
Wild Velvet Love

Three people meet one day and end up becoming a family.

MoonlightOSK · Fantasy
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3 Chs

On The Way to The Academy

Day finishes brushing her teeth, and runs over to Moki and Yuzu who are sitting on the couch. She jumps onto Yuzu's lap and smiles.

"Soooooo, how are we going to get Day into the elementary school when the applications have all been closed. It is seven at night after all." Yuzu questions tilting her head to the side as she looks at Moki opening his laptop.

"We're going to video call my Uncle." Moki says as he starts the call and makes it so only he's visible on the screen.

"Seriously?" Yuzu says as his uncle answers the video call and appears on the screen.

"[Hello Moki, why're you calling at such a late time?]" His uncle questions as he sits there and yawns in his pajamas.

"Uncle Mark, I was wondering if you'd be able to fulfill two requests for me." Moki says and smiles.

"[I never like it when you smile like that, it always means that you're going to request that I don't tell your family whatever happens.]" He says and sighs. "[What did you do this time?] Mark asks as he turns on his business computer beside him.

"Glad you knew what my first request was. In that case, I would like to show you something before I make my second request." Moki says and grins.

"[Well now, that's rare, you almost never show me anything before a request. You have my curiosity.]" Marks says as he looks at the screen. Moki turns the laptop toward Day and Yuzu.

"I would like you to meet my Wife and Daughter." Moki says and smiles brightly. His uncle stares blankly at them.

"Nice to meet you, My name is Yuzumi." Yuzu says and smiles softly.

"[WHAT!]" Mark shouts as he questions. "[What the hell happened?]" Mark asks as he glares at Moki.

"Long story short, the two of us picked the same house, agreed to buy it together with rules, found a girl in the forest without any parents, decided to bring her with us, move into the house, and we agreed to get married and adopt Day as our daughter." Moki explains lazily.

"[It's going to take me a while to process everything.]" Mark remarks as he sighs and adds the information to his database about his clients.

"[Mark, what's all the screaming about?]" Lily says as she enters his room off camera.

"[Nothing much, just finding out that one of my nephews has gotten married and has a daughter.]" Mark explains as Lily walks up to him, puts her arms around him and looks at the computer.

"[Well, now this is a surprise.]" Lily says and grins as she spots Yuzu. "[Who did you say this girl was?]" She asks with a bright smile.

"[My nephew's wife, Yuzumi I believe she said.]" Mark says.

"Shit." Yuzumi remarks.

"Do you know her?" Moki asks as he looks over at Yuzu and points at the arms on screen.

"Of course I do, she's my Eldest sister after all." Yuzumi says and sighs.

"[Ah, so she's your little sister.]" Mark says and smiles.

"[Yes, and to think that she was the first of the seven of us to get married, despite being the youngest.]" Lily says and grins.

"[You have to not promise to tell your family though, because I made an agreement with Moki to not tell his parents, so it makes sense that you should make an agreement with Yuzumi to not tell your parents.]" Mark says and smiles mischievously.

"[Fine…]" Lily says as she sighs.

"Okay, so about the second request that I had. I want you to make it so our daughter Day can attend Zeldurn Elementary by tomorrow morning when school starts." Moki says and grins as the four of them go through the details and information necessary.

"[Okay, we will have everything all set by tomorrow morning. I hope that the two of you have a good rest of your night.]" Mark says.

"Wait, I have a question." Yuzu says.

"[Yes?]" Mark questions.

"What is your relationship with my sister?" Yuzumi asks.

"[You have the same look as Moki, though I guess that makes sense since you also seem to always keep your eyes closed. Me and your sister are simply co-workers and she works very hard which is why I hired her to be my secretary..]" Mark says as he sighs, then explains with a smile.

"I see, as long as she's happy, that's good." Yuzumi says and smiles as she holds Day close.

"See you later Uncle." Moki says and smiles as he ends the call and closes his laptop.

"You have an excellent sister." Mark says as he turns around and looks at Lily.

"Yes, I'm glad to have such a younger sister." Lily says as she begins to tear up.

"Now, let's fix some problems you're having with some of these Models that have been treating you like trash." Mark says as he grins widely.

"Day's been asleep for a while, I guess it's time to head to bed now." Moki says as he looks over and sees Day smiling while sleeping in Yuzu's arms. Yuzumi stands up.

