
Wicked Schemes, second Edition.

Prepare for an adventure like no other! Born again with memories of his past, Benjamin Reed is on a quest for revenge, justice, and self-discovery. After striking a deal with the enigmatic Vanessa, he uncovers the dark secrets of the government's sinister involvement in his mother's untimely demise, and sets his sights on righting the wrongs of the world. As Benjamin trains and gains allies on his journey, he discovers a supernatural power known as The Wicked Schemes System, a gift that he must master to defend against wicked-minded people. His battles against the Qilin and other powerful supernatural creatures, such as Dragons and kraken, will leave you on the edge of your seat! With each skirmish, Benjamin develops his skills and learns more about his place in a strange new world. In a final clash of epic proportions, the king of all supernatural creatures, the Qilin, will meet his match in Benjamin Reed. But this is only the beginning, as countless other supernatural beings wait in the shadows, ready to challenge him further. Join Benjamin Reed and his allies as they take on the world in a thrilling, action-packed ride that will leave you breathless!

Benjamin_Obeng_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

10. Beast vs Monster

Benjamin's bleeding was intense, the current pain at his chest and his broken leg forced him to give in to the awakening beast that was urging to come out.

Clara and Ricky had been taken and there was nothing he could do about it. Guilt was eating him up, knowing he had become helpless to even save his new friends, maybe perhaps there was something left he hadn't done?

Benjamin struggled with himself preventing his demon from coming out but to no avail, he died.

So we all thought, his eyes flicked open, the pain in his legs was long gone, his blood started boiling from within, his heart accelerated twice its rate then his limbs stretched alongside his muscles. Benjamin tore through his clothes.

He has become Beast!!!

There was this anger that was burning from within as if he had been raged to do something wicked.

Using his thermal vision, Benjamin was able to see the jeep that was moving in the distance but his vision soon failed as the car took a sudden turn.

Then as he looked at the road on which the jeep took, suddenly there was this voice in his mind that was forcing him to save them. The urge was powerful to resist, using his two limbs he dashed through the night chasing after car.

Benjamin didn't know how fast he was moving but he could feel a sudden weakness that was building up in him as he followed the fast moving car until eventually his movement slowed down. He tried to carry himself forward but every attempt failed him.

He soon stopped. "I am too hungry. '' As if luck was by his side, the sight of a wounded deer reflected on his deep green eyes. The deer was lying on the seemingly deserted road and Benjamin didn't waste time before he found himself finishing it up.

With this new strength he moved but instead of running he had learned that moving on his feet only made him drained so he threw himself in the trees and swung by the branches like how monkeys do using his claws to punch hole in the trees until he reached the current situation whereby no more trees were on the road. And the distance grew wider in front of him.

Time passed.

Then the car parked behind an isolated building which seemed like some kind of white apartment but had a scientific feeling to it. Benjamin stared closely while four men emerged from the building wearing black armory holding guns before they took Clara and Ricky inside that building.

As he watched again beneath the trees was a man with a very shiny bald head standing beneath the tree. A sudden urge pushed him as he let go of his grip and threw himself at the man, slicing his neck into two equal halves and quickly sucking out all the blood that spewed out of the headless body.

Afterward Benjamin heard footsteps coming towards him, and his heart raced faster as his instincts took control over his will. It was like he was no longer in control.

Four armed men were coming. However, he was determined to do all sorts of things to their flesh after he saw the guns in their hands. He charged up then jumped straight into the soldiers. The soldiers opened fire, but unfortunately Benjamin's hard scales made the bullets bounce off its chest.

Benjamin pierced one of the soldier's hearts with his sharp nails, sending him flying backward with a one-inch hole in his back. The other soldiers kept firing, their guns were helpless and at the moment all they thought about was going home to see their daughters but rather unfortunate Benjamin Reeds killed most of them.

The raged beast had eliminated three of his opponents and the rest was heading towards that strange entrance.

"You want to run?" With a grin on his face, he moved exactly closer to the facility, he realized he had gotten more attention than he had imagined. It was a mistake for revealing himself after all. But he wasn't going to stay there thinking about his mistakes.

He raised his hand about to barge into the door then out of nowhere an electric volt shoved his back. Benjamin dropped on the ground before the pain went silent.

"I hate monsters." A guy said coming from behind him.

Benjamin raised his head at the sight of a man in a black metallic suit. With two sets of unique weapons in his hands.

He had thought humans were fragile but for the one in front of him, he wasn't sure.

The beast got up once again.

[A Worthy opponent detected, warning he is capable of inheriting your system.] Criss Fenty had received another warning telling him that strange creature was worthy... worthy of what..? He wondered.

