

I dont know what actually life needs from humans...if god gave this life,why there are sadness arround...why can't one can b calm in his life with all basic needs.why one need to struggle to live...if god made a creature,why didn't he gave everyone same life..why a poor always dies because of fate...one one second is such a worse can't able to imagine how this fucking life goes up..if he didn't baised about rich and poor..then how these discrimination happened...i don't know how the rich man will be,how he leads his life,he don't have any problems, because money matters alot..why life is sooo worst for a poor...why poor has no right to stay happy, why he can't be happy for a second...such a worst thing, thinking about why we need to live??why!!!!?

whoever is reading this,iam the one who had lots of problems in my life...I can't even say.. because emotional attachment is high.....I wish god had made fair play with me as welll.


this is the story of a man who was very poor from financial status..and had 6 daughters and a wife...even though he disappointed in his life he never told about his sadness to their daughters n wife..he worked so hard in sun to give 2 times of food.he never argued to god saying why his life becomes so upset..he used to wear torn clothes and he didn't get any festival to celebrate though he had many complications,can't afford one piece of shirt...it's very hard in this century to believe ...but it is true as it is my story...