
Why should I marry someone?

Juwan is a girl at her twenties who has no belief in love nor men. She is someone who wants to be extra independent as well as self - reliable. She believes that married life is a burden that prohibits freedom and enthusiasm even though she enjoys romance fiction, series and films etc. Also she is not interested to live with the same person throughout her life as she thinks it as boring because after a certain period every romantic relationship loses its excitement. Om is a young man from a large Cinema family. His father is a renowned actor in the Indian film industry. He is also a rising star due to high backup from his family. He is simple and shy and wishes to lead a humble life. He once had the essence of true love and lost it. So he is under a very deep impression of depression. He can no more love anyone because he is still struggling with the memories of his ex. These two somehow gets married for some other reason without liking for each other . And there starts the real turnover in both of their lives. At the beginning both tends to cooperate as roommates even though they hate each other. But later on they understands each other's views and the story goes on..........

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10 Chs

Journey of fate

Life itself is a great journey for each human. When the journey inside the journey of life brings in new incidents that ultimately leads to unexpected things, life becomes confused but exciting.

Three years passed easily like a well mixed masala. Juwan is currently working at the Mar Gregorius English Medium School, Chennai, as a teacher. She is a graduate in Economics. She could take classes for students upto grade five. She likes children so she opted this profession. She has rented an apartment in the outskirts of the city. She hates noise and rush. Also it can less up the rent. Her apartment consist of a hall, a bedroom, kitchen and washroom. A small balcony is also there that can accommodate a chair and a person at the maximum. Even though her parents house issue very big with many rooms and large space, she left there to be independent and to enjoy the freedom that is in her hands.

She sometimes feels loneliness, so she will left for hometown and stays there till she gets bored with its surroundings and returns to her nest.

She has few friends and mostly moves alone. She loves to watch films and watches them often at the theater but by herself. But her favorite thing is to travel without any planning.

But as she has to work on a daily basis, she is unable to enjoy that.

It's 4:00 in the morning. The alarm named as 'bingo' set in her phone started to wake her up with the sound "tring, trang, rang...". She slowly moved her palms and sensed the phone without looking and pressed the power button. The sound stopped. She lied there for another twenty minutes while snoozing the alarm after each five minutes consecutively. She then woke up and went straight to the kitchen with the head not at all upright. Then she lit the stove and placed the sauce pan containing water on it. Then she returned to her room and occupied the bathroom. Then after urinating , she washed her face by taking a mouthful of water. It is good for the eyes to fill the mouth with water when washing the face.

She hasn't brushed the teeth but instead went back to the kitchen and added two teaspoons of tea leaves in to the pan and waited till the water adopts a dark red color. Deep red color tea is taken in a large steel mug and mixed well with milk powder and sugar. Then, she poured it into her orange colored ceramic coffee mug. Having it held in her right arm, she went to open the main door to fetch the newspaper. With the newspaper and tea in the hands she went directly to the balcony and occupied the chair comfortably. She red the news interestingly while sipping the warm tea relaxingly.