
Wild Magics

Read a story about a cheetah named Kole. His adventure has a lot of action with twists and turns! As the title implies, there is definitely magic and wild animals involved. [There will definitely be a human version after I'm done with this. I just need character designs to be drawn out but I don't have any artist friends willing to do something like that lol]

kitoon_unofficial · Fantasy
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45 Chs

°•◇Where The Fire Began◇•°

It was still midnight. A loud roar woke up every lion, lioness, and cub in the camp. Ice said, "Let's go check out what's happening." Kole followed Ice to the entrance of the cubs' den. Outside, they saw a glowing pink cheetah and the entire pride facing her. There was fire surrounding her and she looked very angry.

She said, "I know you have my cubs. Where are they!?" A lion yelled, "We don't have your cubs! Now go back to the hell you came from!" She looked to her right and saw Ice's and a few other lion cubs' faces. She teleported to them and said, "There you are!" The cubs rushed out, and Ice rushed back to the loft where Kole was.

She tried to walk into the den, but a lion grabbed her tail with his mouth and threw her out of the camp. Aphrodite said, "That should teach her." Ice said to Kole, "She said she's looking for her cubs... maybe that was mom?" Kole said, "That didn't look like momma... a-and... there was fire just now..." Ice laid down next to Kole and said, "Don't worry. There's no more-"

Then a burst of flame appeared in front of the cubs' den. Red rushed to the back and said, "There you are! C'mon we have to-" Then the pink cheetah teleported behind Red and pushed him out of the way. Ice growled and said, "S-stay away from us!" The pink cheetah said, "It's me! Your mother!" Ice stood his ground, but a wooden plank fell on his front leg. "Aah!" Ice yelled in pain.

The pink cheetah picked up Kole, and Kole yelled, "Ice! No!" And then the pink cheetah teleported Kole and herself away from the burning camp.

Kole slowly opened his eyes to see the pink cheetah saying, "You're awake! Oh I missed you so much!" The pink cheetah hugged Kole tighty. Kole said, "Are you really my momma?" The pink cheetah said, "Yes! It's me, Bella!" Kole would've hugged back, but he remembered what happened that night. Kole said, "Aaah! Stay away from me!"

He pushed Bella away and said, "You left Ice to die!" Bella said, "I know. And I'm sorry. But there's something you need to know." Kole said, "What?" Then Bella said, "You're a mage. Like me." Kole became wide eyed. "L-Like... you?" Kole took a few steps back. Bella said, "D-don't worry Kole. You can use your powers however you like! Come here. I want to scan you."

Kole slowly walked to his mother and she touched his forehead. A few seconds later, Bella quickly took her paw off of his forehead in fear. "K-Kole... you're... a Soul Snatcher..." Kole looked at her confused. "H-huh...?" Bella stepped back. "M-Momma?" Bella glared at Kole and said, "Now I know why your other father ran away..." Then his mother teleported away from Kole.

He stared at where his mother once stood, and collapsed. Then he started sobbing. "I'm alone now...." He whispered to himself.

After a few hours to himself, Kole finally got up. "I'm going to find her." He thought. So Kole started walking through the savanna, searching for his mom.

A few hours later, It became noon. Kole was walking through the savanna, still searching for his mother when he came across a group of cheetahs. Kole rushed over, but one of the cheetahs growled at him. When the cheetah growled, another one looked at Kole and said, "Well well well. If it isn't Bella's cub. What are you doing here?" "You know my momma?"

Kole asked. The cheetah said, "Of course I know her. Now I wish I didn't. She caused a fire that never goes out." Kole said, "F-Fire...?" The cheetah that growled at Kole said, "I heard that she's the one that killed her new mate." Kole said, "W-What!? B-but... momma would never-" "Never what? Hurt you? Face it kid. Your ma is a murderer. I also heard from another lion pride that a pink cheetah started the everlasting fire." A cheetah said.

Another one said, "That sounds like her alright. Anyway, it's too dangerous to be by yourself. Come with me." Kole followed the three cheetahs to a grass hut. One of the cheetahs said, "I apologize if my mother and brother were pestering you. My name is Blacksmith, but you can call me Smith." Kole said, "I-I'm Kole... it's nice to meet you!"

Blacksmith smiled and said, "Pleasure to meet you too. My brother's name is Hawk, and my mother's name is Penelope, but call her Ms. P." Kole and Blacksmith's family entered a hut to see a male and a female cheetah. The male cheetah said, "Who is that!? Did you cheat on me Penelope!?" Penelope said, "Grr! I would never cheat on you Rune! It's just a lost cub!"

The male cheetah said, "Oh good. Whose cub is it?" Hawk said, "BELLA'S." Rune became silent, then he walked out of the door. The female cheetah said, "Bella's, huh? Hello little guy. My name is Opal. Yours?" Blacksmith said, "His name is Kole." Opal raised an eyebrow and said, "Woah what's with the defensive tone?" Hawk said, "Auntie he's been through a lot today. He's just a bit... agitated."

Opal sighed and said, "Alright. When you go upstairs don't go jumping around, or else you'll be the one to fix it." Hawk said, "Yesmadam." Blacksmith took Kole upstairs to his room. Kole said, "You're so kind Smith... everyone else dosen't like me because of..." Blacksmith said, "Don't worry about it. I just don't judge others by their cover or their family."

Blacksmith laid down on a mat and said, "Come over here. You must be tired." Kole walked over to the mat and layed down next to Blacksmith. "But... momma also judged me for who I am..." Kole thought. Thinking about it made Kole tired, and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Thanks for reading! Again, this is inspired by a Wildcraft roleplay, so if you want to recreate this in Wildcraft, you have to tell me, and you have to post it on YouTube and send me the link. Thanks!

kitoon_unofficialcreators' thoughts