

the protagonist's exploration of a new app leads him into a world of love and a whirlwind of captivating twists and turns. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of unexpected surprises that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

L_D_X · Realistic
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48 Chs

Tipsy Tales

I stopped in my tracks just a few steps away from the exit, turning back to see Precious walking lightly over. It dawned on me that I didn't even know she had come with her personal ride. We had shared an enjoyable evening at the bar, but we hadn't delved into personal details or discussed the logistics of our departure.

"You," she called out, her voice carrying an accusatory tone as she pointed an accusing finger in my direction. "So you were going to leave without us exchanging contacts?"

I couldn't help but let out a guilty-as-charged smirk. The truth was that I had intentionally wrapped up our conversation without asking for Precious's contact. I didn't want to be the one to initiate it, believing that if she truly wanted to spend more time together, she should be the one to take the first step. It was also a way to avoid having another contact buried in my phone that I would rarely use, a bad habit of mine.

"Oh" I feigned a forgetful look, raising my hand to massage my forehead, "I'm sorry about that, I actually forgot."

Precious was having none of it. Her tone was assertive as she rebuked me. "Oh, you didn't forget. Don't lie. You left without asking for my number on purpose!"

I had no choice but to confess, "Okay, okay, you got me there. Yes, I have to admit, I did leave without asking for your number on purpose" I admitted with a rueful smile. "I genuinely didn't mind, and I thought you might want to keep your information safe, away from another guy's contact list. But now that you've put it like that, I feel a little guilty."

"You see!" she exclaimed, triumphantly pointing a finger at me.

"But hey," I interjected with a grin, "you didn't ask for mine either."

"That's because it's supposed to be you to ask me for my contact, silly," she countered.

Raising an eyebrow, I teased, "Really? Now, don't tell me you're secretly a sexist."

She looked at me incredulously and retorted, "Oh, please. Don't twist my words. Give me your phone."

I took my phone out, ready to exchange contact information with her, when she slammed her purse and phone onto my chest. I couldn't help but let out a playful "Ouch!" in response.

She rolled her eyes and instructed, "Hold this. I need to use the restroom really quickly before we leave. My phone's unlocked, so add your contact instead."

As she made her way to the restroom, I took a stroll back to the bar table, adding my contact information to her phone and giving mine a quick call to ensure i had her number also.

When she returned after a quick restroom break, I noticed something different about precious. Her movements seemed a little uncoordinated, as if it was becoming evident that she might be a little tipsy.

"Hey, Precious, you doing all right?" I inquired with a concerned tone as I stood from my seat to meet her halfway.

"Oh, Daniel, don't you worry," she slurred, waving her hand dismissively.

It was increasingly clear that she had probably had a bit more to drink than she could handle. She was swaying slightly but not too obviously.

As we continued on our journey toward the exit, Precious's drunkenness became more apparent. She had shared funny anecdotes and jokes that got us both laughing, but her stories now were becoming more and more nonsensical.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I tried to teach my cat to dance the cha-cha?" Precious giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her animated storytelling. "No, you haven't, but I'm all ears now. How did that go?"

Precious launched into her story, recounting the most absurd and hilarious tales that had us both in stitches. However, as she spoke, her words slurred more, and her laughter grew louder and more boisterous.

I decided to check on her to ensure she was okay to get home. I remembered she had downed another glass of martini in one swift motion, and it was evident that she was getting intoxicated.

"Hey, Precious," I began cautiously, "I think it might be a good idea to slow down a bit and breathe. You're starting to look a bit too cheerful, if you catch my drift."

She grinned mischievously, her words a bit sloppy. "Oh, don't worry about me, Daniel. I'm just enjoying what's left of the night."

Amidst the swirling atmosphere of the bar, I found myself straddling a line between amusement and concern, my own state of being not too different from Precious's. Her tipsiness was evident, her anecdotes filled with playful exaggeration, and her laughter echoing through the establishment. I couldn't help but join in her silliness, my inhibitions slightly lowered thanks to the indulgence in martinis. We were almost both on the same wavelength, two souls letting loose in a world of laughter and spontaneity.

Once we finally stepped out of the bar, a sense of unease crept over me. I couldn't shake the feeling that my presence had influenced Precious to indulge in more drinks than she had initially intended.

The night air was surprisingly chilly, a stark contrast to the usual benin city heat, and it seemed to intensify the impact of the alcohol. I couldn't help but notice her shivering, her vulnerability now on display in the cold night. Plus her dress wasn't really an outfit to keep her warm.

Gently, I reached out and unzipped my hoodie, offering it to her without a second thought. The fabric was warm from my body heat, and I hoped it would provide her some comfort and relief from the sudden cold. I was left with a white T shirt, as I draped the hoodie over her shoulders, a tinge of guilt washed over me. I hadn't intended to leave so abruptly, but circumstances had pushed me towards a swift exit.

Precious wrapped herself in the offered hoodie, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and something else I couldn't quite pinpoint.

Concerned for her well-being, I probed a bit further. "Do you have a ride home, precious?"

She paused for a moment, her brow furrowing as she tried to remember. "I have my car somewhere nearby. But I'm not driving anymore, that's for sure."

I felt a sense of relief knowing she wasn't planning to drive in her intoxicated state. But it was evident that she was well on her way to being thoroughly drunk.

We continued chatting and sharing stories as we made our way to the spot she parked her car quite a distance away from the bar, her antics became even more exaggerated. She started mimicking various dance moves with great enthusiasm, and her laughter filled the air, drawing curious glances from other patrons.

I was aware of my role shifting from just a fellow patron to someone who needed to look after Precious. She was in high spirits, which was wonderful, but the concern for her safety lingered in my mind. As we swayed to the rhythm of her hilarity, I kept a watchful eye, ensuring she didn't veer into recklessness.

In that very moment, I found myself making a pivotal decision. I canceled my plans of returning home, appreciative of the fact that I hadn't made that call earlier. The spontaneous visit to my family was now on hold. The night had taken a sudden and unexpected turn, steering me into an adventure of a different kind.

Our connection had evolved from mere acquaintances to companions sharing a unique and memorable night. The outside world faded into the background as we laughed, talked, the night away.

Amused but also slightly concerned, I couldn't help but join in her silliness, I still felt a little tipsy, but I was conscious, knowing she needed someone to keep an eye on her and ensure she didn't do anything reckless. My night had taken another unexpected turn, but it was an adventure in its own right.

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