
Will of Darkness

Destiny is linked to our actions. A journey to an unknown world mentioned in myths and legends, where life and death are linked to power. A world full of mysteries where life and death is common in every corner, where heroes and villains are born and die. Shin is a young man forced to venture into this world with nothing but his own body to defend himself from the dangers that lurk at every turn. Upon discovering that being weak is a sin and only the strong have a voice and an opinion, Shin understands that to avoid being swept away by the wave called destiny it is necessary to have power, power enough to define his own life. A hero may be a villain to some, and a villain may be a hero to others. But in the end destiny is linked to our actions...or not?

Arleve · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Troubled Waters

"Hey, hey!"

Shin felt like someone was shaking him while he was sleeping comfortably on some sacks full of potatoes.

It didn't last even a second before he remembered that he was falling into the void before falling asleep.

Shin widened his eyes and looked around alertly before the place he was standing in shook aggressively, sending Shin flying into a wall.

"What are you doing?!"

Shin looked at the man who was yelling at him from the side.

The man was two meters tall, wore a sleeveless shirt, and his head was completely bald. Adding in the big muscles of his, the man looked like a total thug.

However, Shin could only feel irritation and some fear in the man's words.

"Get up quickly and help us if you don't want to die!"

Shin quickly got up but the place where he was shaken again causing Shin to stagger, who managed to lean against the wall to avoid falling again.

The man ran out of the room, taking advantage of the fact that it wasn't shaking.

'Where the hell am I?!' Shin yelled to himself.

Not long ago he was in the lab, then he went to that dark place and now he was in an unknown place that was shaking aggressively every so often.

The room shook again, and a box flew out hitting Shin on the head.

'Damn it!'

Fortunately, Shin had covered himself at the last moment, so he avoided getting hit badly.

Sensing that he really needed to get out of the room, Shin left through the same door the man had left before.

Outside the door was a corridor that Shin crossed quickly, leaning on the walls every time the floor shook. With some effort, Shin managed to get out of the corridor where he was met with a terrifying sight.

'W-what is that monster?!'

In front of him was a large sea beast that attacked people who tried to hit it with its tentacles.

Shin seemed to have woken up on a ship, in which his crew seemed to be facing a large squid that had several of its tentacles wrapped around the ship.

The ship wobbled again as a large wave hit the right side of it. Shin, who was now on the deck, had no way to support himself, so he fell to the ground again, rolling until he hit a wall.


Massaging his head from the hit he had hit the wall. Shin looked at the sailors fighting against the tentacles of the great squid without much success since his attacks barely managed to leave any wounds.

Shin started to get up when he felt something with his hand on the floor next to him. Shin turned his head and the first thing he saw was one of the sailors with his head crushed next to a sword a few meters from him.

Shin felt like throwing up at the grotesque scene but held back what rose from his stomach and grabbed the sword before getting up and looking at the situation.

He was screwed right now, he had never faced such a situation before. A situation that threatened his life.

Shin spent his 18 years of life in the laboratory. Since he can remember, many men and women in white coats have performed thousands of experiments on his body, so he had a hatred for people who wear white coats.

But they also instructed him in many survival methods within the facility. Since they more or less knew thanks to the stories what kind of environment Shin would face for the first time when he arrived in the world below.

But those classes didn't include the use of the sword, much less fighting against a damn squid over 30 meters long... not counting the tentacles.

It was also not a lie to say that it was Shin's first time on a ship.

'What am I supposed to do now?! Fighting that monster is out of the question! I was finally able to leave that damn lab and get my freedom, I won't let this end so soon!'

Filling with resolve, Shin ran.

He ran in the opposite direction of the monster looking for a place to hide and wait for someone to finish off that big squid.

Shin was not willing to face such a creature, not after seeing how the sailors continued to die with their limbs crushed. And those who were lucky and were not thrown into the turbulent black waters or were swallowed by the great mouth of the squid.

Arriving with difficulty at the stern of the ship, Shin found a large rudder and several boxes that moved from side to side with the movement of the ship.

If Shin had never been on a ship before, he much less knew how to handle one, and he seriously doubted if he could even handle the ship with the squid attached to it.

Looking around, Shin saw the body of another sailor. This sailor seemed to be wearing more refined and elegant clothing than the other sailors who only wore pants and a sleeveless shirt.


The man was the captain of the ship he was on, he seemed to have died before many of the sailors on the ship.

Shin wondered how he had died if he saw all of his limbs complete, until he saw in his hand a small ancient powder pistol.

'That bastard took the easy way out!'

The captain of the ship had seen the danger of the squid coming and committed suicide in order to quickly end his misery.

