

After dinner. When Wang Yuan fell asleep.

Xiao zhan went over to Wang Yibo in the living room. Who was using his phone.

Xiao zhan: yibo... Can.. I talk to you... If you have some time?

Wang Yibo:hmm... Go on

Xiao zhan: do you know who... Ms. Susie is?

Wang Yibo: yeah. She's my mother's friend's daughter. Why as so?

Xiao zhan:... Well... Today when I took... Yuan to school... His teacher talked about family day with me. And Yuan said Ms. Susie would be attending as a parent instead of me.. And your mother... Told him that I am not his parent anymore...

Wang Yibo: wait-... Of course not. Even if we are divorced. You're still going to be attending it with me as a parent. No Ms. Susie will attend it in your place. And I will talk to Yuan about the parent thing. As well as my mother.

Xiao zhan:... Thanks... Yibo.. For assuring me.

Wang yibo sat up on the couch making Room for Xiao zhan to sit.

Wang Yibo: come...sit.

Xiao zhan sat next to him.

Wang Yibo looked at him up and down.

Wang yibo: you still... Look fresh after giving birth to a child or all the stress...

Wang yibo mumbled.

Xiao zhan: I am sorry. I did not catch you... Can you repeat?

Wang Yibo: no... Nothing...

Xiao zhan: okay...

They both looked in each other eyes. Getting lost in each other. Wang Yibo started getting closer to Xiao zhan...

Wang Yibo: you are my ex... And you cheated on me...

Xiao zhan:.. No... I did not... Please... Why do you have to bring it up every time?

Xiao zhan started tearing up.

Wang Yibo rolled his eyes and sat back on the couch not getting closer anymore.

Wang Yibo: to let you remember why I hate you so much. Like why did you cheat on me? Was I too nice to you and easy going on you. That you thought you could cheat on me or I wasn't your type any more. Like just why! Huh!?!

Wang Yibo raised his hand getting angry.

Xiao zhan flinched badly and started tearing up more.

Then bam! A slap on Xiao zhans face by wang yibo. It was a hard slap. It left a mark.

Xiao zhan started crying and got up from the couch. Going back to his room.

Wang yibo rolled his eyes and went back on his phone.

Wang Yibo: fucking slut.