

He was perplexed, as he hadn't used much mana to feel this weakened. Being an A-Rank Hunter, such sluggishness was inexplicable to him.

He wasn't alone in this; everyone around them felt similar effects, though the severity varied with their strength.

In a moment of confusion, the Masked Leader halted, causing everyone, including Richard, to freeze, their eyes widening at the scene unfolding before them.

Looking down, the Masked Leader saw a black sword emerging from his heart, adorned with strange golden runes.

"Ugh?" The Masked Leader was confused.

Before he could identify his assailant, his strength faded, and he died.

Everyone was confused at the sight of the falling figure as the attacker withdrew the sword from the Masked Leader's chest.

Among all, it was Richard who reacted first, charging towards the masked man who had attacked their leader.

Realizing something had gone terribly wrong, he knew he had to act quickly.

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