"I'll sleep with Day tonight since we don't have a bedroom prepared for her yet." Yuzu says as she smiles and heads to her room. Moki heads outside as he smiles, looking up at the beautiful violet starry night sky. Yuzu quietly sets Day into her bed and makes sure she's nice and comfy, then notices Moki outside from her window. She heads down and looks over at him as she exits the house. Standing there in awe of how Moki looks standing in front of the violet night sky, Yuzu smiles softly. She walks over to Moki and stands beside him.

"My Grandmother once told me that when I look up at the night sky that we will always be connected, because even though in different dimensions and other parts of the world the night sky might look different, they are still night skies. They connect us all for the simple fact that we are alive." Moki says and smiles as he holds out his hand toward the stars.

"I honestly don't know what to say… I'm guessing she must've said that to comfort you for not being able to see your parents that often." Yuzu says, guessing the situation.

"Yeah, she said it because at the time I was constantly upset and lonely as I wasn't able to see them often, and so having her say that to me really made me feel a lot better. I did eventually realize that my mother and father were extremely important people. I'm proud to have them as my parents despite knowing very little about them. Then again, I never did ask Gramps or Granny anything about them." Moki says with a soft smile as he pulls his hand in while looking at it. "Thank you for listening to me." He says as he looks at her with a slight smile, heading back inside. Yuzu looks up at the sky and smiles.

"I can't believe that I not only agreed to live with a stranger, I even married him and adopted a daughter." Yuzu says quietly and laughs softly. "I wonder what else will happen?" Yuzu questions as she looks back at Moki walking inside, then smiles as she heads inside and heads to bed.

Yuzu exits her room as she finishes getting dressed for school, putting on the jacket of her uniform.

"So they did have uniforms, I should've looked more into that." Moki says as he puts breakfast onto the table. Yuzu sits down as Day smiles and begins eating.

"Are uniforms a rarity where you're from?" She asks as she takes a sip of lemonade and begins eating breakfast.

"Yeah, they weren't too common, only about two schools had uniforms where I lived." Moki says as he sits down and begins eating breakfast. After breakfast the three of them get ready to leave the house.

"Is everyone all set and ready?" Moki asks as the three of them have put their bags around their waist and nod as they look at him.

"Shall we run?" Yuzumi says as the three of them exit the house. Looking at each other, the three of them smile, and begin running on their way to Zeldurn Academy. They run by several people on their way to the Academy. The three of them slide to a stop in front of Zeldurn Elementary.

"Day, this is where you will be going to school, okay?" Yuzu says as she pats Day's head and smiles.

"We will pick you up when school is over, so don't worry sweetie." Moki says as he smiles.

"Otay… Have fun!" Day says as she smiles brightly and heads into school. The two of them look at each other.

"Wanna Race?" Yuzu asks as she cracks her knuckles.

"Bring It On!" Moki says and the two of them begin running with full force, leaving behind a gust of wind trailing behind them. Moki jumps over a building as he spins and smiles. Yuzumi Jumps up into an open window and runs through the room, running past two people passionately kissing. She runs into the hallway and exits through the other window, quickly catching up to Moki. "Did you see something embarrassing? Why're you beet red?" Moki asks as she suddenly kicks his feet causing him to fall to the ground face first.

"I'm just not used to seeing that type of stuff!" Yuzumi shouts as she sprints away with full force.

"Well then, guess it's that type of race then!" Moki exclaims as he grins while standing up. He kicks up dust as he sprints with full force as if he's chasing down prey. Moki smiles and jumps while doing a pose as he passes Yuzu, then sprints past her with great force.

"Fuck!" Yuzumi shouts as she slaps herself and calms herself as she charges straight through a tree, sending it flying as she catches up to Moki. The two of them look at each other and smile. They sprint toward the Magic Division.

"Headmaster, it seems that there are two creatures heading toward our Academy's Magic Division at incredible speeds, which only seems to be increasing." The Security head says as he barges into the headmasters office as he is talking with two Princesses.

"Please don't mind us, this seems far more important than our enrollment." The older princess says and smiles.

"Okay, give me the information we have so far and the estimate on when you think they'll arrive." The headmaster urges as he looks at the Security head.

"Yes, we estimate that they will arrive in about ten minutes." The security head says as he hears a ding from his earphone and listens to the message. "Headmaster, I just received news that the two creatures might be new students of the Magic Division." The Security Head says in confusion.

"How does that make sense?" The headmaster questions.

"Well it seems that earlier we sensed three similar energies heading toward Zeldurn elementary, but they suddenly stopped in front of the school, and based on what I just heard, it seems that these two share the same energy as the three from before. I believe they just dropped off their child." He explains and sighs.

