
Will You Cry When I Die?

to all who is shattered by the world, seeking reasons to live and be with someone who will love them equally, someone who would cry when they pass on. I dedicate this story to you all. Hoping for your wish to come true but warning you that not all story... has a happy ending.

ebony_ · Teen
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Coloring the sky dark, even though it's still early in the afternoon it looks like it's already night time.

A forecast announced that there's another typhoon coming. Many civilians panic, fearing for their life. They fear that half of the population in their place will be swept away, never to be found again.

The sky thundered, followed by the screams of some people. While all of this is happening, in the middle of somewhere, near the forest park, stand a tall silhouette.

Just base on the outline of the person, it can be seen that it was a girl. She was looking at the sky, not moving like she was a mannequin.

Her fist is tightly closed. When the thunder strike again, it created a slight light that cleared the shadow around the girl, making her face seen.

Pursed paled lips, disheveled hair, and eyes closed but her tears streaming down her cheeks, even the rain can't hide it.

Heaving chest and her clothes that's been wet by the rain hug her body like it was comforting her. There's blood on her white dress that's so long that it reach her feet.

"Why?" She whispered, hoarse and dull.

She feels her legs weakened. A second later, she was kneeling on the mud, clutching the muddy grass with her bare hands.

"Why?" Her head lowered. Opening her eyes slighly, it was red, but lifeless.

Cold, that's all she can feel. It feels cold that it seep through her heart and mind, making her dizzy.

"Why does it happen to me? Why can it just be someone else who experience this? Why does it have to be me?" She repeated it again and again until even the sky gets tired of it that it became quite.

"I'm so tired..." Sobbing, she stopped whispering, just letting her tears flow.

Her thoughts whirled. Questions after questions, she wants to get an answer.

Hiccuping, she smirked mockingly as if remembering something funny— ironically hilarious.

Lowering her body that it almost touched the mud, it's as if she wants to be one with it.

Her already dirty dress became more dirty that its hard to identify what color it is.

"How can I get the peace that I want?"

"I just want to be asleep, for at least a year. I want to disappear. I want to rest. Can I have that?"

Completely succumbing to her mind, she lay on the mud, facing the sky that's crying together with her, making it her companion.

She giggled, with a tone of mockery, she whispered. "I'm really weak, aren't I?" A small smile forming on her lips.

"A slight problem and I already want to disappear."

She talked to herself, dazedly looking at the sky, not even minding that the rain is dropping inside her eyes, making it redder.

It seems like she's completely numb. Not caring about anything. Not feeling a thing.

Just breathing... just living.

"But can you blame me, huh?" Expression crumped, another set of tears flowed. "I'm sensitive and yeah I hated it. I'm weak, yeah I hated it, and I want to change, but I can't!" Pointing at herself, she shouted.

"I tried and tried again but I just can't! It was all in vain!" She burst, teeth clenching not just because of the cold, but also because of hatred.

Hatred towards the world.

Hatred towards herself.

" I just want to have someone who will cry with me..."