
will their be love in our relationship

Omegas who is struggling to love their Alpha who had done, so many evil to them, will they able to love them after so many days of staying together with each other..... omegaverse

impink_7985 · Eastern
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23 Chs

Chapter 13

"regular patient means.."Rui Jin asked with confused face.

Doctor can guess from Rui Jin confused face that his grandfather didn't said anything about his Health to anyone: " what I mean is that.. your grandfather is in his last stage of Cancer".

Which below Rui Jin in shock about this. How can this be possible?? how can it be?? Didn't his grandfather said that he is fine how is that possible. how can it be??

Rui Jin said with serious tone: "Doctor.. how can it be.. isn't Doctor Ram said that my grandfather.. cancer was treated 3 years ago.. how can now... out of now where.. last stage could come??? how??" with angry face.

Doctor feels that Rui Jin emotions pheromone is spreading all his office which makes everyone lust: "little Omega.. control yourself.."

Rui Jin suddenly realised and control his pheromone but heart broken: "why didn't he said anything to us why!!"

Doctor: "little Omega.. whatever your grandfather did.. was because he don't want you guys to worried about him... since it's his last stage.. he had only left one month.. he don't want you guys to be worried about him.. that is why.. so understand his descision and please respect his situation... we know how you guys felt now.. but it's his descision... and about his descision to save that kid was also his descision.."

Rui Jin feel completely heart broken that how can he except this, how?? how???.. it's his grandfather, how can he except that his grandfather suddenly dying. If he had noticed about this maybe they could have save him. He is really useless.

Another beautiful morning of Hwaseong No 1 High School,

Hiyun Chu is preparing to go at the school while on the other hand our little lazy Ayen as always lazy at the morning. He is still sleeping on the bed. Hiyun Chu was arranging his books and copies, and than he look at Ayen who is still lazy as pig as always.

Hiyun Chu wake him up with angrily: "get up you lazy pig.. don't you know.. today is the spring festivals.. we need to get there at early to prepared the things..". While our lazy pig is still sleepy and said: "mmm!!.. Hiyun.. I don't wan..na get up..mmm.. let me sleep more..".

Hiyun Chu don't know what to do with this lazy rascal, he felt helpless about this and shouted with irritatedly: "You!!.. GET UP!! YOU LAZY PIG..". Than Ayen startled that he fall down from the bed and said lazily with pout in his cute face: "WOo!!.. ouch!!.. Hiyun.. can't you let me sleep a little bit.. hmph!!"

Hiyun Chu stare at him with questions expression: like really.. if I wouldn't have wake him up.. he would have been in the bed without getting up.. all day.. and missed his class and spring festivals.

Hiyun Chu said with serious tone: "seriously!!.. can't you wake up without any help.. huh!! see the time on the wall.. it's already 7:30.. are you still wanna be at the bed.. huh!!..

Now get up.. within a minute.. I wanna see you in a school uniform.. right now!!" with warn in his face that "if you don't get up now.. get ready to get beat up" which makes Ayen chill in his spine that he hurriedly get up and run towards bathroom.

Hiyun Chu shake his head helplessly: God what I am gonna do with him.

When he was about to collect some notes, then he noticed that today is 5th June, than after thinking about something, he realised that today is Ayen birthday. he is going to turn 15 years old today. "Oh NO!!" suddenly his phone rang and to see the ID caller is Yui Li, who has been calling him.

Hiyun Chu hide inside the dorm room of Su Yun and Liu Hu. Hiyun Chu observe if Ayen has seen him.

Hiyun Chu said in a low voice: "Hello brother Yui!!!", like a spy is looking at his terget from inside to outside.

Yui Li feels relieved in his face: "hello thank God.. you have pick the called!!.. where the hell did you go... when I was calling you.. " and asked Yui Li with little bit angry in his face but slowly calm down.

Hiyun Chu said with guilty: "sorry.. brother.. I was busy for Ayen waking up..", "this.. little is still as always.. lazy to wake up.."said Yui Li with helpless, he feel guilty for Hiyun Chu who had to wake up his silly little brother.

Yui Li change the topic: "anyway.. I am coming at B city.. don't tell to Ayen.. it's his birthday.. so I wanna suprised him..", Hiyun Chu feels something was off about Yui Li suddenly coming back to Region but still he said: "but brother Yui don't you said that you are busy with work.. so suddenly.. I know that every year you come to surprise Ayen.. but still.. your work..", "well.. don't worry little one.. I know what are you talking about.. but I am ok.. it's just.. my video has finish and will release after one month.. so I was trying to spend some time with them.. for a while.. time is limited but still wanna enjoy with them.. so keep it secret for now.." said with smile and laugh in his face.

"Oh.. ok"said Hiyun Chu with happy heart in his face.

On the Yui Li side,

Yui Li was on his hotel room and thinking about something whom he just heard:

Flash back-

The place he went to make video is an ancient Greek mythology place. Where all the soldiers is very protective over it. When he was going for a shooting, he heard something from the soldiers.

Conversation of soldiers: "did you heard.. about this that.. City B of western countries.. is discovering some dangerous human life experiment.. they said that.. it can keep one human life span long time.. it's also said that they discovered some clues of this root..", on the other one: "yeah!! I also heard.. our commander Rong is very angry as a protecter of the country.. he is very furious about this.. I also heard that if they didn't take the warn seriously.. than they have to be doom to heaven..", "what do you mean???".

"What.. I mean to say is that.. although.. western region is rich and well developed countries but they are as small as ant.. than our Dragon region. Our Dragon region will definitely destroy the whole country.."said one soldier, "of course.. we can see the difference.. I think they are ant in front of Dragon region but you know.. in education basis they are very well developed.. and rich as Dragon region.. they should listen to our Dragon region.. warn.. because our Dragon region can do anything with technology advance.."said one of the soldiers. They all agreed with that Although western region is rich and luxurious but Dragon region also can't back away in terms of rich and luxurious. Before in Ancient times, they had torture all the countries with wealth and power but now Dragon region is rich and luxurious region in whole over the world. "if they didn't listen to their warn.. the whole region will be destroyed"said one of the soldiers with serious tone. Of course, they have to do, one wrong move can destroy the whole world, so in order to defence themself they have to destroy them.

Yui Li heard about this and got really scared. It's his family over that city. No he can't let it happened.

After that he made a plan, he will take them back to dragon region since Dragon region is the safest place for them. Don't know what will come at the coming future.

(Note: I forgot to mention that, this world is also a supernatural powers world, where each person had supernatural powers like teleport, Leger, fast runner, future predicter but it's a very rare in this days .

and everyone has a small space treasure as a helper in life, this space that can store food without decay and carry it with him is a huge help for him to survive in any difficulty)

(Note: I will tell everyone about supernatural powers one by one to everyone).

At the High school, everyone is preparing for the spring festival.

While at the Student Council President office, everyone is busy with there works except Zhaohui Lei Feng who is in his own world.