
will rewrite, remove from library

A man from our(?) world finds himself in a place he knows nothing about. The "place" in question being the version of hell from the shows, "Helluva Boss" and "Hazbin Hotel", of course. Now reincarnated as a certain baby imp in a body he hates, he must find a way to survive in this brand new literal hell hole! ________________ (notes from the Author) 1. I won't be specific but I'm still pretty young and only plan to do this for fun or to relieve stress. So feel free to expect typos, inappropriate punctuation placement and so much more!! 2. I plan to keep the humor just about the same as in the source material. In the case that you're against reading about violence, gore, cursing, epic fight scenes and other stuff like that, I'd recommend you don't read this epic tale. 3. Story will have lemon scenes with not completely human characters. There'll be a warning in chaps like those. And they won't happen for a looooong time. 4. I love to hear your criticism since I am writing this to improve my writing abilities. This also happens to be the reason I'm starting by writing a FF, because I do hope to make my own novels at some point. 5. Still on the topic of criticism, if you complain abt something that i've explained in one of these disclaimers or make a shitty review just to be an ass and discourage me, I'll fucking find you. . . . jk . . . . 6. I likely won't have an update schedule for this, but bonus chapters may become a thing in the future depending on stone donations and stuff. And don't go removing it from your library after just a few weeks of no new chaps, I'll eventually come back. 7. Don't forget this is a FF so don't go complaining when I change things from the story or use my own theories to fill in blanks. This is especially important considering the fact that neither "HB" or "HH" are complete. 8. This story will more closely relate to the themes of HB than HH. Making the characters look cool and form valuable relationships will have more priority than the redemption of tainted souls. Though even with this in mind I'll try to even out the HB and HH content as much as possible.(along with a lot of my own stuff and shit) 9. Slow-pased as fuck Alright cool, with all of that out of the way hopefully the weaklings have been weeded out. For those of you still reading, get ready for the ride of an after-life time(maybe)! ( I own nothing except for my theories and original characters. Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss are owned by Vivziepop and A24, Studios all rights reserved to them ofc. I also don't know who made the cover, if the original artist would like me to remove it, I will. Also, everyone can feel free to message me on Discord: SickPickle or bicndalls idk)

MeButBetter · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

4 Months

(A/N just wanted to take this opportunity to clear the air around my choice of body transfer for the mc, that being Moxxie ofc. There are only two reasons, I can't reveal one of them because it'll spoil the power system i'm making(looking forward to that chapter🤭) the other reason is that the mc will probably end up DEMOLISHIN- err. I mean, courting(?) Millie and I just can't cuck my boy Moxxie like that( also i thought it'd be funny asf to make the mc short, but he'll be normal size now since he has a new mommy). As for me changing who his mother is, I wanted a gateway into the political world of HH/HB and that was the simplest way I could think of. Hope you understand and can look past such changes and enjoy this story as something maybe a bit more than a Fan-Fic, as there will be, and I cannot stress this enough, A LOT of changes. Anyways enjoy the chap 😙)

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Hello everyone, welcome back! I know it hasn't been very long for you, but it's been damn near four months for me!

Sorry for that by the way. I did a lot of reflecting after that whole incident in Loo Loo Land, not much time for monologue. I didn't feel too good after what happened that day.

I felt sick and had nightmares for nearly a month, and it got worse after I heard that the clown I pissed off is the one that caused the fire. I'd bet my life that he did it because of me. That made me feel guilty instead of horrified from then onward. Oh! I heard this through my parents, if you must know.

Apparently, it takes a really long time to recover from guilt like that. Until today, I'd pray for all of them when I woke up and went to sleep. Kinda weird considering we're in hell, but whatever! The reason I didn't pray for them on this day is because I've decided to avenge them!

I know, I know, it's cliche. But I don't think I'll be able to rest until I find that clown.

The vengeance of those passed shall be my penance, so let that demon's screams be my repentance. I came up with that all by myself and it even sorta rhymes! Sadly, I can't tell if it's cringe or not.

(A/N It is. But hey, I can't control what this guy says . . . . . . . .) 

That's enough of the grungy stuff. There are a few other things that have happened in the last few months. For instance, I started speaking full sentences. Well sorta, it's still hard to properly pronounce the words.

In other news, mom finally moved in! That's how I know it's been four months, as well. She moved into my room instead of fathers, and she brought a calendar with her! She also started taking me into the sky to look at the 'moon' sometimes. That's how I figured out the difference between night and day here. It's also how I figured out she could fly, but I sort of guessed as much.

The 'moon' in question also happens to be a giant coin. And I'm pretty sure it's a hologram! There are also stars but you have to fly really high to see them, light pollution is a real bitch.

And in even bigger news, I know what I look like! Though since I've changed a bit since I first saw myself, I'll just tell you what I look like now.

I'm a very small creature with black and white horns that lead directly into my pitch white hair. My skin is all red, aside from white freckles and my eyes are yellow with completely black irises. I also have a short tail with an arrow shape at the end, which made it hard to relearn how to walk. All in all, I seem to look pretty basic for my species, except for one thing. My hair is made of feathers!


