
Fall and Rise - III

"His performance was quite good in the tournament," Sylvie said,

"What do you think about it, Emmy?" She asked.

"I think the Young Master's future is brilliant," Emmy replied.

"And what about the report I asked you to make?" Sylvie said as she activated a runic barrier around her room.

"I have seen changes in Young Master's behavior, he doesn't look similar to the one I remember just as reported by Damian Seymour," Emmy reported.

"I see, I thought it was a lie, but he is getting better," Sylvie smiled.

"When I saw the message from Damian, I thought he was just covering Asher as his friend," Sylvie said.

Emmy noticed the smile on Sylvie's face as she opened her mouth again.

"About Alyssa Astaria, she wasn't present at the tournament, so I don't have any information regarding her," Emmy said.

"It was reported that her body collapsed, and she couldn't fight at all,"

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