
wild dogs at night

A small town called spring haven which was once a haven from werewolves is no longer safe after few weeks that Mr. Beckham moved in with his family seeking for safety. The Sherriff of the town vows to solve the mysterious death in his town but there is so much that he does not know yet.

Shady_Blaq · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Burial

Two weeks is gone and there has not been any more death yet, Chandler has been learning some training from his father and he has learned a lot for the past two weeks. His father let him know that having extra strength and agility but skills too, within the past few days Chandler has learned a lot about his father that he had no idea of before now. The woods are still off-limits so Mr. Beckham has not been working and that means extra free time for him to have private training with Chandler waiting for the day that they will confront the werewolf.

Today was the day for the burial of the Marshall family members that were massacred in the woods two weeks ago, Mr. Beckham had this intuition that the werewolf might show up to the burial.

"I don't think that he would attack all of them at the cemetery out there." Chandler could not understand why his father thinks that the werewolf might show up today at the cemetery.

"He might not attack but he might be there to see the whole family together, and so will all the hunters from the Marshall family plus other hunters too." Mr. Beckham stated.

"And that does not scare you, why?" Chandler squeezed his eyes as he stared at his father waiting to hear about his plans.

"They're very vicious but that does not mean that they're going to attack us out there in the open."

"Are you sure of that?" Chandler still has his eyes on his father and he could sense some uncertainty on his face.

"Well, we have to find out." Mr. Beckham said as he walked to open their door to step outside.

"We have to...we...we have to find out?!" Chandler could not believe he was stuttering, he was still terrified of hunters since his first encounter with the one that held a dagger to his throat outside Alice's house. Chandler could not his father's face but he knew he was smiling as he opened the door and stepped outside, Chandler exhaled as he went upstairs back to his room.

"Where's my goddamn tie?!" The Sherriff yelled, his wife was in the kitchen making some bagels that he would take to the burial ceremony, it was just the two of them in their place. Their only son is schooling in Britain, they moved to the town years back.

The Sherriff was still young when he moved into Spring Haven with his family, he got out of the army and needed a new start after the war he has seen and he thought that this town was the perfect place for him and his family. He was right because the town was quiet years after they moved in, and he needed work so he applied for a detective position at the police precinct. He got the job because they did not have enough detectives then and he was in the army so he was more than qualified for the job. He was happy with his job, it was not as violent as his days back then in the army but after the Sherriff passed away a few years later he was appointed the new Sherriff.

Mrs. Sarah Mcguire, the Sherriff's wife liked how much the town changed his husband for good, since he joined the army she did not like how he lost pieces of his heart to the war but since they got to this town she got to see the happy side of her husband. Their son got a scholarship and went to study in Britain and she got to get closer to her husband, she noticed everything changing recently since the first bodies showed up in the woods. The Sherriff loved this town already like he was from here so when all these are happening and it seems like he could not do anything about that so it pains him and it was changing him already.

"Check the second drawer!" Mrs. Sarah Mcguire yelled and her husband who was in his room heard her, he checked the second drawer and it was there. He smiled as he picked it up and put it on, he raised his head to look at the mirror in front of him so he could use it to check himself as he adjusts the tie on his neck.

A few minutes later, the Sherriff walked into the kitchen as he puts on his coat, his wife heard his footsteps as she turned to look at him and smiles.

"You look good." She was still smiling as she stopped what she was doing in the kitchen to take a good look at him and make sure that he was not missing anything on him.

"Thank you." The Sherriff replied as he smiled and walked to her and kissed her before he turns around to walk away but she held him back.

"Don't forget this." She said as she handed the bagel that she made which was in a brown envelope to him, he smiled and took it.

"I love you." He kissed her again.

"Love you too." She whispered as she smiled at him. "Be careful out there."

"Always. Bye." The Sherriff picked up his car keys on the table in the living room as he walked out of the door, his wife was still walking behind him slowly as she watched him from behind. She held the door open as she watched him get inside his car and drive off, she kept on waving until he was gone so she walked back inside.

The Sherriff drove straight to the Spring Haven's cemetery and lots of people were there already most of them were in black suits or gowns. The Sherriff got down, adjusts his coat, and looks around to spot his officers positioned around the cemetery as he instructed them in the precinct before now. His deputy walked up to him immediately he spots him to discuss the situation on the ground.

"Good day, Sherriff." He greets the Sherriff and the Sherriff nods, he was not interested in the greeting.

"Any suspicious activity yet?" The Sherriff asks

"Not really, just relatives of the dead coming in from far and near but..." The deputy was interrupted by the Sherriff before he could finish his statements.

"What the fuck are they doing here?!"

