
Chapter 51.5: Chimeras and arcanists.

'What the f**k!' Marcus looked around trying to find whoever was responsible for impaling the chimera woman. If the rock stakes were the work of magic, then the thaumaturge must have been in the room.

At that moment, Marcus' empty eye sockets locked onto a figure across the room.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a simple blue and white robe, he was thin, no more than 1.7 meters (5.5 ft) tall, and in his left hand he carried a white wooden staff with a blue jewel embedded at the top.

"By the gods, but what a bunch of good-for-nothings! They seriously weren't able to take down a single intruder that I had to go out and take care of him? F**k, I haven't slept in days and now I have to take care of this?! Are you serious?!" shouted the robed man as he raised his staff.

*Weng Weng*

A small earth-colored magic circle formed at the top of the staff, causing the air around the man to shake and tremble.

"Sharp rock rain!"

*Crack Crack Crashed*

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