
Wicked Schemes

Being a Monster Fish human hybrid was the most traumatizing thing that I could have ever experienced but, I can't say same about my victims...

Noah_StrangeSs · Fantasy
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20 Chs

This is Reality

The wind howled around the beautiful trees. It was a full moon but something about today's weather was different.It was a bit warm even though it was Spring.

The bright rays of the natural light reflected on the river making it a beautiful sight to witness.Now near those Sheets of the water was a girl lying down helpless as she saw a series of blurry pictures of something unfamiliar, perhaps the one that saved her.But she could not focus on the scene.She darkness was taking her slowly.

Benjamin had tried all his best to save her before her lungs suddenly stopped running. All his actions so far contributed nothing to her conditions.

She had sunk into the water for almost 5 minutes. No human being could survive that.He had been trying who knows, many times For her health to get better but he couldn't.He was afraid her chest would crush right in front of him the moment he try to force her chest to give out the water .

"I will become human." He tried telling himself but the dark clouds that suddenly covered the moon made his heart tingled. Wild animals could barge in any instant.They were in the deepest part of the woods already making it wrong to even call it : woods' * Forest was the perfect word to refer to the scenery.He was sitting next to her monitoring her heart beats.

"'Hello Benjamin, we meet again." A familiar voice sounded in his ears ."

" Hello anybody there" Feeling hopeless, He strode through the area but didn't see anyone.

" Hello,who is this."

' Do you miss me?' The voice sounded again.

Benjamin replied with a scorn

" You! Where have you been in all these chapters of my life."

' Here with you all this while and also Why is your voice filled with overwhelming anger? I am the one that's supposed to be angry not you'

Benjamin:" You left me when I needed you the most."

' Come on Benny,You didn't want me, in the first place. What changed…'

Benjamin: " Don't ask me questions" He tried to sound normal but failed ". I am glad you are here…please.. help me save her"


' Oh I can see why I was awoken..'

Benjamin:" And not what you are thinking.."

' Yeah right….'

Benjamin" … so what's next.?"

' You are asking me? I can only help you in critical conditions'

Benjamin:" What are you talking about? This is a critical condition. She is dying."

' Oh, I'm sorry, I was talking about real life and death matters.'

Benjamin" You are not making any sense, I thought you were going to help me out. You know what? Just leave me alone."

Clara's fingers made slight movements then she gave a loud breath.

Hearing this he rushed to where she was lying. He could sense her heart beating a bit faster.

" I can't let her die…..I will try. " With that he started pushing her chest slightly.


Cough, Cough, Cough.

Water came rushing out her nose and mouth.

Immediately after much water was out.He sensed her heart beating normally.

" Clara,Clara,. Are you feeling alright…. Take your time and breathe properly." He pulled her as she leaned on his legs.

A shrieking sound escaped the pale looking girl." Ahhhhhh,. Get away from me, you monster…"

Benjamin was so concerned about her well-being , totally forgetting about his outward appearance.

" Cla...."He stopped.He was going to tell her everything..

He instantly jumped off straight into the river swimming aimlessly.

He felt his heart ache when he recalled the menacing look on her face when she screamed at him.It was a gaze mixed with all kinds of emotions;…fear…anger…hatred and then something else entirely.He had always feared for this day to come but he never anticipated it will happen right now.He thought it might happen on maybe the 50th chapter of his life story not now….

His heart racing like the beating of drums. He swimmed towards the bottom of the water.

His soft heart felt like it had been stabbed with thousands of spikes.He stood tall in the bottom of the river for what seemed like hours.. But it has been only Five minutes.

His lungs yelled for air. He was a bit unsure of what he was feeling." Why can't I breathe properly." He finally opened his soaked eyes.

" Oh." His flexible fingers touched his naked body….." I am human" He thought surprised.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't even feel the pain of the transformation.

" Oh, shit. I need to get out of here."


He hid his tight- ass -sucker bones behind the willow tree.