"Who?" The deputy asked as he followed the Sherriff's eyes to see where he was looking, he saw Chandler and his father standing a few distance away from the burial ceremony but they were dressed for the occasion.

The deputy opened his mouth to talk but the Sherriff stormed away before he could say a thing, he was moving straight to where Chandler and Mr. Beckham stood.

"Oh, Good day officer." Mr. Beckham greets jeeringly as the Sherriff stopped in front of them looking cranky.

The Sherriff ignored the greeting, he looked down and lifts his face to look at Mr. Beckham who was looking back sternly without batting an eye, the Sherriff exhales as he stands akimbo still looking at Mr. Beckham.

"Sherriff, I hope everything is..." Mr. Beckham was about to ask but the Sherriff did not give him a chance to finish his question.

"What are you doing here Mr. Beckham?"

"Here? It's a burial." Mr. Beckham replied, Chandler still stood beside him, looking like he was not paying attention to their conversation.

"Last time I checked, you are not related to the deceased."

"We found the bodies, we just wanna be here out of respect for the dead and pity for the family. These deaths are like thorns to our fresh, everyone in this town." Mr. Beckham explained and the Sherriff chuckled wryly.

"You've been in this town for like what? A day? And you feel like you're patriotic to this town already?"

"Sherriff I've been in this town for months now and it's not about how long. It's a painful thing to lose one's family like this." Mr. Beckham said and the Sherriff was amused.

"I will be watching you." The Sherriff replied as he looked sternly at Mr. Beckham while he walked away.

"Nice." Chandler looked at his father after the Sherriff left, Mr. Beckham was giggling and smiling.

"Yeah, all I had to do was..." Mr. Beckham paused for a while.

"What?" Chandler asked as he looked at his father, it looked like he was staring at someone or something.

"Your 6'Oclock" Mr. Beckham replied

"6'Oclock?" Chandler was confused because he was not good with all those terms and sure enough he was looking elsewhere.

"That's your 10 o'clock. I don't know why you would think that that place is your 6 o'clock." Mr. Beckham whispered again.

"It would be easier if you just tell me where he is and why are you whispering?"

"Oh," Mr. Beckham cleared his throat. "See the tall guy with a goatee?"

Chandler peered down to take a look at who his father was talking about, he saw a dude slightly taller than him who stood beside the graves that were dug for the deceased he does not look like he was a relative of the deceased because he stood far away from the rest of the family. Chandler and his father moved to get closer to him, Mr. Beckham noticed the Sherriff staring at him as he moved so he does not want to let the Sherriff get a sniff of what they were up to.

"The Sherriff is watching." Mr. Beckham whispered to his son in a low tone, they both stopped and stop staring at the guy with a goatee that still stood there looking at everyone at the cemetery.


Chandler turned swiftly to see who just called him, he saw Alice behind him. She was wearing a short black gown and a hat, she looked hot and Chandler was staring at her without blinking.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she moved closer to him and greets Mr. Beckham who smiled and responded to her greeting.

"I'm just here..." Chandler cleared his throat, he almost told her the real truth about why they were here but he paused before he continued.

"We found the bodies so we felt like coming to pay homage."

"That's nice." She replied as she held her hands together while she swing her body to and fro.

"So what're you doing here, do you know any of the dead?" Chandler asked

"Yeah, I have a friend from school."

"Sorry about that." Chandler's eyes narrowed as he looked at her pitifully but she was not looking like someone who needs pity.

"It's nothing, we were not that close but it's a pity that she's gone now."


They both stood there looking at each other, Chandler peaked from the corner of his eye to check if the guy with a goatee was still there and sure enough, he was.

"Can we get out of here, I can't stay here for long. It makes me sick to my tummy." Chandler said as he looked at Alice who nods and then smiles.

"We can't get far though, my mom is still around." She said as she walks away.

"Do you know who that is?" Chandler asked as he used his eyes and a wave of his head to point out the guy with the goatee.

"Who? The one standing there?" Alice asked

"Yeah, the one with a goatee."

"Oh, that's Sabastian Townsend. I don't know what he's doing here though. He never comes out from his house since he lost his whole family in a wildfire years ago when they were all camping in the woods."

"That's sad," Chandler replied as he continued staring at him.

"Yeah, he's the sole survivor of that incident," Alice stated as she looked at Chandler and caught him looking at Sabastian.

"Why did you ask?" She asked.

"What?" Chandler forgot that he was still walking with her. "Oh, nothing. He just has this face that looks familiar" Chandler lied.

"I doubt it that you would know him. Many people from this town won't even know him, It's just like he was forgotten."

Chandler nods as he continues staring at him, he has this feeling that he might be the one they were looking for but they have to be sure first.