

SERIES #LSPBSW# ( LOVE, SUFFERING, PAIN, BETRAYAL, SURVIVAL & WAR ) Description It has been already 1 million years or known as Megennium since the Supernaturals took over the Earth. In every Centamillenium or 100,000 years, the Moon Goddess choose a group of beings to be chosen. If they ever passed the trials given to them, they will be considered as protectors of Earth in that chosen time. They are destined to battle the Darkness and the God of Destruction, if they ever defeat their own demons,sufferings, nightmares and hatred. Every 100,000 years, wicked beings awoke or known as Darkness. Not only that but also the God Of Destruction is awakened in his hibernation, wanting to destroy all beings in his path, including the chosen ones. BOOK 1 OF THE SERIES #LSPBSW# ( LOVE, SUFFERING, PAIN, BETRAYAL, SURVIVAL & WAR ) Athoos, Snahhan and A Shen Li are three different personalities yet shared one human body, but was separated at birth. In order to change the future, Athoos, a human that can't feel positive emotions was chosen to come to the Supernatural World and try to change the Future, but she didn't know that coming to the Supernatural Realm will she discover secrets about herself, the Snake King and especially the true owner of the body she is currently using. The longer she stays there, the worst the secrets she finds out, driving her mad with betrayal, anger, pain and hatred. BOOK 2: I LOVE YOU, MY LITTLE NAUGHTY ZOMBIE TO THE STARS AND BACK BOOK 3: STOP GROPING ME, PSYCHOPATH!!! BOOK 4: YOU ARE SO INNOCENT, MY LITTLE DEMON!!! BOOK 5: YOU ARE AN ANGEL, STOP BEING A PERVERT!!! BOOK 6: HOWL WITH ME, MY PUP BOOK 7: GIVE ME MY MEDICINE, MY WITCH BOOK 8: YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, MY MERMAID BOOK 9: SING WITH ME, MY MERMAN BOOK 10: PLAY WITH ME, YES MY LITTLE FAIRY BOOK 11: CAN YOU SEE ME, HUMAN? BOOK 12: GIVE ME YOUR FIRE, DRAGON BOOK 13: HUSBAND!!! PLEASE CARRY ME!! THE BOOK 13 WILL NOT BE THE LAST, BECAUSE I AM STILL THINKING.... THIS BOOK WILL BE THE CONTINUATION OF THE FIRST BOOK....

Miss_Lazy · Fantasy
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20 Chs



Laughs vibrated in the hallways. Happy sounds can be heard. It quiet down when they sees me walking and whispers rang.

"Is it her?"

"I heared that she was sick in the head."

"No way!"

"I heard, she's the one who killed the little girl last night."

"Heartless beast!"

"She should just leave."

"Poor kid, got killed by her."

"Do you know, she killed her little brother. That's why they kicked her out."

"What is Bro Bimming Bao doing with her?"

If they only know. They will never look at me like that. I smiled with my fangs out at them. They all stepped back and look at me wide eyed..... they do that alot huhh.

The ranks are divided into 12 categories.

• Beginner

• Trained

• Hunter

• Assassin

• Knight

• Master

• Lord

• King

• Majesty

• Legendary

• God

• Divine

• Ancient

Beginner is the weakest and the Ancient is the Strongest.

"Please go to the Training Grounds to test your rank and abilities. Thank You." The announcer said.


At the Training Grounds

The student are already here when we came, waiting for the testing board to appear.

The testing board is where we can see our rank and power.

"Everyone, be quiet. I will now announce your opponent for this season.

"This is it." Bimming Bao whispered. I just ignored him.

"King Shao vs Lee shu." A Demon and a Dragon.

"Ying Yin vs Wang Hui." A Werwolf and a Psychopath.

"Feng Mo vs Mian Chou." A Vampire and a Spirit.

"Fei Nian vs Bimming Bao." A Zombie and an Angel.

"Lu A Shen Li vs Huang Cael."

Gasps rang in the air. Every student look at me wide eyed. I don't really blame them. They thought i was weak. They doesn't even know what I am.

"She's dead meat."

"I bet she won't last long."

"Karma's a bitch."

"She's going to die."

"He's going to punish her bad."

Huang Cael is a powerfull vampire. He is at the Ancient rank. But too bad, I am too at the Ancient rank. Yet, I'm not gonna tell them that. As if. They doesn't need to know that.

"Did you hear that?" Bao asked excitedly.

"Yes, I'm not deaf." I growled at his silly question.

Then the door opened and here cones the devil when you need him.

Huang Cael walked in and Headmaster Kang greets him.


"Good Morning, My Lord." The Headmaster greets me. I just nodded and look at the girl. My fixed opponent.

She meets my eyes and glared at me. Her eyes flashing to demonic reddish orrange before returning back to their natural color.

Interesting, she didn't flinched from my stare.

"So, go to the center." The Headmaster said.

The woman went to the center, directly in front of me and flash her fangs at me.

Her fangs looks so.... enticing and sexy. I suddenly felt my neck itchy and a sudden desire to show it to her.

My inner vampire unexpectedly growled at the thought.

She must have smelled something that she gasped and her eyes completely turned into demonic reddish orrange, also her fangs became larger and longer than a normal fangs Supernaturals should have. Her claws are out too.

She immediately covered her nose and run away.

What the hell was that all about?

Do I smell bad or something?


At the Huang's Mansion

"Three." I called out.

"Yes Master?" He appeared and bowed.

"Investigate today's matter." I commanded.

"Understood." He bowed and left.

I changes back to my original appearance and left the mansion.



"What happened, A Shen Li?" Bao is with me chilling at the bar.

"Nothing." I drank my bottle of wine.

"Doesn't look like nothing." He persuades.

"Forget it." I walked away.

"Where are you going?" He screamed.

"Home." I screamed back.

The moon is out tonight huhh. Thinking about what happened earlier.

I don't know why my instincts reacted to his advances. That guy's inner vampire is a pervert.

I snapped out of it when I smelled blood of a kid. I rushed to where I scented it.

I saw three grown man bullying a 10 year old kid.

The man in the middle held the kid in the neck while the other two laughs.

My instincts got the best of me. In no time the three grown man are already dead.