'A coward'

Shin took the pistol from the captain's clenched hand and though he had never fired a firearm before. More or less, he could figure out how to use it.

The pistol had no ammunition inside as it could only hold one bullet at a time, and the last one that had been fired was inside the captain's head.

Shin rummaged through the dead body of the captain looking for the rest of the ammunition assuming that he had more, and soon after found a small bag hanging from the corpse's hip.

'1, 2, 3… 5 bullets is enough'

Although 5 bullets were few, Shin felt that only 5 would save his life. The bullets wouldn't hurt the big squid but maybe a human would.

When Shin examined the weapon a little more, he noticed how the screen from before reappeared in front of him.

[Worn Flintlock Pistol]

[A pistol frequently used by pirates, this pistol has a long history in the hands of very famous pirates who left a mark of terror in history. But its last possessor was a cowardly pirate unable to be a good leader and without any great achievements.]

'Wow... a bit harsh

However, Shin didn't have much time to thoroughly read the information on the screen in front of him when the ship shook again, this time much stronger than others.

Shin grabbed the rudder, which began to swing rapidly to the side.

Unable to keep holding on to the great rudder, Shin had to let go of it causing it to wobble and roll to the rear of the stern, crashing into the wooden railings that separate it from the vast ocean.

The ship stabilized again, and Shin gripped the railing tightly before getting up and looking back.

All Shin could see was the darkness of the night and the turbulent waters crashing against the ship. Falling into the water would be a sentence for his life.

Steadying himself, Shin tried to walk back to the rudder that he had stopped at some point. Reaching the helm and holding onto it, Shin watched as fewer and fewer pirates were left alive on the deck.

Some continued to attack the squid's tentacles while others jumped over the edge into the water, thinking it was better to drown than be eaten or crushed by the beast. Some others wept on the deck having lost all hope.

'Sons of bitches! Don't cry and fight that monster! Don't be little girls!'

If the pirates heard Shin's thoughts, they would definitely stop crying and rush to attack Shin, who was the first to run towards the stern.

Shin didn't have much time to complain about the pirates when a loud crack echoed through the ship.

'That cannot be good'

All seemed to go silent before the great ship began to break in half.


Without much to do, Shin watched as a crack made its way from one side of the ship to the other.

It wasn't long before the crack spread and broke the ship into two pieces, right down the middle.

'No, no, no, no'

The boat shook again, forcing Shin to exert his muscles to the max to keep from flying off and falling into the water.

The giant squid continued to attack with its large tentacles until, with a great blow to the deck at the stern, it destroyed the upper part of the ship.

All the remaining pirates in that part either fell into the water or were crushed by the squid's earlier strike.

The man Shin had seen in the room continued to fight with all his might as he roared towards the squid. The man seemed determined to kill the monster while Shin was determined to escape the ship.

'A ship should have lifeboats…'

From the world he came from, he knew that the ships had small boats for emergencies, maybe the ships in this place would also have lifeboats.

Approaching one of the railings carefully so as not to fly, Shin tried to find a boat attached to the side of the ship.

To his surprise, the ship did have lifeboats. Unfortunately for him, one had disappeared and the other was destroyed.

Shin cursed inwardly and turned to look at the other side of the ship.

'Please, please, please'

Scrambling to the other side of the stern of the ship that was sinking more and more with each passing second, Shin could see the boats that were on the starboard side of the ship.

One was destroyed and the other seemed to be in good condition... barely.

Trying to go down the stairs with a lot of effort, Shin noticed how the deck began to flood more and more. With the water reaching his knees, Shin leaned on the railing and tried to jump into the lifeboat that moved to the rhythm of the waves, making it almost impossible to get on.

Even though Shin had gone down to the deck, the squid seemed not to have noticed as it continued to fight against the muscular man. The man was definitely more resilient than Shin had expected since he not only lasted longer against the squid than the other pirates but he was also able to give the squid some fighting... at least he didn't get crushed in the first place. minute.

Waiting for the perfect moment for the boat to be in a position where it was possible to get on the boat that was moving erratically through the waves. Shin decided to jump risking his life.

In the middle of the jump, an invisible wave due to the darkness made the boat rise, hitting Shin's stomach, who already had half of his body inside the boat. The blow knocked the air out of him causing him to fall hard on the boat that continued to rock from one side to the other.

Shin writhed across the floor of the boat before struggling to his feet and gasping for air.

The boat was still attached to the ship by ropes, and if he failed to release it, the boat would sink alongside the ship, taking Shin with it in the process.

So, either Shin managed to somehow release the boat from the ship, or the life of freedom he longed for would be gone before he got there.