
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Questions that need answers

Sil made her way through this unground forest just to see sod sitting on a thrown made out of the green plates with gold lights all throughout it.

"Welcome to my thrown room. I never asked for a thrown but once everyone here thought me as a king, theses plants stared growing and making a thrown without instructions this is one of manny reasons why we protect this place."

Sil thinking about what the king said and everything she experienced from entering the cave she finally understand what this was. this was not a cave but dungeon. "Sod do you know what this place is?"

"Yes I do, humans call them dungeons and we beasts call it ur life line." He said this while looking directly in sil's eyes. looking for sympathy hoping she won't try to claim the dungeon loot for it would be a simple task for her.

"I told you this once sod I will protect this place, you don't need to worry." This made sod sigh in relief because there is no hiding a dungeon from this human.

"Now to my questions sod, we have a lot to discuss. I don't like asking a million questions one after the other so I will tell you all I want to know and you will tell me simple as that."

"Thank you Sil, I can't tell you how manny human I have killed to protect this place. You are the only human I fear, so it's a great weight off my chest to hear you say that. Even to go as far to protect it hearing that will help me sleep at night. I will answer the questions I know the answer to because I do not want to tell you something that's not a 100% truth,unless you want to hear rumors."

"Good this will go smoothly then. First I will tell you a secret of my own I suggest you keep it to yourself. I am not from this world I know little of what's happening anywhere so my question might seem simple just answer them and everything will be over soon."

Sod didn't know what to think of her not being from this world but he didn't have time to think because sil already started asking questions.

"Where is the biggest kingdoms you know of? How common is intelligent beast like yourself? How common is dungeon and there difficulty? how did you use your mana to make yourself bigger? what are all the different types of mana you know of? what do humans use as a main weapons also what do they use for transportation? do humans have pet beasts? have humans traveled off world? and my last question is what are the beast crystals you were talking about before?"

"I will answer your questions the way you ask and give you extra information along the way if you not mind." This made sil nod to agree with sod so sod started answering her questions.

"There's only one kingdom I know of and it's a long way away probably take you 4 to 5 months to get there on foot it's to the west, the sun rises in the east and sets on the west. I do not meet other beast that can speak often but when I did find them they were powerful beast so there not common."

"dungeons are one of the rarest things you will find they have powerful weapons and armor but they are also very difficult to clear this one is not the highest dungeon, but definitely not the lowest."

"Money the most sought after thing from humans, besides beast crystals and weapons and armor they use something called copper,silver,gold,platinum I don't know 100% of the way they use it but I do know this much."

"For how I use mana it's deferent then how most would use it I condense my mana around my core to make my body extremely tough also to make my muscles stronger."

"Different types of mana? I'm guessing like fire and ice?" this made sil nod to confirm "I've seen water,ice,fire,wind,earth, lightning I've also seen humans put and take items from what seems like nowhere."

"Weapons I've seen humans use all sorts of weapons maces,axes,swords,spears,bows,wands and as for transportation they use horses and beasts attached to a carriage. As for humans having pet beasts, I've only seen low level beasts under there control."

"Far as I know humans have not left this world but it's has been 5 years since I've left this place so I don't really know."

Finally beast crystals they come from beast that do not live in dungeons. Also this place, the beasts do not have crystals. i cant tell you why but that's the case."

"But these beasts have different levels of difficulty first is Basic,intermediate,Advanced, experienced,King,Emperor,legendary, angel,demon,god."

"I am only on a king level and barley one at that so there are plenty of beast stronger then me. so please be safe on your travels lady sil."

"Thank you sod this is very useful information you just gave me and it will help a lot, I'll be leaving but I will be back in a year or so." Sil assured casually walking away.

Sod watched sil walk away as he sighed. "This human no this female was the strongest opponent I've ever fought she overpowered me. A king tear beast with strength alone she was no human but a beast in human skin, she will be a unstoppable force if she ever decides to master magic." Sod thought with a shiver.

Sil and scar started the bonding ritual right after questioning, located in the kings isolated part of the dungeon. Just like the system said it hurts like hell they both felt like they were on fire.

But there warrior pride didn't let them scream only grunt softly. After the 2 minutes of what felt like being in a burning building they both sat there for a few seconds taking deep breath's, sil was the first to get up and speak "that was bullshit" she said with a sigh. Scar replayed with "I know you said it would be painful but that was unexpected."

