on my clothes to run to work but not before grabbing some toast on my way out.

Briar: shit. shit. shit, I'm gonna be late!!! I got to go to sign in or my manager is gonna kill me!!!!!!!! 😫

I ran down the street as fast as I could. I don't want to get in trouble with my boss because I need this job. ( My name is Briar I'm an 18-year-old college sophomore at Reck University. We're I was studying for a master's degree in biology so I could be a vet like my mom was in the future. I don't have many friends but the ones I have are nice and honestly, that's all I need. I have a raven rat nest of hair and hazel eyes and 5,5 feet tall. So, I'm a pretty average guy so I'm not that popular but that's okay. I'm focused on my studies and job anyway so popularity would have been a distraction anyway. I'm not socially out there I'm what you would call shy or clumsy except for when I'm with my friends. That's fine though I don't need to be brave just hard working it's not like my life's dangerous anyway. Right?) I've got to get to work I need the rent payment. (;^;) I get to the D mart and Charles lets me in.

Briar: thank God (I made it;^;)

I flop to the floor sprawled like I just ran a marathon cause, to be honest, it felt like I did.

Charles: *chuckles* Dude are you ever gonna show up without running through the door like a headless chicken?

I looked up to Charles raised my hand and said read between the lines dude. : read .between.the.lines: While giving him a pout and sticking my tongue out at him.

Charles: *laughing* wow you got guts today dude you look like a pissed-off Pomeranian who needs some coffee (@~@) * smirks while holding out a coffee *

I take the cup pouting mumbling about cocky coworkers (*^*)

Briar: yes (#^#)

I get up follow Charles to the staff room and sign in. Feeling a bit better cause I got some coffee in my system. I start work with Charles helping put stuff back after customers decide to put them back in the wrong places. While spending time talking to Charles before we finish up and clock out at 7:00. I start to head out with Charles to hang out and make the most out of the last day of the weekend break. If only I said no and went home but I didn't. Me and Charles walked out to a teriyaki bar at the edge of town where we were to drink tonight.

Briar: Um Charles are you sure we shouldn't just go to a bar close by it's kind of creepy out here.

Charles: what are you talking about it isn't that creepy and any way that's why we're going inside silly. I swear it's a lot better inside and it's all I can afford anyway (#^#)

Briar: I guess it's okay I'll try it out 🙂 ( I guess I'll trust him he knows what he's doing. )

So, Charles went into the bar, and just like he said it was a lot more nice inside. People were talking and hanging out all over the place it had quite a homely vibe to it. It was pretty cool I even got to see Charles get so drunk he thought people were living tacos. He tried to eat his shirt thinking it was cheese. We had such a good time but all good things come to an end. Charles got too drunk so I had to help take him home.

Briar: Woah slow down dude your higher than a kite right now.

As I say this I grab him before he tries to go chase some cat while saying chicken nuggets. Honestly, I don't think I want to know what he's imagining in that foody head of his. I think he's trying to swim through food. Yeah, I have a lot of questions about that. (@-@) Anyway, I start dragging Charles back to his house when I feel Charles freeze up beside me. I looked at him only to see him staring at the alleyway across the street so I turned around only to see "it" staring back.

The story is finally starting to gain progress hope you like it so far

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