

Wang Yibo came inside the convenient store.

Wang Yibo: what's happening here?

Xiao zhan heard Wang Yibo's voice and froze. He knew he would be blamed for this.

Wang Yibo : I asked you Zhan.. WHY IS YUAN CRYING!

Xiao zhan flinched at him yelling.

Xioa: Mr. Wang... You don't need to yell at Zhan. He's just trying to calm Yuan and this child down. And you should not be even yelling when kids are around.

Wang Yibo snatched Wang Yuan from Xiao zhan's arms and glared at Xiao zhan.

Wang Yibo looked back at Wang Yuan and caressed his back.

Wang Yibo: Yuan.. Tell me what happened? What are you crying for?

Wang Yuan: this kid called papa his!

Wang Yuan pointed to the kid who was looking at all of them with teary eyes.

Wang Yibo wasn't pleased with what he just heard right now.

Wang Yibo: it's okay. Yuan. Dad is here now. You don't need papa. I am here.

Wang Yuan: no! Tell this kid! That papa isn't his! Papa is mine!

Wang Yuan pointed to the kid continously.

Wang Yuan whined.

Xiao zhan gently took Wang Yuan out of Wang Yibo's arms.

Xiao zhan: baby... Don't worry... I am only here for you. I am only your papa.

Wang Yuan: really? Papa.

Xiao zhan: yes.. Papa only loves you. I am only your papa. No one can take you away from me. Or take me away from you. Don't cry anymore. Papa loves you.

Xiao zhan kissed Wang Yuan's tears away. By kissing his tears.

Wang Yuan: I love you too! I love you too papa!

Xiao zhan hugged Wang Yuan in his arms.

While Wang Yuan glared at the kid.

Later Wang Yuan fell asleep in Xiao zhan's arms. The kid was found by his mother. She apologized to them and explained. She was in another shop and he just ran away. She couldn't believe how his on called someone else his papa.

Xioa: zhan... You can leave now... Your shift can covered by me... I don't have much work in my office right now.

Xiao zhan: thank you a lot. It means a lot to me.

Xioa: don't worry. And you better get going because your ex husband already looks impatient.

Xioa pointed to Wang Yibo who was outside the convenient store. Smoking a cigarette and looked pretty pissed.

Xiao zhan looked out and saw this... He sighed.

Xiao zhan: have a good... Night xioa...

Xioa: you too...

Xiao zhan then came out of the convenient store.

Wang Yibo: get inside.

Wang Yibo pointed to the car.

Xiao zhan. Gulped hard before getting in the Passanger seat with sleeping Wang Yuan in his lap.

Wang Yibo threw his cigarette on the floor and crushed it before getting in the driver seat.

Wang Yibo: don't think Wang Yuan actually loves you... He's just a kid. Because he knows you are his papa. So he pretends to love you. So don't raise your hopes up.

Xiao zhan: I understand...

Wang Yibo: Good... Because I want to marry someone who can take care of Yuan. I don't want him to get used to you by the time he's older. You're not even capable of taking care of Yuan.

Xiao zhan: I know... It's Ms. Susie... She was your first love also after all... You will look good with her...

Xiao zhan got those words hardly out of his throat. It felt bad to say.

Xiao zhan the shrugged his shoulders and then he giggled.

Xiao zhan: and I hope I find mine too.

Wang Yibo tightened his grip on the steering wheel. As he heard these specific words come out of Xiao zhan's mouth.

But Xiao zhan didn't notice his grip getting tighter on the steering wheel.