
Will Of The Universe

When two universes collide, destruction is inevitable..... The endless chaos will give birth to a new UNIVERSE..... Space shatters and timelines collapse and the world is turned upside down...... The entire Universe takes shape once more and natural laws are reestablished......  Kurt a typical 17-year-old high school boy, who in order to save his crush from terrorists, (could have become girlfriend later on, but....) Gets himself killed. Then gets reborn in the Alpha Centauri star system on an unknown planet, just in the earth's neighborhood (sun solar system) with a system made by an unknown entity. He made his settlement and found alien species. One day the planet to which Kurt was teleported, gets invaded. The invasion catches him off guard, and what he had to do now was already specified; [Alert!] [Forced emergency quest- eliminate the invaders. [Penalty on failing the mission- Death] “Death? and here I thought my system wasn't so bishy. Well, let’s do it!”   Is the world he was once still the same? What destiny holds for him in the future?  ---------------------------------------------------------- Complete 4 chapters first before deciding anything. English is not my first language, so please spare me for grammatical mistakes or nonsensible sentences (HARDLY ANY). And don't forget to write reviews please, I need to know where the improvement is needed. Keep reading, the rush has yet to begin. Wishing - Happy Reading to you all.

archmatrix · Sci-fi
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31 Chs


Kurt lands the helicopter flawlessly like someone with years of piloting experience.

Eva walks toward the copter, as kurt opens the cockpit.

"Welcome back. I hope your outing went well?…"

"Yeah, and guess what I found?", Kurt opens the back of the helicopter and shows 5 motionless bodies lying on the metal floor, "new friends!"

"Friends?... But then…. why do they look dead, Sir? "

"Naaa... they are alive.....maybe?"

Kurt rescanned their vitals, and thankfully they were still alive.

"System, start the construction of MEDICAL FACILITY"

[Constructing...., consuming 7M C.P...]

The ground trembles.....a white building starts to rise from the ground..., an extremely high flat-roofed structure stood in front of Kurt.

[DING!... Construction complete...the facility was constructed near the outer walls of the Main Base, and the redundant solar panels were relocated.]

"Mmm...before that, would you please tell me how Much C.P I have now?"


[33M C.P left...

*Host has completed 5 achievements..., please receive the rewards from REWARDS section...]

"Can't you activate something to automatically add/receive the rewards? And also notify me about them every time."

[Settings remodified...]

"Good, Now collect all the rewards and transfer these 5 people to the Medical Facility, and proceed with their treatment."

[15M C.P added..., Total Balance- 48M C.P]

[Transferring 5 subjects.....]

And the 5 bodies disappear from Kurt's sight.

[ Treatment in progress...Full recovery in 60 hours...]

"What 60 hours? But it was 50-hours before...", Kurt recalls his piloting service, "well it doesn't make much of a difference "

'Hmm, what now?' Kurt looks back at Eva and was once again enchanted by her beauty.

She was examining the helicopter when Kurt suddenly hugged her from behind, his head on her shoulder.

"Wo.....umm?", she was startled, by a sudden hug.

"Let's go in" he whispers in her ear.

"Why-! ", Before she could respond, Kurt instantly picked her up in his arms and started walking towards the Base.

"I...I have something to tell you..." she said while hiding her face.

"What is it?"

"Are you not going to take a look at the telescope? You-you are looking for someone on earth, am I right?"

Her voice was trembling a little, and Kurt noticed that.

'Hmmm?...Well Ya, I'm looking for Ren (Rena), but how does she know about that?'

"I-I looked inside your memories, s-so.. I-I think y-you shouldn't...-!", she was hiding her face in his chest as he placed his finger on her lips.

"Shhhh!...., you don't have to worry about it, the system will take care of that."

They enter the Base; Kurt takes the elevator to the 2nd floor {A.N-where the bedroom was, hehe}

"Oh! and one more thing, even if I find her, don't think you'll be able to escape my clutches.", he said while smirking.