"Please get me the information on these three people immediately!" The headmaster says as the Security head nods and leaves to gather info. "Sorry about this Princess Lulu and Lola." The headmaster apologizes and sighs.

"I am actually quite interested to see who these three are myself, because they sound quite entertaining." Princess Lulu says and smirks softly. The security head rushes back inside with a Magic Board.

"Okay, so I found out who the three of them are because their daughter has already arrived at the elementary school." The Security Head says as he turns on the board and the images of Moki, Yuzumi and Day appear on the board. "The three of them are Yuzumi, Moki, and Bmuday Velmora Vivianus. Though the daughter seems to go by Day." The security head says.

"I'm sorry, did you just say Velmora Vivianus?" Lulu asks.

"Yes, from what I heard, they are married and simply combined their last names." The security head says brightly. The princess sits down, silent from shock.

{How the fuck? Those two families have their own nations, and they have two children who married? What the hell is happening?} Lulu thinks as she goes into deep thought. "I'm sorry, but it seems I will not be attending this school after all." Lulu says as she quickly exits the room and heads back home.

"I can understand why she would do that, but seeing as there's been no announcement from each nation, I suggest that we also keep quiet about it. Make sure to tell every single teacher to make sure not to introduce the two of them as a married couple, or mention anything about it." The headmaster says and sighs.

"What class does Day attend?" Princess Lola asks as she smiles.

"She attends class X-4, why do you ask?" The security head responds without hesitation.

"It seems you would like to attend the same class as her, despite there being a separate class for royalty. Is that correct?" The headmaster asks and Lola nods softly in response. {How interesting, the older one was surprised to find out such information and immediately panicked, while the younger one wants to befriend their daughter. Is it because of the difference in age, or the different environment they grew up in?}" The headmaster questions within his thoughts as he smiles. "Feldora, make sure to warn the gate to prepare for accepting those two into the academy." The headmaster says as he dismisses him. The security head smiles.

"I will make sure to do that." Feldora says as he turns off the Magic Board and heads back to his office.

"Why are you smiling now?" Yuzumi asks as she looks over at Moki while sprinting beside him.

"Because so much has happened and I'm excited just thinking about what the future will bring." Moki says brightly as he sprints through a tree.

"I can't argue with that." Yuzu says as she laughs and the two of them begin going faster.

"What are they doing at the front gate?" Several students question as they walk through the gate seeing several people setting something up.

"Moki, wanna do a test?" Yuzumi asks as she looks over at him.

"Ooo, that sounds like it'd be fun!" Moki says and smiles. "Sure, let's do it." Moki says as he looks over at her.

"I knew you'd agree before I even said it!" Yuzu says and chuckles. "When we arrive at that river up ahead let's jump at full force and see how close to the gate we can make it, okay?" Yuzumi suggests as she begins running faster.

"Of course!" Moki responds as he runs right beside her. The two of them jump with full force right at the edge of the river bank.

"Now all we have to do is wait!" Feldora says as he waits in front of the gate along with everyone who finished working on the gate.

"Boss, it seems we miscalculated how they would arrive." Drax says as he approaches Feldora.

"How so?" Feldora asks.

"Well, it seems that they jumped up when they came to the river, and are still in the air." Drax explains.

"SHIT!" Feldora shouts as he looks up and sees the two of them coming down. "EVERYONE DUCK AND BRACE FOR IMPACT!" He shouts and they all duck down as Moki and Yuzu land causing the entire Academy to shake slightly.

"It seems we jumped a lot higher than I imagined." Yuzu states as a large dust cloud appears around the two of them.

"I didn't expect to almost touch the bottom of a Sky Island." Moki says and smiles.

"Yeah, that's for sure." Yuzumi says as she smiles. The dust clears and the two of them see everyone around the gate lying on the ground. Feldora manages to get up and is short of breath.

"Wel..co…me to….Zeldurn Academy." Feldora says then passes out on the ground.

"Yuzu, I think they prepared for us." Moki says as Yuzu walks over and checks Fel's pulse.

"What makes you say that?" Yuzu questions as she sighs out of relief for the fact that he's still alive.

"Because take a look at the gate and it will explain everything." Moki says as he checks the pulse of several people around him.

"To think that they sensed us running and reinforced the gate in such a quick time is actually quite amazing." Yuzu says.

"It is quite an amazing feat, I will admit that." Moki says as he backs away because the medical summons appear and start taking people all over the academy to the infirmary.

"Looks like we should just head quietly to class." Yuzu says as the two of them agree in silence and head to class.