It's a weird visual effect and you have to look extremely close in order to see that it's not actually hair. It's not too convenient, but at least I'll always have a writing utensil on me! 

As long as I have some ink, too! Actually it might hurt to pull it out, so maybe not. . . . . 

Well I guess my feathers/hair are kind of pointless. . . . Moving on!

I'm not the only one that has experienced changes in the past few months. Father seems to have become slightly distant, he leaves much more often. And when he leaves, he takes many more people. When he comes back, the stench of blood fills whatever room he may be in. 

It's not like he's ignoring me or anything though. When I say distant, I mean it's more like he's not trying to be my dad, but a mentor or something. He even started teaching me how to hold a gun the other day, though it was a toy, I think. . . . . I hope.

Father was both surprised and elated to see that my posture was up to standard when wielding weapons. Guess that training in my past life wasn't for nothing.

Wait! Babies don't know how to hold guns! I keep messing up on this whole pretending thing. Why couldn't I just transmigrate?!

Anyways, that's about all I've been up to. Right now I'm listening to my parents speak about something called the "Harvest Moon Festival".

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"I told you I'm not going to the Wrath ring, Poltis! We almost died there just a few months ago, I honestly can't believe you wanna take Mox back to that shit hole.", father seems to object to yet another one of mother's plans.

Mom seemed tired of the conversation as she responded, "Fine then, don't go. I don't even care.", she obviously did, "But don't try to talk me out of this. This year will be the first festival Stolas is hosting, I can't miss it."

Father had a grimace on his face, this conversation had been going in circles for hours. "Well I still don't see why that means Mox has to go with you, I was planning on taking him to his first drug deal soon!" Ummmm, what?

"And just what makes you think I'd allow such a thing?! He is of royal blood, even if it isn't pure. I won't let him stoop to such a low level as being a crime boss!", well somebody is mad. I always find myself wishing I had popcorn when I listen to these two. Being a baby has turned me into a total gossip gal, or gossip guy in my case.

Father seemed to be fuming as the air around him heated up and his skin turned even redder than last time, a sizzle could be heard as parts of his clothes caught fire and his skin boiled. I wonder if that hurts him.

(A/N I know this isn't actually an ability that Crimson has but I'll explain it more in the final arc of volume I. Keep reading to find out more😚)

"What did you just say, BITCH?! I don't care what you say about me, but don't talk shit about what I do with MY life!" What the FUCK did he just call her?! I threw my bottle of milk at him, I switched to bottle feeding by the way, thank Lucifer.

My bottle hit him just as he was about to do something he might regret. He looked over at me and a truly evil smile appeared on his face. What happened to him in these few months?

He began pacing toward me and upon reaching my cradle, grasped my face with his thumb on my right cheek and his other four fingers on my left. His hands were smoldering hot, but it didn't hurt for some reason, not like last time.

What did hurt however, was when he began to squeeze my face. He was squeezing so hard that my teeth began to scrape against my cheeks and I bled.

As the irony taste of blood reached my tongue, I wasn't scared. No, on the contrary, I was incredibly mad. Who does this fucker think he is?!

I stared at him with hate in my eyes, which were slowly turning into slits. What was more surprising though, was the fact that I now had five eyes, two on each side and one in the center. They glowed ominous red and black colors.

My body heated up just like his, but my skin didn't turn a deeper shade of red or anything like that. My feather-hair spread to my arms and legs, leaving my torso in its original state. 

Everyone was stunned by my transformation. Mom, who was on her way to decapitate Crimson, stopped in her tracks, "Already?"

Crimson had loosened his grip on me and the sinister look in his eyes was slowly dissipating. I was surprised by my new look but I was still too mad to care much. I wanted to see if this transformation gave any buffs so I grabbed Crimson's hand and pressed as hard as I could.

Nothing, it was like there was no difference at all. I guess that's the limit of a baby.

Seeing my actions and further noticing nothing happened when I tried to hurt him, Crimson smiled again. His grip on my face strengthened and his eyes changed to how they were a moment ago.

This piece of SHIT! I swear on the names of all my ancestors in both lives, I'll kill this fucker. I'll rip his fucking guts out and use the vultures to turn him into a fucking parade float! I'm gonn-

I think this form enhances my emotions in some way. That could be dangerous.

Even upon this realization, my anger wasn't subsiding. A primal rage filled every fiber of my being and it was begging for an escape. That escape came in the form of a horrifying screech not possible from a baby. And it wasn't just loud, I felt something move inside me as I made that noise.

The entire house shook as paintings fell and lights exploded. I felt my body turning back to normal as Crimson passed out while bleeding from his seven orifices. I couldn't care less though, he's no longer my father.

Men in black suits had begun rushing to the room as soon as the house began shaking. They dragged him out of the room as mother broke from her stupor and rushed over to me. She picked me up and hugged me as she bawled her eyes out.

I feel like we've been here before. Though it was similar to a few chap- uh, I mean months ago, she wasn't speaking this time. Though I did.

"Sorry, momma."

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(A/N damn, what caused such a drastic change in Crimson's behavior and how does Poltis plan to save her son from such abuse? Anyways, I typed too much at the beginning to say much here so I'll just answer questions in the comments. Bye bye)

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