
chapter 1

"some ways, doesn't make

sense until

you reach the destination".

It is England spring morning,

Alarm rang its bell,its around 7'o clock

in the morning.Richard getting ready for his

office.on the way of office,he stood near

the door and asked Aisha,"Is lunch box

ready?"she came with a lunch box from the

kitchen.taking the lunch box from her

hands, richard asked "should I come early

in the evening?".she stood with no

expression.he went away silently and thinking

about Aisha,we have been married for 2

years now,but even now she won't share anything

with me!I was thinking that,'if she forced

by parents to marry me?'


Even now i didn't know about her,what

she like,where she want to travel,

what she want to do,...but

I loved her alot,when i saw her first

time,I felt she is something special to me.

I was trying to know about her,but nothing

works best.what happen to her,Is she

struggling for something she want?

what would be the reason behind her