"But The power I feel after a short time is amazing I feel at least 5x stronger" scar said with excitement.

"That's not all scar you are also 3ft taller and I bet you have some new skills to. don't worry about all that right now we have places to be and shit to do are you ready to go." She asked impatiently.

"Yes I have nothing to pack so I'm ready to go when you are master." He hurried and answered.

(Scars new height is 15ft the same height as the king)

Both them leaving the cave and heading into the cherry tree forest to find a open area to sleep the night away. Scar didn't know how he felt letting a human sleep on his back but he didn't have a choice the second he was on stomach sil already claimed his back and fell asleep.

The next morning sil was up first, getting off scars soft back, just for scar to wake up because of the shift in weight on his back.

"I'm glad I didn't have to wake you. we need to hunt for breakfast and then we start training." She hurried getting Scar to roll over to stand up. "What kind of training if you don't mind me asking master."

"It's my kind of training it probably won't even work for you but it worth a try. But before any of that I have a question for you scar have you heard a voice in your head that's not mine." She asked curiously.

".... yes but I thought I've gone mad, why do you ask?" Scar said this while Scratching the back of his head.

"What did the voice say. I'll tell you this that voice in your head can give you immense power if you listen to it." She sternly advised.

Scar not expecting to here such a thing from his master scar read out loud what the system said, "welcome to the system familiar, then it told me to chose a path."

"A path? Maybe the system works differently in this world what are your options?" She asked looking at him with her hand cuffed around her chin.

"There are three different paths. the first is the path of the awakened beast, second path is the forsaken beast, the last path is the path of the divine beast."

This made sil smile like a demon which made scar look at her in fear. "I think you should pick for yourself any path sound like fun." She assured with a shrug.

Scar thought about which would give him the most power so he chose the path of the forsaken, All the sudden scar collapsed on the ground unconscious.

Sil watching this was kind of worried but then she realized his mana was growing and his black fur was turning into a deep state of black.

So black it looked like a bottomless pit of darkness. Sil couldn't help but have smile, "he just evolved into a stronger beast, now he's becoming stronger I can't wait to spar with him." She thought to herself looking down on the sleeping beast,

Leaving scar to evolve but not going to far to hunt bore. With her passive skill (silent steps) moving through the forest was easier finding a bore in minutes.

It was as easy as leaping from the shadows of the trees to slide under the bores neck to slit his throat cleanly with her bone knife without a drop of blood on her clothes.

But her hand was soaked in blood. Skinning and gutting only took 10 minutes when done she shoving whatever she could in her backpack but unfortunately the backpack was to small to hold all the meat so she had to carry it back by hand.

Next to the sleeping scar she placed her backpack and meat to head back into the forest to get firewood. With a fire made and food cooking slowly and nothing to do Sil decided to focus her mana to two points ,one for both her palms there was a bright ball of mana in both hands but then to suddenly disappear because of lack of concentration for she was smelling her food burning! Eating her burnt bore and cooking up scar's to put it to the side she had a idea.

Walking into the forest to find a tree to use her magic on,away from Scar to make sure not to wake him.

Concentrating her mana back in to her hands to make the balls of mana, slamming both hands into the thick cherry tree so hard it made a indent on the tree.

She was excepting the tree to explode but nothing happened? "What a let down, maybe my mana Isn't lethal" she said with a sigh. Walking away from the tree she could her sounds coming from the tree she hit.

Turning back to it looking at the tree it looked fine but I can still here it. that sound, it's like bones cracking, walking closer to the tree for the sound to get louder and louder then finally the tree caved in on itself to reveal a hollow inside with nothing but bark from the tree remained....

"That wasn't in the game, you can't even feel mana. So being able to use it outside my body will take some getting used to" she thought.

In the game you had spells you master but it was all a preset action that required no thought besides making the skill that was the tricky part. Mana was really draining, she must have to practice using mana outside her body to get used to the feeling.

Her mana attack looked like it devoured the inside of the tree and left the bark why? "If my mana did that could it not eat the hole tree?" She thought walking back to Scar, she spotted waking up. "Hay there big guy you hungry how are you feeling."

Waking up to the delicious smell of cooking meat it was hard not to be hungry. Suddenly hearing his masters voice asking such a pointless questions. "I'm feeling exhausted master, I am hungry master sil may I have some food." He asked hoping for hand outs, not expecting what would happen next.