

James p.o.v

I was now sitting on the couch as Michael had started to come down the stairs... and just wow he was so cute.

Michael was cute in many ways like his messy blonde hair, ohh it was just going everywhere on his face and his eye that was usually covered was now showing.

the eye it was scared going vertical and it scared me... what happened to him to get that scar? and who in there right mind hurt someone child that bad it leaves a scar.

anyway he was still cut with those half lifted eyelids and the way his eye shined like they were emeralds, so beautiful.

and the way that he is now dressed in an over sized tshirt, probably his father's, it just brought out his cuteness a little more.

the last thing that was FUCKING adorable to was that slight smile on his face, the way it brought out everything on his face.

out of no where Michael comes and sits on my lap again out of I don't know I held him and then he starts to snuggle DEEPER INTO MY CHEST!!!

God he is to cute for this world to handle and I am not letting go this time he is cut and he is mine.

I really do wish this can stay like this forever. I here Michael's mom laugh, "hahaha, wow he really likes you" she laughs.

I raise an eyebrow at this and she walks over to me I think she might have been coming over to take Michael.

I really could not stop her from taking her own son