"..." she had no way of responding to that. She was happy but didn't want to express it, little did she know that Kurt had already caught a glance at her idiotic grin.

'This girl.....'

'... System Use the telescope to search for the nearest planet for biosignature gases with the presence of water and carbon-based life forms...'

[... Searching....]

[... Applying Optical and radio transmissions for better Observation...]

[DING!....1 result found.....]

Kurt reaches the 2nd floor, with Eva still being Princess carried.

'Well found It!', 'Make a geographical map of the planet, and I'll take a look at the results later.'

'Cause I have some work to do...', Kurt looks at Eva

Eva's heart was going "Thump-Thump" from all the anticipation.

She was wondering If Kurt could hear her loud heartbeat, and apparently, he was already aware of it.

The door opened automatically as they reached closer to the room.

Kurt entered the luxurious room, and the light dimmed themselves. Kurt laid Eva down on the bed. As Eva was about to re-position herself, Kurt instantly pounced on her.

He was about to begin his attack on her, when all of a sudden Eva pushed him and as a result, he was thrown off the bed.

"Ouch!, what was that about? "

"I'm sorry, but.... something is reaching the planet."

"What do you mean, 'something is reaching the planet' ?"

"Well, it will be better if you look it by yourself"

[⚠Alert! ⚠Alert! , Planet is being intruded...]

"What? what's happening? -!"


[Warning! Planet's enclosure has been breached..., requesting immediate response!]

After hearing the blast and system's notification Kurt was about to discern the situation, as his gaze fell on a flying object coming closer to the glass frame of the room.

'....Is that.....is that a missile-Fuck!", Kurt lunges toward Eva, as the missile breaks the glass pane;


The whole room gets enveloped in explosion. Kurt felt like somebody had hit him with a hot iron pole in the back of the head, his ears ringing...

Kurt tries to get up, Eva still in his embrace. Amid the flames, Kurt runs out of the room holding Eva in his arms;

" Eva! "

"..." she didn't respond.

"Eva! Are you alright? "

" ....Ye-yes, I'm alright, but we have to-! "

" Don't worry about that, let's get to the lowest floor, okay? "

Kurt rushes towards the elevator and sets the floor number to 1. The entire base was echoing with blast sounds. Kurt never expected this, he had already inspected the whole planet, there shouldn't have been anything here!

'Then how?'

"They better hope, they are tough enough...or they might not know how much fu*ked they are. Eva, you stay here and try to check the total damage. Let me see what is happening out there."

"But..- mnmm!?" Kurt abruptly places a peck on her lips.

"J.U.S.T S.T.A.Y, you can help me from inside, okay? I'll be fine."

"... but-...a-alright.." she said indecisively.

"Good", Kurt smiles and leaves the ground hall. Walking down the passage, the surroundings were shaking violently. The sky filled with the sounds of explosions and zooming aircraft.

Kurt opens the main gate and leaves the Base.

'Why's this happening?', Kurt looked at the wrecked buildings and solar panels, all on fire and destroyed. Kurt shifts his gaze above at the sky. It was going to be dark in a few hours.

'Now, what do we have here? Hmmm....1,2,3,4,5...five aircraft? So, they were causing all this ruckus. Man! My ears still hurt from that explosion. Surely, they wouldn't mind me competing with them, right? '

And with that, Kurt heads towards the black beast he had just learned to ride.

'System, use 2M C.P and create an energy shield on the territory"

[.... Placing plasma shield... shielding completely...]

Kurt opens the cockpit of the copter and turns on some switches;


The beast roars. Kurt wears the flight helmet and closes the cockpit.

'System, how about we name this helicopter?'

[Naming.....- Nemesis]

'Well kinda clichè, but still- Noice! '

[ Name has been chosen from 3 preferable words lingering in host's CHUNIBYO mind - Dominator, Nemesis, and Tyrant-X....]

"....(´- ‸ -)..."

[...¯\_( ͡-‿‿ ͡-)_/¯....]


and... Kurt pushes the control stick forward with full throttle, dashing through the sky...
