
Why, Not You?

WHY, NOT YOU? BY: SALIX.H Like any other ordinary person, Ashar's life was full of ups and downs. Being an ambitious guy, running after name and fame, he didn't realize when he lost the most beautiful moments and affinity of his life. At last, he had everything he wished for before; Name, fame, money, and wealth, but now he did not have an affinity with whom he wanted to share all these things. Despite everything, Ashar was now aggrieved with his life and wanted to end his life. Will Ashar's tale end just like that? Or will there be a ray of hope in his life? LET'S FIND OUT TOGETHER. THIS BOOK IS UNEDITED. THIS IS THE FIRST DRAFT. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED.

SalixH ¡ Teen
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CHAPTER - 3: Exquisitely Handsome


By: Salix.H

Luke hangs up Asher's call.


Asher was standing there waiting for him. Just then he noticed a zebra crossing at some distance, he rushed over there and stood near it so Luke could quickly find him.

Since they were already late. He doesn't want to waste any more time.


Asher stood under the shade of the tree. The sound of the chirping of birds was enlightening his heart. He felt at peace with this pleasant environment.

A light breeze was brushing over his flawless fair skin and hair. His black hair as dark as a twilight night fluttered like a meadow. He smiled with his pink prissy lips, closed his deep sea green eyes and sensated nature.

His face and body both were symmetrically perfect. He looked like a statue shaped by God himself with his own hands.

He was wearing a tightly fitted black shirt which made his half clavicle and muscles visible through it with two buttons open from above, paired with chinos and snicker.

His sleeves were rolled up and his greeny veins looked exquisite. He looks like a character straight from a romance novel.


He was engrossed in the bliss of the environment when he saw an old lady who was carrying some heavy things in her hands. She wanted to cross the zebra crossing. However, was not capable of doing it.

Asher walked towards the old lady and asked her. "Hello grandma, do you need any help"?

The old woman looked at Asher and spoke out, "Yes, son, I have to cross this road. However, I am not able to do it. I also have very heavy luggage with me. Could you help me"?

"Of course why not. Please come".

Asher was helping the old lady cross the road when a Mercedes Benz pulled up and stopped by the side of the road.

At that time Asher and that old lady were in the middle of the road. Asher steps forward and escorts her across the street. Just then a young man gets out of that car.

He had grey-coloured eyes like that of Clouds. If someone glimpsed into his eyes, it appeared as if they were glancing at the clouds.

His skin was fine and fair with red plumpy lips. His hair was Blonde and radiant as that of Sunlight.

He was wearing a white V-neck T-shirt with chinos and a pair of brogue boots. He had a bomber jacket in his hand. He looked exquisitely wealthy.

He looked at Asher and called him. "Asher"! Asher veered around and saw him.

"Oh! You are here, Luke".


It was Luke Lareau, the son of one of the wealthy businessmen. His father had a business of hotels, resorts and restaurants.

They were insanely prosperous. He was the only son of his family. He had a twin sister named Grace. Their mother had passed away long ago when both of them were merely 5 years old.

Their father was extremely in love with their mom when she passed away, he felt deteriorated. But somehow he managed himself. And devoted his life to his children as they were a symbol of their love.

For this reason, their father used to disburse all his wealth and grains on both of them so that they would not be short of anything.

But in the meantime, he could not give time to his children. Due to this, his children used to be extremely furious with him.

Because, more than fortune and property, they yearned for their father's love. They used to ponder that their father did not comprehend them. For this reason, there used to be brawls in Luke's home.

Time passed and they both came to high school where they met Asher. Since then they have all been friends.


"Wait for me I am coming over there, Luke", said Asher.

"Hurry up! We are already late", Luke proclaimed.

Asher rushes over to get in the car. "Finally, you are here, now let's go"! Luke said turning on the car.

"All our plans got wrecked. What did we suppose and what happened"? Luke muttered and sighed laboriously.

"And yes, how did our plan get ruined, because of you? You were beating around the bush rather than coming and getting me", Asher rhapsodizes.

"Here you go giving me all the blame", Luke fulminate.

"Let's finish this game of blaming each other", Asher asserted.

"Hmm, Let's see if we can reach on time or not", Luke sighed.

"Let's see"! Asher exclaimed.

"Don't you understand, If we don't go on time? And if our attendance is not taken, that cruel man will deduct our marks. We have to reach on time no matter what". He went on.

"I'm fed up with your nagging. Just stop now for God's sake", Luke said while squeezing his eyes.

"Now you will sit quietly and let me drive comfortably. Got it or not"?

"Alright"! Asher proclaimed and nodded his head.

Comparable to an F1 sports car, Luke drove his Mercedes like a breeze. They both reached the gate of the university within a few minutes.



"Call Mateo or Daphne and inquire if the professor arrived at class or not".


Luke drove his car to his department's building. Now in some seconds, they were in the front of the building.

"Neither of these two is picking up the phone". Asher asserted grouchily.

"By the way, these people call hundreds of times a day. Now when they are needed, neither they contact us nor are the ludicrous people picking up their phone. Ahhh! I'm getting infuriated".

"Anger always remains on your nose, now you should calm down, Luke".

"We must move on. We will see whatever happens. Let's go".

"Okey. But.....hurry up"!

"Not again"! Asher asserted.

I apologize for this delinquent update guys. I will repent on it and for this, I'm gonna release two chapters next time.

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