
Wicked Schemes, second Edition.

Prepare for an adventure like no other! Born again with memories of his past, Benjamin Reed is on a quest for revenge, justice, and self-discovery. After striking a deal with the enigmatic Vanessa, he uncovers the dark secrets of the government's sinister involvement in his mother's untimely demise, and sets his sights on righting the wrongs of the world. As Benjamin trains and gains allies on his journey, he discovers a supernatural power known as The Wicked Schemes System, a gift that he must master to defend against wicked-minded people. His battles against the Qilin and other powerful supernatural creatures, such as Dragons and kraken, will leave you on the edge of your seat! With each skirmish, Benjamin develops his skills and learns more about his place in a strange new world. In a final clash of epic proportions, the king of all supernatural creatures, the Qilin, will meet his match in Benjamin Reed. But this is only the beginning, as countless other supernatural beings wait in the shadows, ready to challenge him further. Join Benjamin Reed and his allies as they take on the world in a thrilling, action-packed ride that will leave you breathless!

Benjamin_Obeng_ · Fantasy
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31 Chs

21. The wicked schemes System

Chapter 21

Benjamin blinked a few times after those words were arranged in front of his eyes.

"Am I in Coma?" Benjamin spoke to himself.

Benjamin wasn't sure of this but the voice he heard was feminine unlike the Co-nian inhuman monstrous voice.

After a few minutes passed, slowly Benjamin's eyelids opened and his sight was restored.

Benjamin looked around the entire Basement and unfortunately none of his blood was left on the ground. Also at that moment Benjamin forgot all about Co-nian.

Then his mind took him back to the pain he had once felt. The torture and the never ending pain.

Benjamin tapped the side of his head once again checking if there might be blood or something but as soon as he tapped his head, everything became dark once again then a status screen appeared right in front of his eyes.

[ *User: Benjamin Reeds>

[ *Race: Hybrid* ]

[ *Level 0* ]

[ *0/100 Exp*]

[ *HP 9/10* ]

[ *Strength 10* ]

[ *Agility 10*]

[ *Stamina 10* ]

Benjamin noticed all those red looking characters right in front of his eyes. Whenever he turned around the status screen won't disappear. Then he touched his head again then it vanished and he was able to see again.

[Warning the earth is not suitable for you anymore. Finding a new world]

Benjamin heard these words correctly and unlike last time he heard it sounding in his ears.

He started thinking, maybe it worked. Finally he is not going to turn into a demon creature anymore. Benjamin quickly parked everything back to where it belonged. After this strange thing has happened to him, he thought of Clara, maybe it's now the right time to explain everything to her.

Benoni barged in like crazy, "Where is the box? I heard you screaming, did something happened to you."

" No!" He answered. Usually he wasn't the type that kept secrets but this was strange as if there was something compelling him not to say anything about it. " I just bumped my head on the floor." He told him.

Benoni didn't buy that easily. He came and checked on the box a few times after finding out almost nothing had happened and he became more relieved.

"Okay, I thought you did something stupid." He scratched his head again. " So since you are not in danger, can you help me start the teleportation device this time?"


Clara recalled seeing Benjamin running on the balcony but couldn't pinpoint the exact location he went. She wanted to find Benjamin and tell him about the new place they were going to be sleeping. Since she had lied to the mistress, Miss Helena also granted them the same room saying it's best if they shared the same bathroom. The floor was cold and the weather was changing, the sun had been covered by the giant dark cloud followed by wind. It was about to rain.

If she had anything to do she had to do it fast. And looking at the sky it seems like it would rain till midnight and if she doesn't find Benjamin then it will mean they had to be in the same room together while it rained.

Not that she had any bad thoughts but this was clear as crystal. Whenever a male and female get alone in a room and it rains something naughty always happens and thinking about this made Clara sick in the stomach.

Thinking about Benjamin Reeds alone with her, at the very cool night, sleeping on the same bed. Their bodies touching each other…..

"Hey, new girl! where are you heading to?" A boy asked.

Clara turned around and quickly saw the blonde headed guy. "Oh, is you. Rick!" She blushed stupidly.

"I was just wondering whether you are free or not so that we could hang out together." He said with confidence.

"Oh" She took a step back. "I am sorry but I am actually looking for my brother. Benjamin."

"You mean your boyfriend? Well I found out. You lied didn't you?" Fredrick said, nearing her.

" Can we talk about this later, now I really have pressing matters I need to discuss with Benjamin before we sleep together tonight." The later part slipped her mind.

Fredrick felt pain and jealous the moment she said she was going to sleep with Benjamin. " If you want to find him, check the basement." He said then left.

Knowing this, she made her way to the basement. She stood beside the door and pushed it gently then the door swung open. "Benjamin!"

Benjamin and Benoni were carrying something she couldn't describe, she waited until they had placed it down before she entered.

Benjamin was a little preoccupied with the whole scarab-thing stuck inside his mind. He wasn't even focusing on the device he was holding.

"Now hold on tight, I am about to press the power source."

Benjamin heard Benoni say something like that, but quickly forgot it. The thing in his head was the most needed thing at the time, once he was alone he would check everything the Scarab could do.

As he was thinking about the Scarab a surprise message popped out.


[YES or NO]

At the same time he heard Clara's sweet voice uttered his name, Benjamin turned around to see her in a stunning white gown that made his jaw drop. The dress had a sleek, modern design with no sleeves, and it hugged her curves perfectly.

Benjamin almost forgot everything that was happening around him as Benoni pressed on the power switch. It was as if time stood still, and all he could see was Clara in that breathtaking attire.

"Is it nice?" Clara asked, coming near exactly where he was standing, close to the device.

" Y E S "

* Gateway confirmed. Activating Teleportation device *

The floor of the basement suddenly lit up as the teleportation device activated, and all three of them were transfixed on the ground that started to glow. Within seconds, the floor became brighter and an indigo portal was formed, quickly pulling everything inside it. It felt like a dark hole that was circularly sucking everything towards it. Benjamin tried to hold on to a table, while Clara gripped onto a heavy drawer. But the force was too strong, and Benjamin's fingers started to slip as the pull became stronger. The table started to move, and so did Benjamin until he was eventually sucked into the portal.

As Benjamin was being sucked into the portal, Clara screamed while holding tightly onto a drawer as the force pulled her closer and closer until she was finally pulled into the vortex. Suddenly, the force around the room started to decrease, and Benoni was the only one left in the basement. The portal was beginning to close slowly, but Benoni was determined not to be left behind.

"I created this, I need to teleport too," muttered Benoni, with a tone of panic. Without any hesitation, he jumped straight into the swiftly-closing portal before it could completely shut.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, Benjamin had almost already forgotten about the question the system had asked him.

* I am taking you to a world where the ones in power take what they want, it takes only the Wicked to survive. *

[Main quest: Become the king of all
