
Willow's Golden Bough

In the south of the Cord Kingdom demon attacks are no longer rare. Their army is ready to burn entire cities to the ground just to find one single person — a blacksmith named Morvain. After years of flight, he has to learn a simple lesson: you can get rid of the chase, but you can’t run away from your destiny.

GreenAnyiennes · Fantasy
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I've started to write this book in May 2023 in my native language, and the case was that I couldn't find enough readers. I'm not a professional translator, nor I have much time to work on "two books" simultaneously. The translation is rough, I use some internet translators, but I really try to keep my style and the atmosphere of the original piece. I will be glad to receive comments and criticism. I hope that with your help I can improve myself.

I plan to write 32 chapters and some extra chapters that will help to dive into the world I've created.

In order to make my novel more clear, I should admit that I'm hugely inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's (especially "The Silmarillion"), C. R. Maturin's ("Melmoth the Wanderer") and Mo Xiang Tong Xiu' works. If you're familiar with them, you may find some interesting references.