

the protagonist's exploration of a new app leads him into a world of love and a whirlwind of captivating twists and turns. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of unexpected surprises that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

L_D_X · Realistic
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48 Chs


As the workday slowly waned, I found myself yearning for a return to our ongoing conversation.

Yet, it appeared she had bid adieu to the night. It was 11 PM in Thailand, an hour that signified closure in her time zone while mirroring the onset of my own 5 PM dusk.

Navigating the labyrinthine streets, the mundane traffic transmuted into a symphony of emotions.

Our conversation danced within my thoughts, creating a longing for our next exchange.

In that fleeting moment, the impulse to check in on Precious surfaced, only to be restrained by my hesitation.

I sought to avoid appearing overly attached, reluctant to overstep boundaries.

Despite sensing her probable openness to communication, I strived for a balanced interaction.

I believed that measured conversations could carve out breathing space, safeguarding us from the weariness that prolonged conversations might bring.

Such deliberate moderation could ensure our interactions remained vibrant, maintaining their essence of depth and joy when we connected again.

As I finally arrived home, a sense of relief washed over me, and I sought solace in the comforting routine of my evening rituals. Following a nourishing dinner, I nestled into the cozy corners of my apartment, preparing to resume my writing endeavors.

With my laptop open, I aimed to continue the make up chapters for the lag from last night's writing session at the office.

With each keystroke, I delved back into the world of my book, picking up where I had left off.

However, the fatigue of the day began to weigh heavily upon me.

The continuous typing and concentration soon took its toll, and without even realizing it, weariness crept in.

Despite my determination to progress with my writing, the weariness enveloped me entirely.

I sank deeper into the softness of the couch, my eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment.

In the midst of the clicking keys and the dim glow of the laptop, sleep stealthily stole over me.

Before I knew it, I had dozed off, surrendering to the peaceful embrace of slumber in the midst of my writing aspirations.

I rose from bed at a quarter past 5 AM, greeted by a sense of rejuvenation that propelled me straight into working on completing the chapter I had started the previous night.

Even as I noticed a message notification from Siri on my screen, I made a conscious decision not to succumb to distraction.

With determined focus, I directed my attention solely to the task at hand.

With each keystroke, I diligently worked on bridging the gap in chapters for my novel.

As I reached the final keystrokes, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. The updates were done, and my novel was once again on track.

Amidst this achievement, my phone rang, startling me.

Glancing at the time—6:39 AM—I noticed Precious' name flashing on the screen as the phone continued to ring.

Oh awwn, do you miss me too already? I mused, a lingering sense of excitement from our previous interaction still resonating within me.

Despite this, I wasn't someone who habitually reached out to check up on others; it was one of my less admirable traits.

The enthusiasm and thrill from our escapade still lingered, stubbornly refusing to fade away entirely.

However, my inclination to avoid intruding on others' space often restrained me from initiating contact, including in situations where my eagerness might have urged me to do otherwise.

"Hey Presh, good morning. Hope you slept well?" I greeted warmly as I answered the phone.

"Morning, Danny. My night was great, thanks. Are you getting ready for work already?" she inquired.

"Yeah, you could say that. Just finished working on a chapter a while ago," I responded.

"Well, that's what living a 9-5 lifestyle would cause," she chuckled.

"And now I still got two more months to go. And it's looking like the agency's planning on retaining me as staff," I shared, unsure of how to feel about the possibility.

"Ohh... So, yay? That's a good thing, right?" she asked, a hint of skepticism in her voice.

"Well, I really don't know... yet. I'm really indecisive when it comes to things like that. So, till then, I guess," I replied, pondering the uncertainty of the situation.

"Enough about me, how did the deliveries go yesterday?" I shifted the conversation, curious about her day.

"It went so well! The deliveries were for an event taking place today. I delivered the orders to the customers in the morning, and some of their friends loved my brand's design and placed orders, which I also delivered before the end of the day. I made a lot of sales," Precious explained, her voice filled with excitement.

"That's great! Though it sounds like you had a really busy day yesterday. You must be pretty exhausted. Well, the life of an entrepreneur. Well, I'm guessing you're free today? If not, you really should take the day off," I advised, concerned about her well-being.

"Yeah, I took the day off. The staff members would run the boutique, and I don't have any pressing orders I need to personally handle," she confirmed.

After a brief silence, she quickly added, "So, would you be free for dinner tonight?"

I paused for a brief second to process what I heard in case I misheard. Did she just… is She asking me out on a date?

"That's lovely. I wouldn't turn that down. So where do you have in mind?" I asked after breaking out of my reverie.

"How about my place?" Precious suggested, prompting an unexpected thrill to tingle through me.

"Ok then. But under the conditions, you come pick me up from work this evening, and I'll be spending the night over at your place," I replied, feeling a tinge of excitement intertwined with a dash of nerves.

Her response, a giggling cascade of joy, resonated through the phone. I could almost picture her face, perhaps flushed with a hint of embarrassment.

"Deal then. See you at 5," she chimed, sealing our arrangement.

As the evening agreement was struck with Precious, a sense of anticipation rippled through me.

My morning routine took shape, different from the norm as I opted not to drive to work.

With the assurance of Precious picking me up later, I ordered a ride, embarking on my journey to the office.

The ride was a welcome departure from my usual solo drives. Engaging in casual chitchat with the driver, I found myself immersed in easy conversation, exchanging anecdotes about daily life.