
Will I Fall For You?

The most cruel and coldest mafia of the whole world! Will the normal girl from city and the mafia fall for each other? where are their fates destined to? Read to find out! With twists turns!

Diya_Srinivasan · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ruined First Impression?

Min Peisho's Pov:

I was running late for my client's appointment, so I was running on the footpath not caring about what people are thinking of me. They probably think I'm a crackhead to run so fast with heels and in the age of a teen! Anyways the client that booked the appointment is very rude and picky. That's the reason I'm too scared to face her when I'm late. The client had told me the makeup specifications which were really important, so i printed them out. Since i was running late, I just grabbed those papers and stuffed them into my bag. I even forgot to close the zip! When i was running, i slipped on my heels and was about to fall off....

Kim Taehyung's Pov:

I was talking a walk to relax myself, suddenly a woman bumped into me, she slipped and was about to fall off. Automatically i just grabbed her to prevent her from falling off ...

Both of them looked into each other with a shocked expression on their face. It was like a staring contest. Suddenly Taehyung flinched and Peisho fell down.

Peisho: ahh! *groans in pain*

Taehyung: yahh, can't y-you walk properly. L-look at the road and walk!

*he said stammering cause all of this was so sudden and he hasn't even touched a girl in his entire life lol*

Peisho: At last you held me but why'd you put me down? It was your fault!

Taehyung: What the heck! my grip wasn't enough so what can I do! Besides you just wasted my precious time!

Peisho: What? I got an ankle sprain just because of you! Ahh! *groans* Whatever, I'm leaving. I can't handle bullshit guys like you! *gets up and brushes all the dirt over her*

Taehyung: Do you know who I am? Who are you to call me bullshit?

Peisho: I don't care who the fvck you are okay? You wasted my time too!

Taehyung: I'm leaving you this time! If i was in a bad mood i would've killed you myself!

Peisho: Yeah yeah whatever!

*she said fixing her hair*

Peisho walked away, meanwhile Taehyung looked down to notice a paper with some address and information written on it. He read and found out it was Peisho's work address and some specifications of a client.

Taehyung Smirked, He knew what he was going to do next.

Peisho's POV:

I was already running late and this guy was just too annoying! I literally reached 20 mins late!

Peisho reached her workplace. She walked to the client fuming in anger.

Peisho: Hello Miss Lee! I really apologize for showing up late, you see....

Miss Lee, the client stopped mid words and spoke

Miss Lee: I don't want your excuses! I'm done with your service. I'm leaving!

Peisho: I'm really sorry miss, this won't happen again! I promise!

Miss Lee: Ok fine please start the process!

Peisho: Thank you so much miss, i will start right now!

Peisho looks through her bag just to find that her Client information report was missing. She panicked very much and started to take out everything from her bag. Meanwhile the client was furious. Peisho did not expect such a terrible situation.

Peisho: I- I'm sorry miss, I'm not able to find the report of yours!!

Miss Lee: Are you kidding me! first of all you're late and now you brake such a big problem. I'm so disappointed, Bye!

Peisho: Sorry miss I - .....

The client walked out of the door without letting Peisho finish her sentence.

Peisho: Why is my life literally so miserable? What wrong have i done to earn this living hell? Guess i did too much of past mistakes. My bad!! All of this is because of that guys, seriously uhh. The report must've slipped somewhere!!!