
Getting ready

Arakan opens the flap to the large yurt in the middle of the camp. Inside, there is a large canvas draped down the center. On one side is a single cot and on the other side are two more cots. On the side with the single cot, there are weapons testing on a simple wooden stand. They range from knives to large spears. On the wall, several loin clothes are hung. On the side with two cots, there is a top and skirt, like the women were wearing hanging up. There is also a small table with a bowel full of fruit and a pitcher full of a liquid.

"What do you think?" Arakan asks expectantly.

"It looks very cozy." I say while looking around.

Arakan walk to the outfit on the two cot side and gently lifts it off the wall. "I had this made for you. Since you were smaller, I had them make one in the size of our older child". He explains as he hands me the dress. It is immensely soft and I rub it against my cheek.

"I love it!" I say earnestly

Arakan smiles " I had them put a bear on the skirt. It is just one, so it does not symbolize marriage, just that you have my protection".

I hold up the skirt and see the beautiful design of a bear near the bottom right side. The bear is in profile, standing up, one arm raised , with its mouth, as if in mid growl. It is done so spectacularly that I would almost expect it to start moving.

"That is amazing! Whoever sewed this must be a master." I admire.

"The female you just met outside is the one who sewed it, she is the same age as you."

"Wow" I breath.

"Why don't you go ahead and change," Arakan suggests without moving.

"Sure" I reply, "would it be possible for me to bathe first? I would hate to get this beautiful outfit dirty."

"Of course, I'll have Tara come show you where". He says as he steps outside and bellows "Tara".

The same young woman who we had spoke to before enters the yurt.

"Hello, I am Tara, in case you didn't hear," she laughs.

"I'm Willow," I reply feeling at ease.

"If you'll bring your clothes I'll show you where the women's bathing area is," she gestures towards my new clothes.

I follow Tara out of the yurt to farther away from the way I first walked. We come to a small growth of trees, growing in a perfect circle. There is a canvas draped between the trees, and she moves it aside to show a shallow pond. There are several floating baskets in the pond and towel hanging from the branches of the trees. At the base of the trees are more wooden baskets, but these ones are filled with little grey ball. Tara picks up one of the balls and tosses it to me.

"This is what we use to bathe. If you get it wet and rub it between your hands, it makes a good lather for cleaning. The floating tubs are for rinsing off and the towels are for everyone. Just make sure you hang it up when you are done. The young females clean the area each night, so everything is clean. " Tara explains.

"Thank you" I say, and wait for her to leave. Except she doesn't. After about 10 seconds I ask " uhm, can you leave or turn around?"

"I can't leave but I'll turn around," she says as she turns.

I undress and stick one toe into the water.

"It's warm!" I say as I go completely in. Tara laughs.

Once I feel like I have scrubbed all the dirt and grime, I get out, dry off, and get dressed. The outfit is still a little big , but once I tie it, it is secured.

"All set" I tell Tara.

"Great, it should be about time for the banquet," Tara says as she opens the canvas. I notice that the sun is starting to set and in the distance I can see a large bonfire.