
Chapter 0001: Where Is This

Translator: 549690339

Bay City, Moon Bay 5-Star Hotel.

Even the thickest curtains could not block out the penetrating power of the sun; the summer sun fearlessly shone through the gap in the incompletely drawn curtains, directly awakening the lazily sleeping woman on the bed.

Her head hurt terribly; the light was so harsh on her eyes, and her body ached all over.

She rubbed her eyes, her consciousness gradually recovering.Jaylene Ziel tried to open her heavy eyelids, only to realize that what she saw was not her familiar room and furnishings.

Whether it was the crystal lamp on the ceiling or the large-screen LCD TV hanging on the cabinet at the foot of the bed, everything silently indicated that this wasn't her room at home.

She wasn't in her own house, her heart sank sharply. So where was she?

She massaged her still-throbbing head, gosh, hadn't she gone to drink at the Freezing Point Bar last night?

Why wasn't she in the pub but in a room now?

And whose beautiful room was this?

The sound of the bathroom's sliding door pulled her back from her thoughts.

Instinctively she turned her head towards the direction of the bathroom, only to notice a strange face. The man was only wearing a loose bath towel around his waist, and freshly washed hair still adorned with crystal clear beads of water.

Strong pectoral muscles, perfect sturdy long legs extending from under the towel, and dark leg hair on his calves displayed his masculinity unmistakably.

Even though her head was splitting and she couldn't figure out where she was at the moment, even though it was her first time seeing this man, she had to admit that he was exceedingly handsome.

"Are you awake?"

The deep and slightly hoarse voice was very magnetic. He slightly raised his eyes, meeting Jaylene's gaze studying him.

"Ah!" Jaylene, who was slow to react, finally came to her senses and let out a pig-slaughtering-like scream.

"Who the hell are you?" Clutching the quilt with both hands, Jaylene stared tensely at the man walking towards her step by step, her expression like facing a great enemy.

"I am Joseph Thompson," The man replied while coming to her bedside, reaching out to pull the tightly wrapped quilt around her.

"Don't come any closer!"

Jaylene shouted, pushing away the hand reaching out towards her.

"What are you trying to do?" She inched her body back on the bed, finally reaching the edge. She grabbed the glass water cup from the bedside table and held it in her hand.

The man couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her clutching the glass cup. He thought she was bold, but it turned out that it was just her drunkenness. The sober her was so timid.

"Don't be so nervous,"

Jospeh Thompson didn't continue to follow but instead poured a glass of water for her: "You drank too much last night. Drinking warm water now will make your stomach feel better."

Jaylene was stunned. She glanced at the cup in his hand, then at him, and finally slowly loosened her grip on the quilt. Only then did she sit up and reach for the glass of water.

It was only when she sat up that she realized she wasn't wearing yesterday's clothes, but a cotton nightgown.

Her face changed color in an instant. When did she change into the nightgown? And where were her clothes?

"Whose nightgown is this?"

Jaylene took the water cup and, pointing at the cotton nightgown on her body with her finger, asked with a puzzled frown, "Where are my clothes?"

"You soiled your clothes last night."

Joseph Thompson explained indifferently: "Not only did you dirty your own clothes, but you also dirtied mine. So, the hotel waiter had to buy you a nightgown."

Jaylene held her head with her hands and thought hard but couldn't recall the incident of changing her nightgown last night.

If she hadn't changed the nightgown herself, then...

"I helped you change!"

It was all right for Joseph Thompson to stay quiet, but as soon as he spoke, she was so scared that she rolled off the bed and under it.

"You... you helped me change my clothes?"

Jaylene opened her eyes wide, lying on the floor in a daze, staring at the man standing by the bed.

"Do you see anyone else in the room?" Joseph raised an eyebrow.

After hearing this, Jaylene could only cry without tears, she grabbed the edge of the bed to stand up, and after a while, she nervously asked: "So... last night... we didn't do anything, did we?"

Joseph frowned and looked wronged as he casually said: "Last night—you slept with me."

"Cough, cough, cough." Jaylene, who had just taken a sip of water, choked and couldn't help but cough violently.

"Look at you, even drinking water can choke you like this, yet you still have the courage to drink alcohol,"

Joseph walked over and gently patted her back to help her catch her breath.

Jaylene looked at him with a mix of tears and disbelief, still somewhat unconvinced: "Last night, I really..."

She couldn't bring herself to say the words 'slept with you'.

What does it mean for a woman to sleep with a man?

Could it be that after getting drunk last night, she got out of control and really did something with him?

Seeing her doubt, Joseph pointed to the scratches on his neck and chest and said: "Look, these were all left by you last night."


Jaylene instantly turned to stone in the wind!

She had never drunk before and didn't know how terrible her alcohol tolerance was. If she had known, she would never have gone to the pub to drink; she would have just bought two big bottles of soy sauce and killed herself with that.

She rubbed her still-aching head with her hands, trying hard to remember something from last night.

She remembered drinking a lot at the Freezing Point Bar, and then, faintly, someone came to pester her. It seemed like they wanted her to drink, but she didn't agree, so that person tried to drag her away. Then, another person rushed up and knocked the pestering man away.

And that person... she thought it was Alexander Preston, so she followed him in a daze.

Damn it, she must have mistaken this man for Alexander last night when she was drunk, and maybe, she did sleep with him.

"Beep, beep, beep." The simple and cheerful ringtone sounded, breaking the brief silence and awkwardness in the room.

"I'll take a call," Joseph said, and then he turned and took his mobile phone from the cabinet to answer the call.

He spit out a series of bird-like sounds (actually French) from his mouth, which Jaylene didn't understand, nor did she know what he was saying.

After finishing the call, Joseph immediately opened the wardrobe, grabbed some clothes, and went to the bathroom.

Jaylene stood there squeezing an empty water cup for a long time, not getting back to her senses.

"Loving you is not just for two or three days, but every day I think of you many times..."

The sudden mobile phone ringtone brought the dazed Jaylene back to reality, she pressed her still-aching temples and grabbed her bag from the bedside table. She unzipped it and pulled out the mobile phone that was playing a song.

Just as she pressed the answer button, Alisha Demontes' voice roared like a lion: "Jaylene, where the hell have you been?"


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