Benjamin stood for a while before he launched himself at Criss Fenty's direction.

His claws came aiming directly at his chest but Fenty just stepped aside making his sharp nails strike nothing.

Benjamin now became confused about the guy he was fighting. The guy poses like a human but his speed was on another level. Benjamin then swung his hands in his direction aiming directly at his face and just like before, he had moved sideways making it swipe in front of him.

Benjamin was about to strike another time but this time a hard metallic gauntlet collided against his chest. His scales waved like water as it restructured itself.

Criss Fenty action was faster. And Benjamin almost suffered the punch in full pain if it weren't for his hard skin, he would have suffered some serious damages.

Another fierce attack landed on Benjamin's chest. The punch came way too fast for him to dodge and the gauntlets that he used were akin to real steel.

The fist was intense but it wasn't enough to tear through his hard scales. Criss Fenty felt his knuckles shattered after that punch but that pain soon disappeared within seconds.

Benjamin then swung his fist at him and just as Criss was about to dodge, he paused and kicked him in the gut instead.


Two hard surfaces collided.

The impact pushed Fenty to fly backwards until he hit his head on the ground.

Benjamin watched as the soldiers rushed and circled him. Yet none made an attack. The soldiers were just stupefied at how a sudden green monster was able to knock down their top Agent.

All the men were watching The beast, reluctant whether to launch their weapons or just run. Benjamin saw the fear in their eyes and made sure to unsettle them. He moved in their direction fast with his speed punching, sending them backwards one by one until most of them fell to the ground injured while the rest just flew away.

Now that most of his opponents were down Benjamin realized that he had wasted most of his strength battling those weaklings. He reached the entrance and with his claws aiming right in front of him he was about to crash against the door but before he entered a very hot substance radiated from his back. He turned around only to see Fenty all healthy without even a scratch on his body holding a laser gun. "This is impossible why I am feeling pain" Benjamin wondered.

Fenty started directing the lasers as it burned through the creature's hard scales. [Keep on with the lasers until your enemy falls to the ground] Fenty heard that from his suit.

Benjamin roared in pain but he wasn't just going to give in to the pain yet. He acted by moving forward even though he was burning. Soon after he got closer Criss Fenty eyes widened in surprise at the injured beast's stamina.

Benjamin swung his burning claws directly across Febty's throat area as it darted open, for that was the only place he didn't have the iron covered.

[System Failing… New host detected] Criss Fenty eyes burned with fury as his healing process slowed down. His throat has been sliced and the blood couldn't stop leaking while his body slowly dropped to the ground. Benjamin then continued to tear through his body until most metals were removed making Benjamin see the through face of the enemy.

" You?" Benjamin was taken aback by the face. It was the same guy that had shot him in his knees causing him that pain. This time he remembered.

Knowing this, Benjamin started removing Fenty's limbs slowly using his claws until the guy soon passed out.

Benjamin got up in haste. He had wasted yet another time fighting. He approached the door and sent his fist through it but every punch didn't do enough damage. Angry, he came backwards and plundered a massive hole between the entrance.

["That is the reason why I clone myself every time I go on a mission"]

Benjamin turned around, the guy he had defeated was still on the ground so who was speaking?

He entered the hall with his whole body full of burns then stopped at the sight of Chriss Fenty standing in a completely

different costumes.

His entire body was covered with pure metal akin to that of a robot.

[Clone disabled]

Benjamin then turned around to see the other body fading away from the ground and it soon vanished.

Surprised, but he didn't show it. He wasn't going to give his opponent that satisfaction. He moved forward, his claws scratching the walls as he moved. "Don't come any closer" He heard Fenty speaking.

He didn't stop. He continued until he got sight of both Clara and Ricky tied up inside what seemed like test tubes. As he closed by he saw Fenty pointing a rocket launcher at him. " Step back! Monster, else I will show you what this could do to your hard skin!"

Benjamin did nothing but followed his orders by stepping outside the room.

"Agents deal with him!" He heard Fenty roared after that a metallic object appeared from the ground and covered the entrance.

Soon after Benjamin got out five men wearing white suits with helmets surrendered him.

They fired! Benjamin moved backwards as the weird looking guns whacked him with golden bullets. He felt his energy fading away. The bullet was able to create a round hole in his skin this time.

Benjamin realized that he could not escape just by relying on his strength, so he pretended to be dead to buy himself some time. One of the soldiers poked him with his gun to verify that he was actually dead, but Benjamin attacked him directly, beheading him with his scales.

He dashed directly through the other remaining soldiers but suffered several bullets before he was able to cover a distance in just 15 minutes. However, with every step he took, he grew weaker until he fell to the ground and lost his beast form.