
Chapter 1: The Contract

"You know you could've wooed me and still have your way with me instead of taking advantage of my situation," Ella said to Adrian with an unpleasant attitude.

"It will only make me look weak can't you see?" Adrian replied with a firm voice.

"This is about you being in charge of me till the specified duration stated in your contract. You're such a control freak." Ella said as she hissed at her Boss.

"You won't speak to me like that ever again Ella. It's either you're signing the contract or not." Adrian replied with a stern look at her.

"Is this the only option Sir?" Ella asked with a gentle tone.

"Get out of my office if I'll have to repeat myself then," Adrian replied in a commanding tone.

Ella left Adrian's office angrily to her duty post as his secretary right away.

"You'll come crawling at my feet soon," Adrian said as he picked up his phone to make a call.

Ella's phone rang and she picked up . " Hey Mom, I thought of calling to check up on you earlier but I felt you might be asleep."

"I feel so tired my love. I think I'm losing this battle already." Emma said to her daughter as she coughed seriously, "Sorry mom, drink some water to make you feel better," Ella said to her mother as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Emma seemed ok after drinking some water as she said to Ella " Don't worry I'm still fighting my love."

"Hang in there Mom, help will come I promise," Ella said to Emma as she considered going back to Adrian's office to negotiate terms for a fair bargain while ending the call.

"How may I help you?" Adrian asked Ella on the office line after she called in.

"May I approach your office please?" Ella asked with a polite voice

"I don't have time to waste. Focus on what you're employed to do," Adrian replied as he smiled with pride, while he sat on his office desk.

"I'm sorry about earlier Sir. May I approach your office please?" Ella asked again.

"That depends! If you won't annoy me, come over here," Adrian replied with a command tone.

"Ok Sir, on my way," Ella said, as she dropped the call with a disgusting feeling beneath her beautiful aura.

"There's always a price to pay for any good thing one wants in life. Nothing is free," Adrian said to Ella immediately, as she stepped into his presence.

"I thought about a fair negotiation to strike a balance, Sir?" Ella replied with a humble attitude.

"Even life is not fair Ella, don't go further if all you came to do is negotiate. You can close the door on your way out," Adrian said as he looked into Ella's eyes with a mean countenance.

Ella sighed as she felt cornered and was very careful not to make Adrian angry like before.

"I'm ready to sign Sir. Can I at least read through first?" Ella asked with a melancholic tone.

"You can read through Ella, I'm not going to force you into what you won't consent to," Adrian replied as he stared below Ella's face, flirting with her boobs with his eyes.

Ella read through the contract and signed it right away.

"Why take so long when you were still going to dance to my tune?" Adrian said to her, while reaching out for her hand placed on his desk.

She pulled her hand back with an unhappy face towards Adrian.

"Come over here and don't keep me waiting for too long," Adrian said with so much joy leaping all over his face.

She went over to him slowly and sat on his legs as demanded by him.

"I find it pleasurable, seeing how I drive you wild you know?"

" Such a beautiful girl like you wouldn't have paid any attention to me at all if I was still broke," Adrian said while sniffing her neck like a predator who's about to suck life out of a prey.

"You inspire resentment in me to be honest Sir. You have reduced me to a sex toy because I have no one to turn to for help except you," Ella replied bluntly.

There was no one to stand in the gap between Adrian and any visitor coming to his office. The risk of being seen looked more likely.

Unfortunately, as envisaged, while Adrian was all over his secretary's body in his office, the door swung open suddenly.

"Who couldn't wait to get permission before coming into my office?"

"What urgency demanded that such a person be so rude?"

"Has this romantic affair gotten exposed already before it started?"

These were the questions Adrian asked in his mind in seconds, as Ella stood and adjusted herself quickly though shamefully.

"Where did your secretary g…? Oh! Guess I interrupted something here," Jones said while he stared at Ella as he chuckled.

" You could've called me at least Jones," Adrian replied as he instructed Ella to return to her duty post with a command tone.

Ella felt so embarrassed as she dashed out of Adrian's office in a hurry, excusing his visitor who stepped in rudely.

"Wow! You're a bad boy. Isn't that your new secretary?... To think that you just resumed work as the CEO, makes it such a crazy sight," Jones said as he laughed at his friend.

"Shut up. It's none of your business. What brought you here?" Adrian uttered.

"Hey man! Don't pin the pain on me. I didn't know you were engrossed in work," Jones said as he laughed, pointing his finger at Adrian.

"You could've at least knocked," Adrian replied with a carefree look on his face.

"My bad! But dude, that girl is so beautiful. Hope you're not going to get hooked on this one," Jones said as he approached Adrian's fridge for a drink.

"I'm not a fish to get hooked bro. The fish just left my office. I thought you met her when you came in," Adrian replied with sarcasm.

"Such a girl deserves better, you scum!" Jones said as he was about leaving, after picking the file he came for from Adrian's office.

"I won't be coming to the club tonight. I have plans for the evening already," Adrian told Jones, expecting him to get nosy about it.

"What could the plan be bro? I'm available for fun please. Holla at your boy," Jones said with swag.

"Get out of my office, you rude boy!" Adrian replied as he poured himself a drink.

"Yes Boss! See you later bro," Jones said and left the office as he stared at Ella on his way out.

She had cried depressingly earlier when Jones was in Adrian's office.

Her office line rang with a call from Adrian shortly after Jones left.

"What does he want again?" She said to herself, squeezing her face before picking Adrian's call.

"Hi Sir," She spoke to Adrian on the phone.

"Weren't you going to pick up before?" Adrian replied with a question.

"Sorry about the delay Sir, I just got back from the restroom," Ella replied with irritation oozing from her voice secretly.

"Come here," Adrian ordered with a command tone.

Ella couldn't place her thoughts right about Adrian's request to see her in his office, immediately after Jones left.

She had just signed a nondisclosure contract earlier but they were caught in the act.

"Leave whatever you're doing and come over," Adrian demanded her presence again.

"Ok Sir, right away," She replied, as she dragged herself to Adrian's office with different thoughts running through her mind, like water flowing through a pipe.

Is Adrian about to terminate the nondisclosure contract with Ella because of Jones' awareness?

Is Ella in trouble for not locking the door behind her as his secretary, who is supposed to prevent anyone from invading her Boss privacy at all cost?

Will he still help Ella's dying mother from the look of things?