
she is the best!

9The day start with all of beauties I had some breakfast and moved towards the class, when I got Roya was sitting on her position, we had a short greetings and sat next to her,the teacher had not come yet, first of all I gave her previous money I insisted a lot but she did not accept she was saying that you were my guest I won't accept.

Me:okay, as you want.

Roya:of course.

After that I told her about the yesterday, when I was talking about that doctor she was making fun of me just this, she was saying I think you give your heart to that doctor you are talking weird I feel you like him, I did not accept her on that time the teacher came and said hello guys how are you?

The another teacher came and taught us he was an intelligent teacher he was teaching and in the middle of studying asked me I don't know but he asked me difficult questions and seriously, he asked me three questions I tried and answered two of them but one was unfamiliar and I could not, so the teacher cut my credit, I became upset but don't mention it,I couldn't remember it so I am sure no body could answer it, by the way I am very intelligent🥰.

The class finished and I went with roya she was insisting same as the previous day she was saying come on go by bus, but this time I won😌 I did not accept and she went alone, I couldn't accept that she pay my rent everyday as well, so moved on foot when I got home my sister was sleep it was twelve-ish she had come recently from her school my mother was praying and my dear father was eating his launch, so I changed my dresses and first of all, I prayed. then I had launch with my sis and mom.I rested a little and then helped my mom at home works,and then I made the dinner and same as always revised my lessons before sleeping.

Oh my sweetie day began, I was cleaning our room at once I remembered my previous off day, and all events of that day I mean the day before yesterday, I remembered that doctor said her husband will call you, how would be that woman I get upset due to her I told my mom,

Me:mom please go with me I want to ask about that woman I am worried about her please mom please.

Mom: my dear but I can't there is far from us do you want to go there just for asking her we don't need anything else at there so why should I go or why should you go what can you do to her?are you a doctor?

Me:mom please!

Mom:My dear I can not go,I have foot pain if you want you can go with your brother.

Me:No mom, I can not go with ali he just kidding me, please mom.

Mom:you want to make excuse, don't make excuse go with him.

Me: No mom I can't,I will go by myself.

Mom: No dear,it is not allow I said if you want just go with your brother I don't want to say anything else just this.

Me: but mom...

Mom: nothing else.

I get ready and went with my brother he did not say anything till there, we got the hospital I asked from the hospital clerk, she said that woman and her husband went to there home yesterday she was good at that time, and they asked again about me but they did not know about me, but how why that doctor did not say anything to them he gave my number but why he did not give it to them? of course he was strange he just wanted to cheat me stupid doctor, if I see him again I will slap him hard,

Me: excuse me, do you know the name of that doctor?

Clerk: which doctor?

how can I introduce him how to explain him oh my God.

Me:that doctor which was young and kind he helped me, do you know him?

Clerk: from which part was he?I mean What specialist was that doctor?

Me:I don't know oh! I only know about his appearance and, and, nothing else oh!

Clerk: I am sorry Miss,so I can not help you.

Me: I know, no problem dear so now I will give you my number please give it to that spouse if they come please! I am worried about her I want to see her face to face.

Clerk: okay dear I will give them.

but why he did not give my number how can I find him I even don't know his name so how to find him because I want to ask him about his neglect...

Ali: crazy girl you only wasted your time nothing else.

Me: shut up, you are crazy not me.

Ali: I have not gone thoughtless anywhere yet.

Me:okay,okay I do not want to discuss with you I an really tired we came here but we did not get anything ohh.

Ali:I said you are crazy it is your problem which you can not accept it as well.

Me:hey Ali why you have been silent till now? did you know that we can not get any information about those you were silent due to you wanted to attack me at the proper moment, right?

Ali:of course,of course will not you understand how much I enjoy from this😁😁😁(with his stupid smile I am sure it does not look like the any kind of human's smile)

Me:hehe hehe,stupid you are saying that I am crazy but you does not look normal person.and right, pleaseeeee do not say anything else please otherwise I will say to our mom.

Ali: okay I am not interesting to talking with you as well.

we arrived at home and I could not say anything to my mom because we did not catch anything from there but my respectful bro said everything very good even without losing a little point I do not know how his mind work at the bad things the opposite of good things you will die if you want to teach something to him but he will not know even one point of that but in those issues which will be my disadvantage he is like the professor, okay I finished my other day as well when I started my another gorgeous day it was completely new same as always I do not know when can I be an independent it is my only wish😔

Same as always I went to my class and sat next to the roya my bestie friend😇 I think we will get married with each other due to we are in love with each other